D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 12, 12-I8.4

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Strike Section 8.4.2 of ASHRAE 90.1 in its entirety and insert a new Section 8.4.2 in its place in the Energy Conservation Code-Commercial Provisions to read as follows:


Automatic Receptacle Control. The following shall be automatically controlled:

1. One (1) 125-volt 15- and 20-amp duplex receptacles in each private office, and individual workstation to be located at the desk area and 50% of 125-volt 15- and 20-amp duplex receptacles in, conference rooms, rooms used primarily for printing and/or copying functions, break rooms, and classrooms.
2. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the circuits feeding each base feed point of modular furniture or a minimum of one (1) circuit.

This control shall function using one of the following methods:

a. A scheduled basis using a time-of-day operated control device that turns receptacles off at specific programmed times-an independent program schedule shall be pro- vided for controlled areas of no more than 5000 ft2 and not more than one floor (the occupant shall be able to manually override the control device for up to two hours),
b. An occupant sensor that shall turn receptacles off within 20 minutes of all occupants leaving a space, or
c. An automated signal from another control or alarm system that shall turn receptacles off within 20 minutes after determining that the area is unoccupied.

All controlled receptacles shall be permanently marked to visually differentiate them from uncontrolled receptacles and are to be uniformly distributed throughout the space.

Plug-in devices shall not be used to comply with Section 8.4.2.

Exceptions: Receptacles for the following shall not require an automatic control device:

1. Receptacles specifically designated for equipment requiring continuous operation (24 hours/day, 365 days/year).
2. Spaces where an automatic control would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupant(s).

Strike Section 8.4.3 of ASHRAE 90.1 in its entirety and insert a new Section 8.4.3 in its place in the Energy Conservation Code-Commercial Provisions to read as follows:


Energy Metering, Monitoring and Reporting. The provisions of Section 8.4.3 shall only apply to new construction and building projects that are undertaking a complete electrical system replacement. Section 8.4.3 shall not apply to Group R occupancies, other than Group R-1 occupancies.

Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide requirements that will ensure that building projects are constructed or altered in a way that will provide the capability for their energy use, production and reclamation to be measured, monitored and reported. This includes the design of energy distribution systems so as to isolate load types, the installation of or ability to install in the future meters, devices and a data acquisition system, and the installation of, or the ability to provide, energy displays and other appropriate reporting mechanisms in the future.

All forms of energy delivered to the building and building site, produced on the building site or in the building, and reclaimed at the building site or in the building shall be metered and all energy load types measured in accordance with this section.

Buildings with tenants within the scope of Section 8.4.3. The metering required by Section 8.4.3 shall be collected for the entire building and for each floor in the building. Tenants within the scope of Section 8.4.3 shall have access to all data collected for the floors in which they have occupancy. Means of access shall be left to the discretion of the owner.

Energy Distribution Design Requirements and Load Type Isolation in Buildings. Energy distribution systems within, on or adjacent to and serving a building shall be designed such that each primary circuit, panel, feeder, piping system or supply mechanism supplies only one energy use type as defined in Sections through The energy use type served by each distribution system shall be clearly designated on the energy distribution system with the use served, and adequate space shall be provided for installation of metering equipment or other data collection devices, temporary or permanent, to measure their energy use. The energy distribution system shall be designed to facilitate the collection of data for each of the building energy use categories in Section and for each of the end use categories listed in Sections through Where there are multiple buildings on a building site, each building shall comply separately with the provisions of Section 8.4.3.

Exception: Buildings designed and constructed such that the total usage of each of the load types described in Sections through shall be permitted to be measured through the use of installed sub-meters or other equivalent methods as approved.

HVAC System Total Energy Use. The HVAC system total energy use category shall include all energy used to heat, cool, and provide ventilation to the building including, but not limited to, fans, pumps, boiler energy, chiller energy and hot water.

Lighting System Total Energy Use. The lighting system total energy use category shall include all interior and exterior lighting used in occupant spaces and common areas.

Plug Loads. The plug loads energy use category shall include all energy use by devices, appliances and equipment connected to convenience receptacle outlets.

Process Loads. The process loads energy use category shall include the energy used by any single load associated with activities within the building, such as, but not limited to, data centers, manufacturing equipment and commercial kitchens, that exceeds 5 percent of the peak connected load of the whole building.

