D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-3601

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

The electric utility shall report all major and non-major electricity service outages and manhole incidents, as well as incidents known to the electric utility that result in the loss of human life, personal injury requiring hospitalization, or service disruption directly or indirectly arising from or connected with the electric utility's maintenance or operation, that occur on the electric system within the District of Columbia to the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia's Office of Compliance and Enforcement ("OCE") and to the Office of the People's Counsel of the District of Columbia ("OPC").


Major Service Outages.

(a) Initial Notice. Upon notice of the incident, all major service outages shall be reported by telephone and e-mail to OCE and OPC as soon as practicable, but not later than one (1) hour after the utility has determined a major service outage had occurred. The electric utility may use the Commission's reporting email, EQSSReports at psc.dc.gov.

At a minimum, each telephone and e-mail report concerning a major service outage shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and time(s) the utility determines the major service outage(s) began;
(2) The location of the service outage(s), including the Ward(s) where the service outage(s) occurred;
(3) The total number of customers out of service;
(4) A description of the service outage(s) and preliminary assessment as to the cause of the service outage(s); and
(5) The estimated repair and/or restoration time.
(b) Interim Reporting. During the course of a major service outage, the utility shall report periodically to the Public Service Commission's OCE and OPC regarding the status of the service outage and the utility's progress in restoration efforts. The frequency of such periodic updates to OCE shall be jointly determined by the utility and OCE at the start of the service outage and/or as modified during the course of the service outage. At a minimum, the utility shall provide an update to OCE and to OPC prior to making any changes to its estimated restoration time.
(c) Final Written Report. The utility shall file a written report concerning all major service outages with OCE and OPC within twenty-one (21) days following the end of a major service outage. Outage reports shall be filed with the Commission's Service Outages ("SO") docket.

At a minimum, each written report concerning a major service outage shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and exact time(s) when the major service outage(s) began and ended;
(2) The date(s) and time(s) when the restoration effort began and ended;
(3) The date(s) and time(s) when the maximum number of customers were experiencing a sustained interruption and the total number of customers affected at that time (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only);
(4) The location of the major service outage(s), including the Ward(s) where the service outage(s) occurred;
(5) A description of the major service outage(s) and an assessment as to the cause of the service outage(s);
(6) The total number of customers that experienced a sustained interruption given in one-hour intervals throughout the major service outage (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only);
(7) The total number of customer interruption durations (converted into hours) during the major service outage (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only);
(8) Any information concerning requests made for outside assistance, including the organization(s) to which such requests were made, the date and time of the requests, and the resources requested;
(9) Any information concerning outside assistance received, including the organization(s) that provided personnel, the date(s) and time(s) of personnel arrivals and departures, the number of and types of vehicles provided, the total number of personnel received, the total number of personnel assigned to primary overhead line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to secondary overhead line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to tree trimming crews, the total number of personnel assigned to primary underground line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to secondary underground line crews, and the total number of personnel assigned to substation crews;
(10) Any information concerning the utility's own personnel and resources used in restoration efforts, including the total number and types of vehicles used, the total number of utility personnel involved in the restoration effort, the number of personnel assigned to primary overhead line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to secondary overhead line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to damage assessment crews, the total number of personnel assigned to tree trimming crews, the total number of personnel assigned to primary underground line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to secondary underground line crews, the total number of personnel assigned to substation crews, and the total number of personnel assigned to other supporting activities;
(11) Any information concerning customer communications, including the hourly call volumes (specifically identifying the total number of customer calls received and the total number of calls answered by the utility during each hour of the service outage), the hourly staffing numbers (specifically identifying the total number of customer service representatives logged into the call center and supporting phone systems actively taking or waiting to take customer calls), and the telephone service factor provided on an hourly basis during the entire duration of the service outage (specifically identifying the percentage of answered calls that were answered within a 60-second timeframe);
(12) The total number of customers interrupted and the customer interruption durations (converted into hours) caused by each of the following: fallen tree or tree limb, fallen or broken pole, lightning damage, ice accumulation on conductors, and any other major causes (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only);
(13) The total number of each of the following occurring as part of the restoration efforts: the number of poles replaced, the number of distribution transformers replaced, the number of fuses replaced, the number of downed wires, the number and location of substations where equipment was damaged, the number of cross-arms issued for replacement, and the total length (in feet) of secondary and primary wires replaced or issued for replacement (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only);
(14) Any issues concerning the availability of materials that affected restoration progress and a description of the emergency measures taken to resolve such issues;
(15) A self-assessment of the utility's restoration efforts in the District of Columbia;
(16) The total number of customers, and percent of all customers, restored given in one-hour intervals throughout the major service outage restoration effort (both on a system-wide basis and for the District of Columbia only); and
(17) An analysis, based upon the availability of the data and all other surrounding circumstances, of the utility's performance in its current restoration efforts as compared to its past restoration efforts, taking into account all relevant factors, such as the severity of the current major service outage in terms of the percent of customers affected on a system-wide or local basis.
(d) Customer Notifications. Specific restoration information, including estimated restoration times, shall be provided to District of Columbia customers by the utility's customer service representatives and by the utility's automated voice response unit.
(e) Outage Management System Report. The utility shall submit a written report to the Commission on its Outage Management System's actual performance during the major service outage within thirty (30) days after restoration efforts are completed.

Non-Major Service Outages.

(a) Initial Notice. The utility shall report non-major service outages by telephone and e-mail to the Public Service Commission's OCE and OPC as soon as practicable upon notice of the incident, but no later than one (1) hour after the utility becomes aware of the incident. The electric utility may use the Commission's reporting email, EQSSReports at psc.dc.gov.

