The Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro Station Focus Area extends from Decatur Street on the north to Euclid Street on the south. The text below addresses the area between Decatur Street and Spring Road, including the Metro station itself. 2212.1
See the Mid-City Area Element for detail on the area from Spring Road south to Euclid Street.
The Rock Creek East portion of the Study Area includes flats, apartments, the Petworth Library, several schools and recreation areas, and many small shops such as beauty salons, carry outs, and liquor stores. The corridor also includes vacant buildings and underutilized sites with the potential for redevelopment. 2212.2
A "Corridor Plan and Revitalization Strategy" was developed for Georgia Avenue - Petworth in 2005. It provides a framework to guide future development and to enhance the quality of life in neighborhoods along the corridor. The Strategy recognizes the opportunity to reenergize Georgia
Avenue as a thriving and attractive street, building on historic assets like the area's building stock and relatively new assets like the Metrorail station. It includes strategies to strengthen existing businesses, restore abandoned storefronts, attract new mixed income development, address parking issues, and draw new businesses through financial and regulatory incentives. Several blocks along the Avenue are identified as new housing sites. Numerous parking, traffic flow, and pedestrian improvements are identified, such as more visible crosswalks, landscaped medians, and improved lighting. One of the Plan's transportation recommendations-extension of Yellow Line train service-is already moving forward. 2212.3
Several mixed use projects are planned for the area. One of these is located on the 1.4-acre Metro station site at Petworth and will include ground floor retail and upper floor housing. This project should be a catalyst for other residential and mixed use projects planned or underway on Georgia Avenue. Future projects should include a diversity of housing types and retail amenities, oriented toward the needs of the surrounding community. 2212.4
Policy RCE-2.2.1: Development Character
Encourage development in the Georgia Avenue/Petworth area to respect the area's pedestrian-oriented, moderate density character. A variety of project scales should be encouraged, ranging from small adaptive reuse and rehabilitation projects to mixed use projects combining housing and commercial uses. Mixed income housing with a variety of housing types is particularly encouraged. Any development of larger-scale buildings shall require architecturally sensitive scale transitions to adjacent, less dense development. 2212.5
Policy RCE-2.2.2: Strategic Public and Private Investment in Petworth
Target capital improvements toward the locations that are best equipped to leverage new private development, particularly the 3600-4100 blocks of Georgia Avenue. These capital investments should include façade improvements, streetscape amenities, pedestrian safety measures, parking management improvements, and public art. 2212.6
Policy RCE-2.2.3: Limiting Undesirable Uses in Petworth
Discourage uses deemed undesirable along Georgia Avenue, such as liquor stores, used car lots, and automobile repair shops. Provide flexibility for businesses with desirable uses that would like to expand their services and facilities. Such measures will help strengthen the economic vitality of the corridor, retain businesses, and serve the shopping needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. 2212.7
Policy RCE-2.2.4: Upshur/Taylor Industrial Area
Recognize the opportunities for new housing, loft, and live-work development in the heavy commercial area located between Upshur, Shepherd, Georgia Avenue, and 13th Street. 2212.8
Action RCE-2.2.A: Site Acquisition
Continue acquisition of underused or vacant land to facilitate public-private infill development that catalyzes the revitalization of Georgia Avenue and reinforces its role as the central business district of Petworth. 2212.9
Action RCE-2.2.B: Petworth Co-Location Opportunities
Explore opportunities to co-locate new and improved public facilities along Spring Road and on the Petworth Library/Roosevelt Senior High School/ MacFarland Middle School campus. Consider other uses in the co-location development programs, such as a health care center, housing and senior living. 2212.10
Action RCE-2.2.C: Petworth Overlay Zone
Consider an overlay zone for Georgia Avenue in Petworth that would restrict new uses deemed undesirable along the corridor, such as used automobile lots and automobile repair shops, and that would provide existing businesses with an allowance for additional floor area ratio to help them expand. 2212.11
Action RCE-2.2.D: Georgia and New Hampshire Avenue Intersection
Enhance pedestrian safety, aesthetics and streetscape quality at the intersection of Georgia Avenue and New Hampshire Avenue, adjacent to Metro. This intersection is the hub of Petworth and requires crosswalk improvements and other changes to create a more desirable shopping district and favorable climate for new investment. The need for such improvements at the Georgia and Kansas Avenue intersection also should be assessed. 2212.12
Action RCE-2.2.E: Financial Incentives
Consider financial and management incentives to assist existing businesses and new investors along Georgia Avenue, including a Tax Increment Financing District, a retail and leasing management strategy, and changes to the Façade Improvement Program. 2212.13
The provisions of Title 10, Part A of the DCMR accessible through this web interface are codification of the District Elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital. As such, they do not represent the organic provisions adopted by the Council of the District of Columbia. The official version of the District Elements only appears as a hard copy volume of Title 10, Part A published pursuant to section 9 a of the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act of 1994, effective April 10, 1984 (D.C. Law 5-76; D.C. Official Code § 1 -301.66)) . In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions accessible through this site and the provisions contained in the published version of Title 10, Part A, the provisions contained in the publishedversion govern. A copy of the published District Elements is available
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-A2212