D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-2713

Current through Register Vol. 72, No. 2, January 10, 2025

A monopole shall be permitted if approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment in accordance with § 3104 of this title, subject to the provisions of this section, in the zone districts specified in § 2713.2.


A monopole may be permitted as a special exception use in the following zone districts:

(a) R, residence districts;
(b) C-1 through C-4 commercial districts;
(c) SP, special purpose districts;
(d) CM, commercial-light manufacturing districts;
(e) CR, mixed-use district; and
(f) W, waterfront district.

An antenna tower, either alone or in conjunction with a studio, or the erection, alteration, or use of buildings for transmission or reception equipment on the same lot, shall be permitted if approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment in accordance with § 3104 of this title and subject to the provisions of this section, in the zone districts specified in § 2713.4.


An antenna tower may be permitted as a special exception use in the following zone districts:

(a) C-2 through C-4 commercial districts;
(b) SP, special purpose districts;
(c) CM, commercial-light manufacturing districts;
(d) CR, mixed use district; and
(e) W, waterfront districts.

The location, height, and other characteristics of an antenna tower or monopole shall be:

(a) Consistent with the purpose of this chapter;
(b) Designed and available for collocation by other service providers;
(c) Located so the visual impacts are minimized to the greatest practical extent, from neighboring property and adjacent public space, or appropriately screened by landscaping or other techniques to minimize the visibility of the antenna tower or monopole; and
(d) Designed and constructed to preserve existing trees to the greatest practical extent.

If an applicant is unable to meet the requirements of § 3104, the Board of Zoning Adjustment may nevertheless grant the application if the applicant demonstrates that:

(a) There is a significant gap in wireless service;
(b) The proposed antenna tower or monopole will fill this gap;
(c) No other mounting options are available;
(d) The site is the only location from which the gap can be filled or, if other sites are available, the antenna tower or monopole at the proposed location will generate the least adverse impacts;
(e) That the height and other physical design characteristics of the proposed antenna tower or monopole do not exceed those which are minimally necessary to fill the gap in wireless service;
(f) That it is using the least intrusive means to provide wireless service necessary to fill the gap in such service; and
(g) That its proposed antenna tower and monopole, even when supporting all possible collocators, will be in full compliance with Federal Communication Commission cumulative and individual RF emission levels.

Any antenna tower or monopole with a proposed height in excess of that permitted by the Act of June 1, 1910 (36 Stat. 452), as amended, shall not be permitted, unless the height is approved by the Mayor or his or her designee.


An antenna tower or monopole shall be set back a minimum horizontal distance equal to its total height as measured from the ground, from any residentially developed or zoned property.


Each part of an antenna tower or monopole shall be removed from each lot line the greater of the following:

(a) Twenty feet (20 ft.); or
(b) A distance of at least one-third (1/3) of the total constructed height.

The Board of Zoning Adjustment shall submit the application to the D.C. Office of Planning for review and report.


The applicant shall provide written and/or graphic documentation of the following:

(a) The area to be served by the proposed new antenna tower or monopole;
(b) The area being inadequately served;
(c) A map indicating the location of any other antenna or related facility sites providing service by the applicant within a two mile radius, including public space, of the proposed site;
(d) Other towers or monopoles within a two-mile radius of the proposed site with identified heights above grade;
(e) An explanation of why the applicant cannot collocate on an existing tower or monopole;
(f) A written statement agreeing to permit the collocation by other service providers on a commercial basis on an antenna tower;
(g) A written statement agreeing to design a proposed monopole for at least three (3) antenna arrays and to make the array space available on a commercial basis for collocation by any telecommunications service provider whenever unused by the initial telecommunications service provider(s);
(h) The topographic conditions of the area to be served;
(i) The relative height of the antenna tower or monopole to the tops of surrounding trees within one-quarter mile radius of the proposed site as they presently exist;
(j) The proposed appearance of the antenna tower or monopole, including exterior finish;
(k) A maintenance plan explaining how the property manager will control ice build-up, falling ice, and potential falling debris; the plan should also address how inoperative antennas will be removed; and
(l) Other information as may be necessary for impact assessment of the antenna tower or monopole.

In addition to any other conditions deemed necessary to mitigate potential adverse impacts, the Board of Zoning Adjustment may impose conditions relating to operation, location, screening, collocation, or other requirements as it shall deem necessary to protect adjacent and nearby property, neighborhood character, and the image of the city as the nation's capital, consistent with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and may require the removal of any on-site inoperable or unauthorized antenna as a condition to the approval.


No signs of any kind, including advertisements, may be placed on an antenna tower or monopole, its equipment cabinet, or its equipment shelter, unless necessary for the safety of the public.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 11, r. 11-2713

Final Rulemaking published at 55 DCR 34 (January 4, 2008)