All uses established in an M District under §§ 801.7 or 821.3, all Electronic Equipment Facility (EEF) uses established in an M District, and all uses accessory to those uses shall be operated to comply with the standards of external effects in this section.
The volume of sound inherently and recurrently generated shall not exceed the standards in §§ 825.3 through 825.6 at any point along the boundaries of the zone district in which the use is located.
Sound levels shall be measured with a sound level meter and associated octave band filter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American Standards Association on May 12, 1958.
Objectionable sounds of an intermittent nature shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses.
Except as provided in § 825.6, maximum sound pressure levels shall not exceed those provided in the following table:
0-74 | 79 |
75-149 | 74 |
150-299 | 66 |
300.599 | 59 |
600-1,199 | 53 |
1,200-2,399 | 47 |
2,400-4,800 | 41 |
Above 4,800 | 39 |
Where an M District abuts a Residence, Special Purpose, or Commercial District, maximum sound pressure levels along the zone district boundary separating the M District from such districts shall not exceed the standards in § 804.6.
The emission of any smoke from any source whatever to a density greater than that permitted by the Fuel Burning Equipment Regulations in 12 DCMR art. 11 (1985) shall be prohibited.
The emission of any odorous gases or other odorous matter or steam in quantities that are offensive or noisome at any point along the boundaries of the District in which the use is located shall be prohibited.
No noxious, toxic, or corrosive fumes or gases shall be permitted to escape or be discharged from any building or other structure housing any use permitted in an M District.
No objectionable amounts of cinders, dust, or fly-ash shall be permitted to escape or be discharged from any building or other structure that houses any use permitted in an M District.
No direct or reflected glare or heat from any source shall be detectable in objectionable amounts beyond the boundaries of the zone district in which the use is located.
Every use shall be operated so that ground vibration inherently and recurrently generated is not perceptible, without instruments, at any point along any boundary of the zone district in which the use is located.
Where an Electronic Equipment Facility (EEF) use is proposed in an M District on a lot that abuts a Residence (R), Special Purpose (SP), Waterfront (W), or Mixed Use (CR) zoned property, the following conditions shall apply:
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-825