D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2233

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

An person aggrieved by a determination as to eligibility for, or the amount of, a payment under this chapter may have his or her claim reviewed and reconsidered by the Mayor in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. A person making a claim under this section shall be referred to as a "claimant."


Whenever the Relocation Office denies the eligibility of a claimant for a payment, disapproves the full amount claimed, or refuses to consider the claim on its merits because of untimely filing or on any other ground, it shall notify the claimant in writing of its determination and the reasons for the determination. The Relocation Office shall also inform the claimant of the applicable procedures for the receipt and consideration by it of an appeal by the claimant of the determination.


Any claimant who feels that the explanation accompanying the determination of the Relocation Office to deny or reduce the amount of his or her claim is incorrect or inadequate may request a full written explanation of the determination and the reasons for it.


The request for a full written explanation shall be made within six (6) months of receipt of the initial determination.


The Relocation Office shall provide the explanation requested under § 2233.3 to the claimant within fifteen (15) days of its receipt of the claimant's request.


A claimant shall be notified that, prior to filing a written complaint pursuant to § 2234, he or she may request and be afforded an opportunity to make an oral presentation and to discuss his or her claim with a reviewing officer.


The reviewing officer shall be a person other than the person who made the initial determination, and shall have the authority to revise the initial determination on the claim.


The reviewing officer who hears an informal presentation pursuant to this section shall also review the formal appeal of the claimant if one is made.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2233

§ 505(a) through (d) of the Relocation Regulations, Regulation No. 73-4, 19 DCR 599, 628 (February 21, 1973)