D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2407

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Whenever by reason of the scheduled assembly of a large number of persons at any public or semi-public building, embassy, legation, stadium, or other place of assembly, it is determined that the free flow of traffic upon the street or streets leading to or from the building, embassy, legation, stadium or other place of assembly, is or will be impeded by reason of the parking of vehicles, parking shall be prohibited (or restricted) on the street(s) during the hours that the free flow of traffic is or will be impeded by parking.


Whenever construction work upon or adjacent to any highway causes the width of the roadway to be reduced, parking shall be prohibited upon the roadway adjacent to and for a reasonable distance on either side of the construction work. If it is determined that the reduced roadway width will impede the flow of traffic except where the highway is physically divided into separate roadways carrying traffic in opposite directions, parking shall also be prohibited on the side of the roadway opposite to and for a reasonable distance on either side of the construction work.


The Director may have signs erected adjacent to a funeral home indicating a prohibition of parking in front of one (1) entrance to each such establishment; Provided, that the space indicated by such signs shall not exceed the width of the place of business of the funeral director or sixty feet (60 ft.), whichever is shorter.


Upon the erection of signs prohibiting parking during a funeral, parking shall be prohibited as indicated on the signs, except that vehicles which are part of a funeral cortege may park within the space not more than one (1) hour before and during the funeral.


In addition to the areas set forth in § 2407.3, parking shall be prohibited on streets adjacent to houses or establishments from which funerals are to be conducted for a reasonable time before and during the service, within the area that it is found necessary to park vehicles which are part of the funeral cortege.


Parking shall be prohibited in places upon highways where trucks, moving vans or other vehicles are required to remain for commercial operations; Provided, that such parking prohibition shall be used only if it is determined that the parking of these vehicles abreast of other parked vehicles would reduce the roadway available for the flow of traffic on that side of the highway to twenty feet (20 ft.) or less; Provided further, that such prohibition of parking shall not continue for such purpose beyond eight (8) hours at any one time.


Parking shall be prohibited on streets for which parade permits have been issued by the Chief of Police, including streets necessary for assembling and disbanding of parades, for a reasonable time prior to, during, and for a reasonable time after such parades.


When, as a result of the closing of any street to traffic by reason of a parade or emergency conditions, the flow of traffic on adjacent streets is or will be increased, or it is found that the free flow of traffic upon the adjacent streets is or will be impeded due to the parking of vehicles, parking shall be prohibited during such hours that it is found that the free flow of traffic is or will be impeded.








Whenever a special events parking permit placard has been issued to allow parking in a specified restricted area or on a specified restricted street or portion thereof, the placard must be displayed on the left side of the dashboard of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.


Notwithstanding § 2407.1, the Director is authorized to grant applications to reserve no more than four (4) parking spaces for no more than sixteen (16) hours at or near the entrance of a building where a wedding or funeral is being held. For purposes of this section, a parking space is twenty-two (22) feet long.


Notwithstanding § 2407.2, the Director is authorized to grant applications to prohibit parking at or near construction sites and other places necessary to protect the health or safety of the public.


If the Director grants an application pursuant to § 2407.4, 2407.5, 2407.13 or 2407.14, the applicant may be issued the applicable parking prohibition or reservation signs upon payment of the fee established in § 2407.20. If the application is accepted and the fee paid, the Director shall issue a permit indicating the number of signs allowed and the time by which the signs must be removed. However, nothing in this section grants authority for permit holders to park in areas with posted parking restrictions that prohibit parking or to park in areas from 12 midnight to 5 a.m. The Director may, in his discretion, waive the restrictions associated with prohibited or reserved parking signs in this section.


Any permit holder who fails to remove a sign after the expiration time stated on the permit shall be subject to a civil fine for each additional day the sign is not removed equal to $ 25 per day, per sign, plus the Department's costs of removing the unlawful sign.


No person, other than a permit holder or the representative of a permit holder or contractor of an authorized agency of the District of Columbia may install or remove a sign on public space that prohibits or reserves parking. Any person violating this subsection shall be subject to a civil fine of $ 100 per day for each day that an unauthorized sign remains installed or removed during its authorized posting period plus the Department's costs of removing the unlawful sign or reissuing an authorized sign.


