"Chain of custody": the method of tracing each urine specimen to maintain control from initial collection to final disposition.
"Collection sites": the designated locations where employees present themselves to provide urine specimens.
"Confirmation test": an analytical procedure to identify the presence of a specific drug or metabolite, which is independent of the initial test, performed on the same specimen and which uses a different chemical principle from that of the initial test to ensure reliability and accuracy.
"Confirmed positive result": the presence of a controlled substance in the pure form or its metabolites, at or above the cutoff level, as identified in two consecutive tests on the same sample which employ different test methods, and which is determined not to have been caused by an alternative medical explanation.
"Contractor": entity paid on a contractual basis to maintain a list of employees in the random testing pool, select employees for random testing, collect specimens, conduct reasonable suspicion and incident triggered testing, safeguard specimens, interpret results, notify DSCYF of positive tests and provide training to supervisors regarding bases for reasonable suspicion testing.
"Employee": any person [] receiving compensation as an employee of the DSCYF.
"Employee Assistance Program (EAP)": the state of delaware's employee assistance program that provides services to a benefit covered employee who has tested positive for the use of prohibited drugs.
"Employee testing number": the employee id (EMPLID) number assigned to each employee by the Payroll Human Resource Statewide Technology (PHRST) system.
"Incident Triggered Testing": Any incident involving death or serious injury to a DSCYF employee, resident or client, loss or significant damage to department property, including any accident involving a motor vehicle transporting DSCYF clients or residents, or the escape or runaway of a resident where the security sensitive employee was involved in the incident.
"Non-negative test result": Test results that indicate a positive, diluted, adulterated, substituted or similar result. All non-negative test results are reviewed by a Medical Review Officer (MRO).
"Random Testing": Tests based upon an appropriate random sampling technique, with significant samples of DSCYF employees being selected on a periodic basis with all such employees having an equal chance of being selected.
"Reasonable Suspicion Testing": Includes, but is not limited to, observing the employee(s) either using or possessing a drug, displaying physical symptoms of being under the influence of a drug, or finding drug paraphernalia in the workplace.]
9 Del. Admin. Code § 501-4.0