Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Rule 15-4108 - BID DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE SOS ADMINISTRATOR TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS FOR WHOLESALE FULL REQUIREMENTS SERVICE SUPPLY OF SOS4108.1The Request For Proposal ("RFP") is the document pursuant to which the SOS Administrator shall solicit Wholesale Full Requirements Service to meet its SOS obligations that are not met by the Long-Term Renewable Energy PPA(s). (The SOS Administrator also solicits the Long-Term Renewable Energy PPA(s) supply of SOS through one or more RFPs.) The RFP shall include the bid request process, the bid evaluation methodology, the timeline for the RFP process, and the following five appendices:
(a) Expression of Interest Form;(b) Confidentiality Agreement;(d) Bid Form Spreadsheets; and(e) Binding Bid Agreement.4108.2The SOS Administrator shall provide to potential wholesale SOS bidders the following actual and historical information for the thirty-six (36) months preceding the month in which the data is to be submitted to the Commission. The SOS Administrator shall provide such data on its RFP website on a date to be specified by the Commission.
(a) Monthly and hourly demand, energy consumption and load profile data, as defined by the Commission, aggregated for each SOS customer class. For Large Commercial customers, if an individual customer's load data will be disclosed, customer written consent is required; (b) Number of customers in each SOS customer class and the number of customers taking SOS within each customer class; (c) Representative load shapes for each of the SOS Administrator's profile group and sub-groups by month, provided that if an individual customer's load shape will be disclosed, written customer consent is required; (d) Hourly delivery data; (e) Billing determinants on electronic spreadsheets; (g) The amount of electric supply acquired from CREFs and the total capacity of all authorized CREFs; and (h) Other information as determined by the Commission to be necessary or useful to wholesale SOS bidders.4108.3The general requirements and conditions for information submitted by the SOS Administrator to potential wholesale SOS bidders are as follows:
(a) Aggregate data: All information required to be provided by Subsection 4108.2 shall be provided on an aggregate class basis. Individual customer information shall not be provided without the customer's written consent.(b) Historic Data Period: All information provided will reflect usage during the most recent thirty-six (36) month period, where available. Information describing factors that would cause the information to be unrepresentative of electricity usage during the SOS period shall also be provided.(c) Due Care; Corrections: The SOS Administrator shall use due care in compiling the required information with the understanding that bidders will be relying on the data to formulate SOS bids. The SOS Administrator shall have the duty to correct any inaccuracies promptly upon discovery.(d) Affiliated Interests: The SOS Administrator shall not provide any information to an affiliated wholesale SOS bidder that is not provided to all potential wholesale SOS bidders. The SOS Administrator must comply with the code(s) of conduct adopted by the Commission.(e) Electronic Form; Standard Software: The SOS Administrator shall provide all information in electronic form usable by standard personal computer software packages; and (f) Scope and Format: The Commission will determine the scope and detail of the information required by Subsections 4108.2, 4108.3(a), 4108.3(b), and 4108.3(e).D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-4108
Final Rulemaking published at 56 DCR 5404, 5417 (July 3, 2009); Amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR 5707 (5/8/2015); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 68 DCR 3534 (4/2/2021)Authority: The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia ("Commission)," pursuant to its authority under D.C. Official Code §§ 34-1504 and 1509.