D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-4005

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

For a Level 2 Interconnection Review, the EDC shall use the Level 2 procedures for an Interconnection Request.


For Level 2 Adverse System Impact screens, the EDC shall evaluate the potential for Adverse System Impacts using the following screens, which must be satisfied:

(a) The Small Generator Facility Nameplate Capacity rating does not exceed the limits identified in the table below, which vary according to the voltage of the line at the proposed Point of Common Coupling. Small Generator Facilities located within two and a half (2.5) miles of a substation and on a main distribution line with a minimum six hundred (600) - amp capacity are eligible for Level 2 Interconnection Review under higher thresholds.

Line Capacity

Level 2 Eligibility

Regardless of location

On > 600 amp line and <

2.5 miles from substation

<4 kV

< 1 MW

< 2 MW

4.1 kV - 14 kV

< 2 MW

< 3 MW

15 kV - 30 kV

< 3 MW

< 4 MW

31 kV - 60 kV

< 4 MW

< 5 MW

(b) For interconnection of a proposed Small Generator Facility to a Radial Distribution Circuit, the Small Generator Facility aggregated with all other generation capable of coincidental exporting energy on the Line Section may not exceed the anticipated minimum load on the Line Section, as determined by the results of a power flow - based study performed by the EDC to evaluate the impact of the proposed Small Generator Facility. If such results are unavailable, the aforementioned aggregate generating capacity shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the Line Section annual peak load, as most recently measured at the substation or calculated for the Line Section. Should the EDC have previously identified the aforementioned Line Section as exceeding fifteen percent (15%) of the Line Section's annual peak load, the EDC shall use its best efforts to complete a power - flow based study to evaluate the impact of the proposed Small Generator Facility as described herein. The EDC shall not fail the Small Generator Facility based solely on the application of the fifteen percent (15%) peak load limitation if the EDC has valid power flow - based study results that can be used to evaluate the impact of the proposed Small Generator Facility.
(c) For interconnection of a proposed Small Generator Facility within a Spot or Area Network, the proposed Small Generator Facility shall utilize an inverter - based equipment package and use a minimum import relay or other protective scheme that will ensure power imported from the EDC to the network will, during normal EDC operations, remain above twenty percent (20%) of the minimum load on the network transformer based on historical data, or will remain above an import point reasonably set by the EDC in good faith. For interconnection of a proposed Small Generator Facility within an Area Network, the proposed Small Generator Facility shall utilize an inverter - based equipment package and adhere to a maximum aggregate export level of eighty percent (80%) of the generation level that would cause reverse flow on a network transformer, or will remain below an export point reasonably set by the EDC in good faith. At the EDC's discretion, the requirement for minimum import relays or other protective schemes may be waived.
(d) The proposed Small Generator Facility, in aggregation with other generation on the distribution circuit, may not contribute more than ten percent (10%) to the distribution circuit's maximum Fault Current at the point on the high voltage (primary) level nearest the Point of Common Coupling.
(e) The proposed Small Generator Facility, in aggregate with other generation on the distribution circuit, may not cause any distribution protective devices and equipment (including substation breakers, fuse cutouts, and line reclosers), or EDC customer equipment on the Electric Distribution System, to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the short circuit interrupting capability. The Interconnection Request may not receive approval for interconnection on a circuit that already exceeds ninety percent (90%) of the short circuit interrupting capability.
(f) The proposed Small Generator Facility's Point of Common Coupling may not be on a transmission line.
(g) The Small Generator Facility complies with the applicable type of interconnection, based on the table below. This screen includes a review of the type of electrical service provided to the Interconnecting Customer, including line configuration and the transformer connection to limit the potential for creating over - voltages on the EDC's Electric Distribution System due to a loss of ground during the operating time of any antiislanding function. This screen does not apply to Small Generator Facilities with a gross rating of 11 kVA or less.

Primary Distribution Line Configuration

Type of Interconnection to be Made to the Primary Circuit


Three - phase, three - wire

Any type

Pass Screen

Three - phase, four - wire

Single - phase, line - to - neutral

Pass Screen

Three - phase, four - wire (For any line that has such a section, or mixed three wire and four wire)

All Others

To pass, aggregate Small Generator Facility Nameplate Capacity must be less than or equal to 10% of Line Section peak load