At a minimum, each telephone and e-mail report concerning a non-major service outage shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and time(s) the utility determines the non-major service outage began;
(2) The location of the service outage(s), including the Ward(s) where the service outage(s) occurred;
(3) The total number of customers out of service;
(4) A description of the service outage(s) and a preliminary assessment as to the cause of the service outage(s);
(5) The estimated repair and/or restoration time; and
(6) A notification if the incident has progressed to major service outage status.
(b) Final Written Report. A written report concerning all non-major service outages shall be submitted to OCE and OPC within five (5) days of the end of the non-major service outage. Outage reports shall be filed with the Commission's SO docket.

At a minimum, each written report concerning non-major service outages shall clearly state the following information as applicable to the given incident:

(1) The date(s) and exact time(s) when the non-major service outage began and ended;
(2) The date(s) and time(s) of the repair and restoration of the service outage(s);
(3) The location of the service outage(s), including the Ward(s) where the service outage(s) occurred;
(4) The total number of customers affected by the service outage(s);
(5) A description of the non-major service outage(s) and an assessment as to the cause of the service outage(s);
(6) The duration of the service outage(s) in hours and minutes;
(c) Exceptions.
(1) The utility shall report a single customer service outage of more than eight (8) hours only upon verification that the service outage was caused by some event on the utility's side of the customer's meter; and
(2) No report need be filed if the single customer service outage was caused by some event on the customer's side of the meter.

Manhole Incidents.

(a) Initial Notice. The utility shall report by telephone and e-mail all manhole incidents, including smoking manholes, manhole fires, and manhole explosions, to the Commission's OCE and OPC within one (1) hour upon receiving notice of the incident. The electric utility may use the Commission's reporting email, EQSSReports at psc.dc.gov.

At a minimum, each telephone and e-mail report concerning a manhole incident shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and time(s) the manhole incident(s) occurred;
(2) The location of the manhole incident(s), including the Ward(s) where the incident occurred;
(3) The total number of customers affected;
(4) A description of the incident(s) and a preliminary assessment as to the cause of the incident(s); and
(5) The estimated repair and/or restoration time.
(b) Final Written Report. A written report concerning all manhole incidents shall be submitted to OCE and OPC within five (5) days of the end of the incident. Manhole incident reports shall be filed with the Commission's Pepco Manhole Inspection Report ("PEPMIR") docket.

At a minimum, each written report concerning manhole incidents shall clearly state the following information as applicable to the given incident:

(1) The date(s) and exact time(s) the manhole incident(s) occurred;
(2) The date(s) and time(s) of the repair and restoration of the manhole incident(s);
(3) The location of the manhole incident(s), including the Ward(s) where the incident occurred;
(4) The total number of customers affected by the incident(s);
(5) A description of the manhole incident(s) and an assessment as to the cause of the incident(s);
(6) The duration of the manhole incident(s) in hours and minutes;
(7) The number of manholes involved in the incident(s); and
(8) The classification of the manhole incident(s).

Manhole Inspections. The utility shall file quarterly manhole inspection reports, which includes current status of manhole repairs that were not completed on time, and a priority breakdown of all active reportable manhole conditions. Manhole inspection reports shall be filed with the Commission's PEPMIR docket.

Per the directives of Order Nos. 12036, 14279, 14707, 14792, and 15070.


Incidents Resulting in Loss of Human Life and/or Personal Injury Requiring Hospitalization.

(a) Initial Notice. The utility shall report by telephone and e-mail all incidents that result in the loss of human life and/or personal injury requiring hospitalization, directly or indirectly arising from or connected with the electric utility's maintenance or operation, to the Commission's OCE and OPC within one (1) hour upon receiving notice of the incident. The electric utility may use the Commission's reporting email, EQSSReports at psc.dc.gov.

Each telephone and e-mail report concerning the loss of human life and/or personal injury requiring hospitalization shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and time(s) the incident(s) occurred;
(2) The location of the incident(s), including the Ward(s) where the incident occurred;
(3) The total number of customers and/or persons affected;
(4) A description of the incident(s) and a preliminary assessment as to the cause of the incident(s); and
(5) The steps the electric utility will take to provide assistance.
(b) Final Written Report. Written reports concerning all incidents that result in the loss of human life and/or personal injury requiring hospitalization, directly or indirectly arising from or connected with the electric utility's maintenance or operation, shall be submitted to OCE and OPC within five (5) days of receiving notice of the incident. Incident reports shall be filed with the Commission's Electricity Quality of Service Standards ("EQSS") docket.

At a minimum, each written report concerning the loss of human life and/or personal injury requiring hospitalization shall clearly state the following information:

(1) The date(s) and exact time(s) the incident(s) occurred;
(2) The location of the incident(s), including the Ward(s) where the incident occurred;
(3) The total number of customers and/or persons affected;
(4) A description of the incident(s) and an assessment as to the cause of the incident(s);
(5) The steps the electric utility took to provide assistance;
(6) The amount of time it took for assistance to arrive (if known); and
(7) The steps the electric utility will undertake to prevent such an occurrence in the future.

PIWG. The utility shall provide a detailed report on all non-major service outages, manhole incidents, and/or incidents that result in the loss of human life and/or personal injury requiring hospitalization, to the Productivity Improvement Working Group ("PIWG") every quarter.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 15, r. 15-3601

Final Rulemaking published at 54 DCR 9376 (September 28, 2007); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 55 DCR 1943 (February 29, 2008); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 71 DCR 1722 (2/16/2024)