The transcripts of Commission public meetings and hearings are a matter of public record and shall be available through the Office of Zoning.
The public meetings and hearings shall be reported under the supervision of the presiding officer, by transcription or by other means, by an official reporter who may be designated by the Director or who may be an employee of the Office of Zoning.
The transcript prepared by the reporter shall be the sole official transcript of public meetings and hearings.
Copies of the transcript will be made available by the Office of Zoning fourteen (14) days after the public meeting or hearing.
A motion to correct a transcript may be made only when the alleged error is substantive.
A motion to correct a transcript shall be filed with the Commission within ten (10) days after the transcript has been made available in the Office of Zoning.
Copies of the motion to correct a transcript shall be served simultaneously on all parties or their authorized representatives.
The Commission will rule on a motion to correct a transcript at a public meeting or hearing.
Objections to the motion to correct a transcript shall be filed with the Commission within five (5) days and served upon the parties.
The Commission, on its own motion at a public meeting or hearing, may order changes to a transcript at any time for any reason.
If a motion to correct a transcript is granted, the corrected transcript will be made available by the Office of Zoning fourteen (14) days after the Commission grants the motion.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-Z104