D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-8008

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

This section shall apply to applicants for the renewal, reactivation, or reinstatement of a license for a term expiring December 31, 2008, and for subsequent terms.


An applicant for renewal of a license to practice as a surgical assistant shall submit proof pursuant to § 8008.6 of having completed during the two-year (2) period preceding the date the license expires approved continuing education units (CEUs) constituting:

(a) Fifty (50) hours of CEU credit as specified in § 8009.2;
(b) Two (2) hours of CEU credit in cultural competence or appropriate clinical treatment specifically for individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (LGBTQ) that meets the requirement of § 8009.3, and which shall count towards the hours required under paragraph (a); and
(c) At least ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing medical education shall be in the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the District every five (5) years or less frequently as deemed appropriate by the Director with notice of the subject matter published in the D.C. Register. The Board shall disseminate the identified subjects to its licensees when determined by the Director via electronic communication and through publication on its website.

A continuing education credit may be granted only for a program or activity approved by the Board in accordance with § 8009.


A surgical assistant who is required to obtain continuing education units pursuant to § 8008.2 may, in lieu of meeting the requirement of that section through the completion of CEUs approved by the Board pursuant to § 8009, furnish proof satisfactory to the Board that the surgical assistant holds a current valid certification from the American Board of Surgical Assistants or the National Surgical Assistant's Association and has completed fifty (50) hours of CEUs over a two (2)-year period as part of that certification. Nothing in this subsection shall waive the requirement of § 8008.2(b) and (c).


An applicant for reactivation of an inactive license or reinstatement of a license to practice as a surgical assistant shall submit proof pursuant to § 8008.6 of having completed during the two (2)-year period immediately preceding the date of application approved CEUs. The CEUs:

(a) Shall include two (2) hours of CEU credit in cultural competence or appropriate clinical treatment specifically for individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (LGBTQ) that meets the requirement of § 8009.3; and
(b) At least ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing medical education shall be in the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the District every five (5) years or less frequently as deemed appropriate by the Director with notice of the subject matter published in the D.C. Register. The Board shall disseminate the identified subjects to its licensees when determined by the Director via electronic communication and through publication on its website.

An applicant under this section shall furnish proof of having completed required continuing education units by submitting with the application the following information:

(a) The name of the program and its approval number;
(b) The dates on which the applicant attended the program or performed the activity;
(c) The hours of credit claimed; and
(d) Verification by the applicant of completion.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-8008

Final Rulemaking published at 54 DCR 9549 (October 5, 2007); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 64 DCR 11063 (10/27/2017); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 66 DCR 013389 (10/11/2019)