D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-633

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Prior to initiating any repair work, the consumer goods repair dealer shall provide to the customer a written estimate and receive written authorization from the customer to make repairs on the basis of that written estimate, unless the customer chooses to waive the right to a written estimate prior to authorizing repairs, under § 634.


The written estimate shall be signed by the customer and the consumer goods repair dealer, or the appropriate supervisory inspector, and shall contain the following:

(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the repair dealer (as shown on the dealer's license) for the specific place of business in which the goods are accepted for repair or to which they will be taken if picked up at a residence or commercial organization;
(b) The name and address of the customer;
(c) Identification and description of the item to be repaired;
(d) The date the item was received for repair (odometer reading for motor vehicles on this date), the date the estimate was issued, and the promised completion date of the repair;
(e) A notation of all malfunctions, as described by the customer;
(f) A notation by the dealer or supervisory inspector of all repairs required to correct the malfunctions described by the customer;
(g) A general description of all repairs authorized by the customer;
(h) A general description of the labor required for the completion of the authorized repairs, and the cost of that labor;
(i) A general description of the parts to be replaced or added to complete the authorized repairs, and the total cost of the parts;
(j) A statement of all additional charges, itemized as follows:
(2) Service call charges;
(3) Service and handling charges;
(4) Tax; and
(5) Other charges;
(k) The total charges to the customer [items (h), (i) and (j) of this subsection] and a form statement that the final bill will not exceed these total charges by more than twenty percent (20%) for repairs costing three hundred dollars ($ 300) or less, or by more than ten percent (10%) for repairs costing in excess of three hundred dollars ($ 300), subject to the provisions of § 633.3;
(l) The following statement: "Bond Filed with the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs";
(m) The following inscription in bold type: SAVE THIS DOCUMENT. TO MAKE INQUIRIES, CONTACT THE D.C. DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS BETWEEN (hours of operation) AT (address and telephone number);
(n) A form statement and accompanying check-off box whereby the customer may indicate, when signing the estimate or authorizing repairs orally, whether he or she does or does not wish to waive the right to the return of any replaced part; and
(o) A separate waiver section, as specified in § 634, whereby the customer may authorized oral communication of the information required on the written estimate by signing his or her initials separately in a designated spot below the waiver option.

The total cost for repair services shall not exceed the total cost quoted on the estimate (written and, if applicable, oral), by more than twenty percent (20%) for repairs costing three hundred dollars ($ 300) or less, or by more than ten percent (10%) for repairs costing more than three hundred dollars ($ 300), unless the customer, subsequent to oral acceptance of an estimate or after signing a written estimate, agrees orally or in writing to modification of the estimated cost beyond the allowable excess.


Any change in estimated cost agreed to orally by the customer shall be noted by the dealer on the written estimate along with the date, time, and manner in which the agreement to change was reached.

History of Regulations since Last Compilation by Agency (July 1998)

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 16, r. 16-633