Energy Used for Building Operations Loads and Other Miscellaneous Loads. The category of energy used for building operations loads and other miscellaneous loads shall include all vertical transportation systems, automatic doors, motorized shading systems, ornamental fountains and fireplaces, swimming pools, inground spas, snow-melt systems, exterior lighting that is mounted on the building or used to illuminate building facades and the use of any miscellaneous loads in the building not specified in Sections through

Energy-Type Metering. Buildings shall be provided with the capability to determine energy use and peak demand as provided in this section for each of the energy types specified in Sections through Utility energy meters or supplemental sub-meters are permitted to be used to collect whole building data, and shall be equipped with a local data port connected to a data acquisition system in accordance with Section

Gaseous Fuels. Gaseous fuels including, but not limited to, natural gas, LP gas, coal gas, hydrogen, landfill gas, digester gas and biogas shall be capable of being metered at the building site to determine the gross consumption and peak demand of each different gaseous fuel by each building on a building site. The installation of gas meters and related piping shall be in accordance with the Fuel Gas Code.

Liquid Fuels. Liquid fuels including, but not limited, to fuel oil, petroleum-based diesel, kerosene, gasoline, bio diesel, methanol, ethanol and butane shall be capable of being metered at the building site to allow a determination of the gross consumption and peak demand of each liquid fuel use by each building on a building site. The installation of meters and related piping shall be in accordance with the Mechanical Code.

Solid Fuels. Solid fuels including, but not limited to, coal, charcoal, peat, wood products, grains, and municipal waste shall be capable of having their use determined at the building site to allow a determination of the gross consumption and peak demand of each solid fuel use by each building on a building site.

Electric Power. Electric power shall be capable of being metered at the building site to allow a determination of the gross consumption and peak demand by each building on a building site. The installation of electric meters and related wiring shall be in accordance with NFPA 70.

District Heating and Cooling. Hot water, steam, chilled water, and brine shall be capable of being metered at the building site, or where produced on the building site, to allow a determination of the gross consumption of heating and cooling energy by each building on a building site. Energy use associated with the production of hot water, steam, chilled water or brine shall be determined based on the fuel used.

Combined Heat and Power. Equipment and systems with a connected load greater than 125,000 Btu/hr (36.63 kW) providing combined heat and power (CHP) shall be capable of being metered to allow a determination of the gross consumption of each form of delivered energy to the equipment. The output of CHP shall be metered in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 8.4.3 based on the forms of output from the CHP.

Renewable Energy. Equipment and systems providing energy from renewable energy sources which is included in the determination of the building zEPI, shall be capable of being metered to allow a determination of the output of equipment and systems in accordance with Sections through

Solar Electric. Equipment and systems providing electric power through conversion of solar energy directly to electric power shall be capable of being metered so that the peak electric power (kW) provided to the building and its systems or to off-site entities can be determined at 15-minute intervals, and the amount of electric power (kWh) provided to the building and its systems can be determined at intervals of one hour or less.

Wind Power Systems. Equipment and systems providing electric power through conversion of wind energy directly to electric power shall be capable of being metered so that the peak electric power (kW) provided to the building and its systems or to off-site entities can be determined at 15-minute intervals, and the amount of electric power (kWh) provided to the building and its systems can be determined at intervals of one hour or less.

Other Renewable Energy Electric Production Systems.

Equipment and systems providing electric power through conversion of other forms of renewable energy directly to electric power shall be capable of being metered so that the peak electric power (kW) provided to the building and its systems or to off-site entities can be determined at 15-minute intervals, and the amount of electric power (kWh) provided to the building and its systems can be determined at intervals of one hour or less.

Energy Load Type Sub-Metering. For building projects that are 25,000 square feet (2323 m2) or larger in total floor area, the energy use of the categories specified in Section shall be metered through the use of sub-meters or other approved equivalent methods meeting the capability requirements of Section

Projects Less Than 25,000 Square Feet. For building projects that are less than 25,000 square feet (2323 m2) in total floor area, and encompass at least one entire floor, the energy distribution system shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the future installation of sub-meters and other approved devices in accordance with Section This includes, but is not limited to, providing access to distribution lines and ensuring adequate space for the installation of submeters and other approved devices.

Minimum Energy Measurement and Verification. Meters, sub-meters, and other approved devices installed in compliance with Sections and shall be connected to a data acquisition and management system capable of storing not less than 36 months' worth of data collected by all meters and other approved devices.

Strike Section 8.5 of ASHRAE 90.1 in its entirety and insert a new Section 8.5 in its place in the Energy Conservation Code-Commercial Provisions to read as follows:

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 12, 12-I8.4

Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 5679 (5/29/2020)