Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1351-C-1.0 - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems Installed After January 11, 20081.1 General Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.1.1 Owners and Operators shall ensure that all Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with a capacity of greater than 1,100 gallons shall be designed, constructed, installed and operated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, and accepted engineering practices and procedures; and in a manner which will prevent Releases of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to the ground waters, surface waters or soils of the State due to corrosion, structural failure, manufacturing defects, spills, and overfills for the Operational Life of the UST System.1.1.2 The material used in the construction and lining of the UST System shall be Compatible with the substances to be stored in the UST System.1.1.3 Components of the UST system shall be approved by Underwriters Laboratories or equivalent third party certified.1.1.4 All Consumptive use Heating Fuel UST Systems installed after January 11, 2008, with a storage capacity of greater than 1,100 gallons shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Secondary Containment requirements in accordance with Part C, subsection Bare steel UST Systems or steel UST Systems coated with asphalt are prohibited.1.1.6 Owners and Operators shall install, operate, and maintain all equipment such that manufacturer's warranties are not voided.1.2 General Installation Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems. 1.2.1 Prior to the installation of any Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST System with a storage capacity of greater than 1,100 gallons a site survey shall be initiated by the Owner and Operator. The pre-installation site survey shall be conducted to determine the locations of nearby buildings, underground utilities and sewer lines.1.2.2 Private and public drinking water wells, rivers, streams, lakes, canals, wetlands, floodplains, State designated Natural Areas, and other environmentally sensitive locations shall be recorded and incorporated into the design of the UST System Facility.1.2.3 UST System Owners and Operators shall notify the Department at least 30 Days prior to installation of all Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with a storage capacity greater than 1,100 gallons. Notice shall include a site plan, the scale of which shall be 1 inch equals 10 feet or less and which shall at a minimum include the following: The information determined from the pre-installation site survey in Part C, subsection 1.2.1; and1.2.3.2 Size and location of Tanks including Tank dimensions, depth of cover, Empty Tank weight, Tank manufacturer and Tank type; and1.2.3.3 The UST System installation location, streets, roads, other properties bordering the construction site; and1.2.3.4 Piping dimensions and layout; and1.2.3.5 Dimensions and locations of vents; and1.2.3.6 Type of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to be stored; and1.2.3.7 Location of overfill device, spill prevention system and monitoring devices including dimensions of spill containment devices and sumps when applicable; and1.2.3.8 Location of burner unit(s), as appropriate; and1.2.3.9 Materials of construction for Tank(s), Piping and associated appurtenances, including manufacturer name, model numbers and any manufacturer's catalog information requested by the Department; and1.2.3.10 Location of and access to check valves, antisiphon valves, automatic Line leak detectors, and flexible connectors; and1.2.3.11 Location of Cathodic Protection components and test stations; and1.2.3.12 Location of utilities (both aboveground and underground); and1.2.3.13 Location of electrical service components; and1.2.3.14 Details and dimensions of anchoring method including hold down pads, cover pads or deadmen and electrical isolation methods associated with the anchoring system if applicable. Indicate on plan if area is subject to vehicle traffic; and1.2.3.15 Map with the distance clearly labeled in feet from the UST System to all Domestic and Industrial Wells and surface water bodies within 150 feet of the UST System.1.2.4 After January 11, 2008, new Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with a storage capacity greater than 1,100 gallons shall not be installed within a minimum distance of a 150 foot radius from Public or Industrial Wells, unless otherwise approved by the Department. A Retrofit or Upgrade of an UST System shall not be considered a new installation for the purposes of Part C, subsection After January 11, 2008, new Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with a storage capacity greater than 1,100 gallons shall not be installed within a minimum distance of a 100 foot radius from a Domestic Well, unless otherwise approved by the Department. A Retrofit or Upgrade of an UST System shall not be considered a new installation for the purposes of Part C, subsection Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems.1.3.1 Acceptable designs for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST System construction include: Secondarily Contained Cathodically Protected steel (STi-P3); or1.3.1.2 Secondarily Contained fiberglass reinforced plastic; or1.3.1.3 Secondarily Contained steel with non-metallic or coated outer shell.1.3.2 Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems shall be installed in accordance with these Regulations, the manufacturer's specifications, accepted engineering practices and the following industry standards: PEI RP 100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Liquid Underground Storage Systems. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. OSHA, 29 CFR, 1926 Subpart P, Excavations.1.3.3 All Tanks shall be equipped with a strike plate located beneath all Tank openings.1.4 Secondary Containment Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems. 1.4.1 The Department shall require Secondary Containment on UST Systems.1.4.2 Secondary Containment systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed to: Contain Consumptive Use Heating Fuels Released from the UST System until it is detected and removed; and1.4.2.2 Prevent the Release of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to the environment at any time during the Operational Life of the UST System; and1.4.2.3 Be checked for evidence of a Consumptive Use Heating Fuel Release at least once every 30 Days.1.4.3 Secondary containment systems shall include the following: Double walled Tank; and1.4.3.2 Double walled Consumptive Use Heating Fuel return Piping; and1.4.3.3 Containment Sumps at the Tank top that meet the requirements of Part C, subsection All Secondary Containment systems shall be constructed in accordance with acceptable engineering practices, industry standards and shall have a Release Detection system in accordance with Part C, subsection Double Walled UST Design Requirements for Consumptive use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.5.1 Acceptable Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST System designs in Part C, subsection 1.3 shall be fabricated in double walled construction in accordance with accepted engineering practice and industry standards.1.5.2 A double walled Tank which is designed and manufactured in accordance with the following requirements satisfies the requirements for Secondary Containment in Part C, subsection 1.4: The interstitial space of the double walled Tank can be monitored for Releases; and1.5.2.2 Outer jackets made of steel shall be coated as prescribed in Part C, subsection 1.6.2; and1.5.2.3 There are no penetrations of any kind through the jacket to the Tank except top entry manholes and fittings; and1.5.2.4 The outer jacket shall cover the entire circumference of the Tank; and1.5.2.5 The jacket shall be able to contain a liquid or be able to contain a vacuum from the time of manufacture completion until the time of installation. All Tanks shall be equipped with a strike plate beneath all Tank openings.1.6 Cathodically Protected Steel UST Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.6.1 Cathodically Protected steel UST Systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in accordance with NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection, and the applicable industry standards, including the following: UL 58, Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids. UL 1746, Standard for Safety: External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks. STI P3, Specification for sti P3® System for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks. STI F-841, Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks. STI R-972, Recommended Practice for the Addition of Supplemental Anodes to sti-P3® USTs.1.6.2 The Tank shall be coated with a suitable Dielectric Material in accordance with NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection.1.6.3 Field-installed Cathodic Protection systems shall be designed, constructed, installed and tested in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, accepted engineering practice and the requirements listed in this Section.1.6.4 Each Cathodic Protection system shall include sufficient monitoring stations to enable Owners and Operators to check on the adequacy of the Cathodic Protection system.1.6.5 UST Systems that are protected by Sacrificial Anodes shall be electrically insulated from the Piping system with dielectric fittings, bushings, washers, sleeves, or gaskets which are chemically stable when exposed to petroleum, additives, corrosive soils or groundwater.1.7 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic UST Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.7.1 Fiberglass reinforced plastic UST Systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in accordance with the following industry standards: UL 1316, Standard for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohols and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures.1.7.2 Fiberglass reinforced plastic UST Systems shall be of sufficient structural strength to withstand normal handling and underground use and shall be Compatible with the Consumptive use Heating Fuel and additives stored, corrosive soils and groundwater. UST System construction materials shall be of sufficient density and strength to form a hard impermeable shell which will not crack, wick, wear, soften or separate under normal service conditions.1.7.3 Fiberglass reinforced plastic Tanks shall be tested for deflection