No person may vandalize or deface a sign in public space that prohibits or reserves parking. Any person violating this subsection shall be subject to a civil fine of $ 100 for the 1st violation, $ 200 for the 2nd violation, and $ 400 for the 3rd and subsequent violations.


The Department may remove any sign installed or remaining on public space in violation of §§ 2407.16 and 2407.17, which violation shall be enforced and adjudicated pursuant to the Litter Control Administration Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-100; D.C. Official Code § 8-801 et seq.)


The fee to reserve parking pursuant to § 2407.13 or to prohibit parking pursuant to § 2407.14 shall be equal to the number of hours in which parking is to be reserved or prohibited multiplied by the number of spaces reserved and further multiplied by the hourly metered rate set forth in § 2404 applicable to the spaces. If signs are to be displayed on a non-metered street, the rate for the signs shall be the same as that of the lowest meter rate assessed in the District as set forth in § 2404.


The fee to be paid pursuant to § 2407.20 shall be increased as follows:

(a) The fee to reserve parking spaces pursuant to § 2407.13 shall be increased by fifteen percent (15%) if the applicant requests to reserve parking for more than eight (8) and less than sixteen (16) hours; and
(b) The fee to prohibit parking pursuant to § 2407.14 shall be increased if the applicant requests to prohibit parking for more than eight (8) months as follows:

Additional months


9 to 14


15 to 20


Each additional 6 months

an additional 25%


The Director may, by rulemaking, increase the fees to cover the costs of producing and issuing the signs and of enforcing the provisions of this section in accordance with section 6 of the Parking Amendment Act of 2006, passed on 2nd reading on July 11, 2006 (Enrolled version of Bill 16-536).


Whenever a sign is erected indicating that parking is prohibited or reserved under this section, it shall be unlawful to park any unauthorized vehicle in violation of the parking restrictions stated on the sign.


A Sign prohibiting or reserving parking shall be erected at least 24 hours in advance in a non-residentially zoned area. If a sign is erected in a residentially zoned area, the sign prohibiting or reserving parking shall be erected at least 72 hours in advance. The Director for extraordinary circumstances shown may waive this required advance notice for good cause.


Signs prohibiting or reserving parking shall be consistent with the design approved by the Director and shall display the following:

(a) Sign number;
(b) Name of the issuing agency;
(c) Contact name and telephone number;
(d) Duration of the parking reservation or prohibition;
(e) Hours of the parking reservation or prohibition;
(f) Specific person or entity permitted to park in the location, if applicable; and
(g) Such other information as is required by the Director.

Whenever a special events parking permit sticker has been issued to allow parking in a specified restricted area or on a specified restricted street or portion of that street, to be valid the permit shall be affixed by its own adhesive to the lower left (driver's) side of the windshield so that it is clearly visible through the windshield of the vehicle. Expired permits shall not be left visible on a vehicle.


Whenever a special events parking permit placard has been issued to allow parking in a specified restricted area or on a specified restricted street or portion thereof, the placard must be displayed on the left side of the dashboard of the vehicle so that it is clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.


Parking shall be prohibited on streets for which Farmers' Market permits have been issued by the Director.


The District shall not charge a fee under this section to any non- government organization operating a Farmers' Market; provided, that the Farmers' Market participates in the Farmers Market Nutrition Program as defined in 42 USC § 1786(m)(1) ("FMNP"), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program as defined in 7 USC § 2012(t) ("SNAP").


The District shall charge a fee equal to the fee established in Subsection 2407.20 to a Farmers' Market operated by a District Government agency or Federal Government agency regardless of participation in FMNP and SNAP.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 18, r. 18-2407

Final Rulemaking published at 53 DCR 5515 (July 7, 2006); and as amended by D.C. Act 16-453 published at 53 DCR 6499 (August 11, 2006); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 65 DCR 8553 (8/17/2018)