D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-4208
The Board may grant continuing education credit for whole hours only, with a minimum of fifty (50) minutes constituting one (1) credit hour.
For approved undergraduate or graduate courses, each semester hour of credit shall constitute fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credit, and each quarter hour of credit shall constitute ten (10) hours of continuing education credit.
The Board may grant a maximum of thirteen (13) continuing education credits per year to an applicant who attends a full time post-graduate education program.
The Board may grant credit to an applicant who serves as an instructor or speaker at an acceptable program for both preparation and presentation time, subject to the following restrictions:
The Board may grant an applicant who is an author or editor of a published book twenty-five (25) continuing education credits, if the book has been published or accepted for publication during the period for which credit is claimed, and the applicant submits proof of this fact in the application.
The Board may grant an applicant who is an author of a published original paper five (5) continuing education credits, subject to the same restrictions set forth for books in § 4208.5.
The Board may grant an applicant who is the sole author of a published book review, review paper, or abstract, two (2) continuing education credits, subject to the same restrictions set forth for books in § 4208.5.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 17, r. 17-4208