D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-7112

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

In compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations, the Authority maintains the following classifications of employment:

(a) Executive - policy makers who exercise overall responsibility for execution of these policies. Includes Departmental Directors or individuals in charge of Authority operations.
(b) Administrative - responsibility for analyzing, evaluating, and carrying out the basic programs, policies and procedures that facilitate the work of the Authority and its programs.
(c) Professional - responsibility for work that requires discretion, judgment, and personal responsibility for the application through education represented by a bachelor degree or higher in a specialized field.
(d) Technical - responsibility for work which requires an extensive practical knowledge, gained through experience or specific training less than that represented by college graduation.
(e) Clerical - responsibility for general office and/or program support utilizing keyboards or office automation equipment and requiring a general knowledge of office procedures.
(f) Protective Services - responsibility for the security of Authority personnel, residents and property.
(g) Maintenance - responsibility for the care of buildings, facilities, grounds, and/or the operation of machinery; requires manual skills.

Pay rates shall be linked directly to the Classification Plan that determines the pay and pay schedules.


The plan shall be established with due regard to rates of pay for other classifications, the relative difficulty and responsibility of the work in the several classifications, the recruiting experience of the Authority and the availability of employees in particular occupational categories, the prevailing rates of pay for similar employment in private business and in other governmental jurisdictions, the cost of living factors, the existing collective bargaining agreements, the policies of regulatory agencies, the fiscal position of the Authority, and other economic considerations. The rates of pay assigned to the several classifications shall be those which most nearly reflect these factors.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 14, r. 14-7112

Notice of Final Rulemaking published at 42 DCR 6914, 6923 (December 8, 1995)