(h) When the proposed Small Generator Facility is to be interconnected on single - phase shared Secondary Line, the aggregate generation capacity on the shared Secondary Line, including the proposed Small Generator Facility, shall not exceed sixty - five percent (65%) of the transformer nameplate power rating.
(i) When a proposed Small Generator Facility is single - phase and is to be interconnected on a transformer center tap neutral of a two hundred forty (240) - volt service, its addition may not create an imbalance between the two sides of the 240 - volt service of more than twenty percent (20%) of the nameplate rating of the service transformer.
(j) A Small Generator Facility, in aggregate with other generation interconnected to the distribution low - voltage side of a substation transformer feeding the electric distribution circuit where the Small Generator Facility proposes to interconnect, may not exceed 20MW in an area where there are known or posted transient stability limitations to generating units located in the general electrical vicinity (e.g., three (3) or four (4) transmission voltage level buses from the Point of Common Coupling), or the proposed Small Generator Facility shall not have interdependencies, known to the EDC, with earlier - queued Interconnection Requests.
(k) Except as permitted by the modified Level 2 review process in Subsection 4005.6, no construction of facilities by the EDC on its own system other than metering shall be required to accommodate the Small Generator Facility.
(l) The EDC may use results from a valid power flow - based study performed to evaluate the impact of the proposed Small Generator Facility, provided such results are not used to fail any of the Subsection 4005.2 (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), or (j) screens.
(m) If a power - flow analysis is performed based on Subsections 4005.2 (b) or (l), the EDC shall make available upon request a copy of its power flowbased study for each applicant to the Commission.



The Level 2 Interconnection Review shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:

(a) The EDC shall, within five (5) business days after receipt of Part 1 of the Interconnection Request, acknowledge, in writing or by electronic mail, receipt of the Interconnection Request, indicating whether it is complete or incomplete, and the appropriate application fee.
(b) When the Interconnection Request is deemed incomplete, the EDC shall provide a written list detailing all information that must be provided to complete the request. The Interconnection Customer shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the list to revise the Interconnection Request to include the requested information and resubmit the Interconnection Request or request an extension of time to provide such information. If the Interconnection Request is not resubmitted with the requested information within ten (10) business days, the Interconnection Request shall be deemed withdrawn. The EDC shall notify the Interconnection Customer within three (3) business days of receipt of a revised Interconnection Request whether the request is complete or incomplete. The EDC may deem the request withdrawn if it remains incomplete.
(c) When an Interconnection Request is complete, the EDC shall assign a Queue Position.
(d) Unless Subsection 4005.6 applies, within fifteen (15) business days after the EDC notifies the Interconnection Customer that it has received a completed Interconnection Request, the EDC shall evaluate the Interconnection Request using the Level 2 screening criteria and notify the Interconnection Customer whether the Small Generator Facility meets all of the applicable Level 2 Adverse System Impact screens. If the proposed interconnection meets all of the applicable Level 2 Adverse System Impact screens and the EDC determines that the Small Generator Facility can be interconnected safely and reliably to the Electric Distribution System, the EDC shall provide the Interconnection Customer an Approval to Install. The EDC shall provide an EDC - executed Interconnection Agreement within three (3) business days after notification of Level 2 issuance of the Approval to Install.
(1) If the EDC requires the construction of Distribution System Upgrades during the Interconnection Request process, the EDC shall provide a technical explanation that reviews the need for the identified facilities and/or upgrades. The EDC shall demonstrate that required functionalities are not satisfied by employing IEEE STD 1547 certified and UL 1741 SA listed equipment.

If requested by the Interconnection Customer, and agreed to by the Interconnection Customer and the EDC, a Modified Level 1 or Level 2 Scoping Meeting shall be held within ten (10) business days, or other mutually agreed to time, after the EDC has notified the Interconnection Customer that Interconnection Facilities and/or a Distribution System Upgrade are being required by the EDC. The Modified Level 1 or Level 2 Scoping Meeting shall take place in person, by telephone, or electronically by a means mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and the EDC. The purpose of this meeting shall be to review the Interconnection Request, existing studies relevant to the Interconnection Request, the conditions at the proposed location, the results of the Level 1 or Level 2 Adverse System Impact screening criteria, and provide a technical explanation in which the EDC reviews the need for the aforementioned facilities and/or system upgrade.

