7 Del. Admin. Code § 7103-55.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
Section 7103-55.0 - Table 201-1 Steps for Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Review and Approval of Slow Rate Land Treatment Systems
55.1 Letter of Intent submitted to Department by owner or owner's representative.
55.2 Department response. Identifies need for:
55.2.1 Site Selection and Evaluation Report
55.2.2 Site Inspection
55.2.3 Design Development Report
55.2.4 Permit Application and Public Notice
55.2.5 Plans and Specifications
55.2.6 Plan of Operation and Management
55.2.7 Trust Indenture for privately owned facilities
55.3 Site Selection and Evaluation Report:
55.3.1 Submitted for Department review
55.3.2 Department conducts site inspection
55.3.3 Site concurrence or denial issued by Division
55.4 Design Development Report:
55.4.1 Submitted for Department review
55.4.2 Accepted by Department as the basis for facility design
55.5 Application for permit to apply treated wastewater to land:
55.5.1 Permit application requested from owner
55.5.2 Permit application completed and submitted to Department
55.5.3 Application reviewed and checked against design development report
55.6 Public Notice:
55.6.1 Public Notice drafted by Department
55.6.2 Public Notice advertised by Department; billing sent to owner
55.6.3 Public comment period
55.6.4 Public Notice requirements completed (hearing held if necessary)
55.6.5 Trust Indenture executed for privately owned facilities
55.7 Land Treatment System (LTS) Permit drafted by Division.
55.7.1 Industrial pretreatment requirements included if necessary
55.7.2 Draft permit and monitoring requirements sent to owner for comment
55.7.3 Draft permit modified if necessary
55.8 Plans and Specifications:
55.8.1 Submitted by owner for Department review with permit application
55.8.2 Checked against accepted Design Development Report
55.8.3 Approved by Department for construction and incorporated into final LTS permit
55.9 Plan of Operation and Management:*
55.9.1 Submitted by owner for Department review
55.9.2 Approved by Department
55.9.3 Incorporated into final LTS Permit
55.10 Final Land Treatment System (LTS) Permit issued.
55.10.1 Permit signed
55.10.2 Sent to facility owner
55.10.3 Facility construction begins
55.11 Certification of Construction Completion:
55.11.1 Submitted to Department by design engineer
55.11.2 Department conducts facility inspection to verify compliance with approved plans and specifications
55.12 Authorization to commence operation at design flow.
55.13 *While the steps shown in 55.9 are the preferred approach, in any case the Final Operation and Management Plan must be approved by the Department prior to issuance of an Authorization to commence operation at design flow (Item 55.12)

7 Del. Admin. Code § 7103-55.0