D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2300

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

The Office of Planning, pursuant to this chapter, shall be to ensure that there is established a coordinated interagency review process in the District of Columbia to do the following:

(a) Review, prior to the filing of applications for building or construction permits, all large tract development projects comprising three (3) acres or more and any commercial or mixed-use commercial development of fifty thousand square feet (50,000 ft.2) or more gross floor area (above grade) and cellar area (below grade);
(b) Review, in the case of large tract development of ten (10) acres or more, all applications for subdivision authorizations and for multiple building convenants under § 108.7 of the District of Columbia Building Code (DCMR Title 12); and comprising three (3) to ten (10) acres, if in the judgment of the Director of the Office of Planning, such review is necessary; and
(c) Review requests for subdivisions of tracts and land comprising three (3) to ten (10) acres, if in the judgment of the Director of the Office of Planning such review is necessary.

The goals of this chapter shall be the following:

(a) To minimize adverse environmental, traffic and neighborhood impacts;
(b) To avoid unnecessary public costs in terms of new services or facilities required of city agencies; and
(c) To carry out the policies of the District Elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital (D.C. Law 5-76 and D.C. Law 5-187).

The procedures of this chapter shall also serve a way for the developer of a large tract to consult and receive coordinated comments from city agencies and comments from the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANCs) prior to filing for necessary building or construction permits.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2300

Final Rulemaking published at 33 DCR 7701 (December 12, 1986)
AUTHORITY: Unless otherwise noted, the authority for this chapter is Mayor's Order 86-121, 33 DCR 5699 (September 12, 1986).