Plaza space for new development subject to this chapter shall be located immediately adjacent to the main entrance to the principal building or structure on the lot, and shall serve as a transitional space between the street or pedestrian right-of-way and the building or structure.
Plaza space shall be open to the sky or have a minimum vertical clearance of one (1) story or ten feet (10 ft.).
Plaza space shall be suitably lighted and landscaped for public use, and may be utilized for temporary commercial displays.
Plaza space shall be open and available to the general public on a continuous basis.
Required plaza space shall not be charged against the gross floor area of the building.
Plaza requirements shall be provided as a percentage of lot area.
A plaza may be used by building occupants and visitors for:
Where preferred use space is required and is provided, the requirement to provide plaza space shall not apply.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-C1701