D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 1, r. 1-2827
Unless otherwise prohibited by law or duly ordered by an Administrative Law Judge, proceedings at OAH shall be open to the public.
Administrative Law Judges and OAH non-judicial staff may observe any proceedings at OAH. They shall keep confidential any confidential information that they may receive in those proceedings.
Electronic devices that make noise, including cell phones, are prohibited unless set for silent operation.
Audio and video recording, broadcasting, and photography are prohibited anywhere at OAH unless authorized by the Chief Administrative Law Judge. The presiding Administrative Law Judge may allow anyone to draw during proceedings in a hearing room so long as it does not disrupt those proceedings.
Weapons, dangerous implements, and illegal drugs are prohibited at OAH and are subject to confiscation. The prohibition against weapons does not apply to authorized service weapons carried by law enforcement officers unless they are parties to a case.
Dangerous or toxic items, including but not limited to chemicals and sharp objects, that pose a threat to health or safety are prohibited at OAH. Any party who wants to use such an item as evidence shall file a motion and obtain the approval of the presiding Administrative Law Judge prior to the hearing before bringing the item to OAH.
Except for those animals assisting persons with disabilities, animals are prohibited at OAH.
Any person who presents a threat to safety or who is disrupting OAH operations or proceedings may be removed.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 1, r. 1-2827