(e) Unless extended by mutual agreement of the Interconnection Customer and the EDC, within twenty - four (24) months of receiving an Approval to Install or six (6) months of completion of any Distribution System Upgrades, whichever is later, the Interconnection Customer shall provide the EDC with the signed Level 2 - 4 Part II - Small Generator Interconnection Certificate of Completion, including the signed inspection certificate. An Interconnection Customer shall communicate with the EDC no less frequently than every six (6) months regarding the status of a proposed Small Generator Facility to which an Interconnection Agreement refers.
(f) The EDC may conduct a Witness Test within ten (10) business days of receiving the completed Level 2 - 4 Part II - Small Generator Facility Interconnection Certificate of Completion and the signed inspection certificate from the Interconnection Customer, conduct a Witness Test at a time mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and the EDC. If the Witness Test fails to reveal that all equipment has been appropriately installed and that all electrical connections have been made in accordance with applicable codes, the EDC shall offer to redo the Witness Test at the Interconnection Customer's expense at a time mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and the EDC. If the EDC determines that the Small Generator Facility fails the inspection it must provide a written explanation detailing the reasons and any standards violated. If the EDC does not perform the Witness Test within ten (10) business days or other such time as is mutually agreed to by the Interconnection Customer and the EDC, the Witness Test is deemed waived.
(g) An Interconnection Customer may begin interconnected operation of a Small Generator Facility provided that there is an Interconnection Agreement in effect, the EDC has received proof of the electrical code official's approval, the Small Generator Facility has passed any Witness Test by the EDC, and the EDC has issued the Authorization to Operate. Evidence of approval by an electric code official includes a signed inspection certificate.
(h) The EDC may require the submission of photographs of the site, Small Generator Facility components, meters, or any other aspect of the Interconnection Facilities as part of the Level 2 Interconnection Review process, provided that failure to provide a photo in a timely manner will not be a reason for the EDC to deem an Interconnection Request incomplete.



Modifications to Level 2 Interconnection Review Process:

(a) If the Interconnection Request requires only the addition of Interconnection Facilities to the Electric Distribution System, a nonbinding good faith cost estimate and construction schedule for such upgrades, along with an Approval to Install, shall be provided within fifteen (15) business days after notification of the Level 2 Interconnection Review results.
(b) If the Interconnection Request requires more than the addition of Interconnection Facilities to the Electric Distribution System, the EDC may elect to either provide a non - binding good faith cost estimate and construction schedule for such upgrades within thirty (30) business days after notification of the Level 2 Interconnection Review results, or the EDC may notify the Interconnection Customer that the EDC will need to complete a Facilities Study under Subsection 4007.2, paragraphs (d)(3), to determine the necessary Distribution System Upgrades and complete the construction.
(c) The EDC shall design, procure, construct, install, and own any Distribution System Upgrades for a CREF. The Distribution System Upgrades costs shall be allocated as follows, subject to availability of funding.
(1) The total Distribution System Upgrade costs for shared allocation as described in Subsection 4005.6 (c) (2) shall be capped at $500,000 per calendar year or as otherwise determined by the Commission.
(2) If funding is available, Distribution System Upgrade cost responsibility shall be assigned as follows:
(A) For Distribution System Upgrade costs of $50,000 or less, fifty percent (50%) of the costs shall be paid for by the CREF Interconnection Customer and fifty percent (50%) of the costs paid for by the EDC.
(B) For Distribution System Upgrade costs of over $50,000, the portion paid by the EDC shall be capped at $25,000. The CREF Interconnection Customer shall pay the balance of the Distribution System Upgrade costs after the EDC portion has been subtracted.

When a Small Generator Facility is not approved under a Level 2 review, the EDC, at its sole option, may approve the Interconnection Request, provided such approval is consistent with safety and reliability, and shall provide the Interconnection Customer an Approval to Install after the determination. If the EDC cannot determine that the Small Generator Facility may be interconnected consistent with safety, reliability, and power quality standards, the EDC shall provide the Interconnection Customer with detailed information on the reason(s) for failure in writing. In addition, the EDC shall either:

(a) Notify Interconnection Customer that the EDC is continuing to evaluate the Interconnection Request under Supplemental Review if the EDC concludes that the Supplemental Review might determine that the Small Generator Facility could qualify for interconnection pursuant to Level 2; or
(b) Offer to continue evaluating the Interconnection Request under Level 4.

On an annual basis, if the EDC fails to issue at least ninety percent (90%) of all Approvals to Install in the Level 2 interconnection process (as specified within the timeline(s) specified in Subsections 4005.4 and 4005.6), and it shall be required to develop a corrective action plan.

(a) The corrective action plan shall describe the cause(s) of the EDC's noncompliance with Subsection 4005.8, describe the corrective measure(s) to be taken to ensure that the standard is met or exceeded in the future, and set a target date for completion of the corrective measure(s). To the extent automation is an element of the corrective measure(s), this should be described in the plan.
(b) Progress on current corrective action plans shall be included in the EDC's Small Generator Interconnection Annual Report.
(c) The EDC shall report the actual performance of compliance with Subsection 4005.8 during the reporting period in the Small Generator Interconnection Annual Report of the following year, including milestones for the number of Interconnection Requests in total, number and percentage meeting timeline requirements for Approval to Install and estimated cost letter.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-4005

As amended by Final Rulemaking published at 56 DCR 1415, 1418 (February 13, 2009); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 66 DCR 1132 (1/25/2019); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 68 DCR 8244 (8/20/2021)