Strike Section 909.16 of the International Building Code and accompanying Exception; do not strike Subsections 909.16.1 through 909.16.3 of the International Building Code. Insert new Section 909.16 in the Building Code to read as follows:
Fire-fighter's smoke control panel. A fire-fighter's smoke control panel for fire department emergency response purposes only shall be provided and shall include manual control or override of automatic control for mechanical smoke systems. The panel shall be located in a fire command center complying with Section 911 in high-rise buildings or buildings with smoke-protected assembly seating. In all other buildings, the fire-fighter's smoke control panel shall be installed in an approved location adjacent to the fire alarm control panel. The fire-fighter's smoke control panel shall comply with Sections 909.16.1 through 909.16.3.
Exception: Where buildings are equipped with stair pressurization systems and/or elevator hoistway venting systems or elevator hoistway pressurization systems and no mechanical smoke control systems per Section 909, the required manual controls may be integral to the fire alarm control panel or located at another approved location and are not required to comply with the provisions of Section 909.16.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 12, r. 12-A909