D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-K917

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

Except as noted in this section, the provisions and requirements of Subtitle C, Chapter 7, Vehicle Parking, shall not apply, and the following provisions of this section shall apply.


In the WR-1 through WR-8 zones, the cumulative total of all automobile parking spaces, including below-grade surface, and above-grade structured parking, shall not exceed a total of three thousand four hundred (3,400) parking spaces.


Each application to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs for a development within the WR-1 through WR-8 zones that includes parking shall provide an accounting of the total number of parking spaces which count towards the parking space limit of Subtitle K § 917.2.


In the WR-9 through WR-15 zones, the cumulative total of all automobile parking spaces, including below-grade, surface, and above- grade structured parking, shall not exceed a total of one thousand six hundred (1,600) parking spaces.


Each application to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs for a development within the WR-9 through WR-15 zones that includes parking shall provide an accounting of the total number of parking spaces which count towards the parking space limit of Subtitle K § 917.4.


Parallel parking spaces on a private street shall not count toward the limits of Subtitle K §§ 917.2 and 917.4, provided they are open to use by the public and not reserved for a particular or private use.


Parking spaces dedicated for use by a car-sharing service or dedicated for the charging of electric vehicles shall not count toward the limits of Subtitle K §§ 917.2 and 917.4.


Additional parking spaces beyond the limits of Subtitle K §§ 917.2 or 917.4, as applicable, shall be permitted by special exception by the Board of Zoning Adjustment pursuant to Subtitle X, Chapter 9 and provided that the applicant addresses compliance with the following standards:

(a) The application shall include:
(1) A detailed accounting of the existing and proposed number and locations of parking spaces provided pursuant to Subtitle K§§ 917.2 and 917.4, as applicable;
(2) A traffic study assessing the impacts of the proposed additional parking spaces that would, at a minimum, include an updated trip generation study, parking occupancy study for the entire site, and impacts on local traffic patterns, for referral to and comment by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The parameters of the analysis shall be outlined by DDOT prior to the application; and
(3) A transportation demand management (TDM) plan, for referral to and comment by DDOT. The parameters of the analysis shall be outlined by DDOT prior to the application; and
(b) Vehicular access and egress to the additional parking will be located and designed so as to encourage safe and efficient pedestrian movement, minimize conflict with principal pedestrian ways, function efficiently, and create no dangerous or otherwise objectionable traffic conditions.

For any application pursuant to Subtitle K § 917.8:

(a) The Board of Zoning Adjustment shall .
(b) The Board of Zoning Adjustment may impose requirements pertaining to design, appearance, signs, massing, landscaping, and other such requirements as it deems necessary to protect neighboring property and to achieve the purposes of the individual WR zones.

Parking spaces need not be located on the same lot as the building or buildings they are intended to serve, but must be located within the WR zones.


Parking spaces may be shared among more than one (1) use, whether the uses are on the same lot or on separate lots. A parking space that is shared among more than one (1) use shall be subject to the following conditions:

(a) The parking space and the uses shall all be within the WR zones;
(b) The parking space shall not serve as required parking for any other use during the days and times each use the space serves is in operation;
(c) A written agreement assigning the parking space to each use, stating compliance with Subtitle K §917.11(b), shall be signed by the owner of the parking space and the owner of each use requiring the parking space;
(d) The final, original written agreement shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the use;
(e) Any amendment or successor agreement must be filed no later than ten (10) days following execution by the parties; and
(f) The Zoning Administrator shall maintain a file of all written agreements and amendments for each lot containing a parking space shared between multiple uses and for the lots sharing the parking space.

Parking spaces shall not be located between a street right-of-way line and the more restrictive of either a building fare or a line extending from and parallel to a building fare. A building used solely as a parking attendant shelter shall not trigger this restriction. Notwithstanding the restriction of this subsection, the existing surface parking lot south of Building 11 may remain, but shall not be expanded in size.


An above- grade structure constructed or renovated to provide parking after September 4, 2015, when this chapter was adopted, shall be lined with preferred uses on the ground and second floors to a depth of fifteen feet (15 ft.) minimum, except the portions of the building façade used for vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian access to the parking area. For the purposes of this subsection, preferred uses shall include any use from the arts design and creation; eating and drinking establishments; office; residential; retail; service, general; and service, financial use groups.


All parking spaces, other than mechanical parking spaces, shall be accessible at all times from a driveway accessing either an improved street or an improved alley or alley system with a minimum width of ten feet (10 ft.). Parking spaces provided within or accessed by a mechanized parking system need not meet the accessibility requirement of this subsection as long as the mechanized parking system does.


New parking spaces and drive aisles shall be designed in accordance with the standards of Subtitle C §§ 710 through 716.


Approval of a driveway under this chapter shall not be interpreted to imply permission for a curb cut in public space. All curb cuts in public space shall obtain all necessary approvals and permissions.


All access to parking facilities, whether from a public or private right-of-way, shall meet DDOT and Public Space Committee standards.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-K917

Final Rulemaking published at 63 DCR 2447 (9/6/2016); amended by Final Rulemaking published at 67 DCR 11679 (10/9/2020)