in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements at the time of installation.1.8 Steel with Non-Metallic or Coated Outer Shell UST Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.8.1 Steel with non-metallic or coated outer shell UST Systems shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in accordance with the following industry standards, as applicable: UL 1746, Standard for Safety: External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks. UL 58, Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids. STI F-922, Specification for Permatank®. STI F-894, ACT-100® Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks. STI F-961, ACT-100U® Specification for External Corrosion Protection of Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks. STI F-841, Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks.1.8.2 The coating shall not corrode under adverse underground electrolytic conditions and shall be Compatible with the Consumptive Use Heating Fuel and additives stored.1.8.3 The coating shall be factory inspected for air pockets, cracks, blisters pinholes and electrically tested by a 10,000 volts holiday test performed over 100% of the surface for coating short circuits or coating faults or in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.1.8.4 Any defects shall be Repaired in accordance with standard engineering practice and the manufacturer's requirements.1.9 Release Detection Requirements for UST Systems Storing Consumptive Use Heating Fuel 1.9.1 General Requirements Owner and Operators shall provide a method, or combination of methods of Release Detection on all Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with a storage capacity greater than 1,100 gallons that meets the following requirements: Utilizes a method or methods capable of detecting a Release from any portion of the Tank and the connected underground Piping that routinely contain Consumptive Use Heating Fuel at a minimum of once every 30 Days; Is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, including routine Maintenance and service checks for operability or running condition; and1. Meets the performance standards for Release Detection in this Section, with any performance claims and their manner of determination described in writing by the equipment manufacturer or installer. The method shall be capable of detecting the leak rate or quantity specified for Precision Testing, automatic tank gauging, Line leak detectors, and line tightness testing methods specified in these Regulations with a probability of detection of at least 0.95 and a probability of false alarm no greater than 0.05; and1. Is operational prior to Regulated Substance being placed in the UST System. Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) methods are not approved for Tank Release Detection. Owners and Operators shall implement the indicated Release investigation procedures in Part E of these Regulations if the Release Detection equipment or method shows indication of a Release. Failure by Owners and Operators to maintain records of required Release Detection monitoring and inspection may be cause for the Department to require Tank tightness test(s) and inspection(s) of the UST Facility and an indicated Release investigation in accordance with the requirements specified in DERBCAP and Part E of these Regulations at the expense of Owners and Operators.1.9.2 Methods of Release Detection for Tanks Storing Consumptive Use Heating Fuel Owners and Operators shall monitor Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems greater than 1,100 gallons for Releases through the use of at least one of the following Release Detection methods: Continuous interstitial monitoring; or1. Automatic Tank gauge performing Tank tightness testing in accordance with Part C, subsection 1.9.4 for Tanks installed prior to January 11, 2008 that are unable by design to accommodate the continuous interstitial monitoring Release Detection method required in Part C, subsection Interstitial Monitoring Release Detection Requirements for Tanks Storing Consumptive Use Heating Fuel All interstitial monitoring devices shall be designed, constructed, installed, and maintained to continuously detect a leak from any portion of the Tank that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuel. At a minimum of once every 30 Days, Owners and Operators shall inspect all interstitial monitoring devices utilized for Release Detection for evidence of a Release from the UST System and shall record the results. The interstitial monitoring equipment shall be capable of producing a record of Release Detection monitoring results. Original test records or equivalent third party test reports that duplicate the ATG console settings and test programming shall be made available upon request. Owners and Operators shall maintain records of the interstitial Release monitoring results for 3 years. Owners and Operators shall have all interstitial monitoring equipment inspected by a certified technician once every 12 months as part of a preventive Maintenance program to minimize in-service failures. Any equipment malfunctions identified as a result of the inspection shall be rectified immediately. The inspection shall at a minimum include: Inspection of the console for printer operation if so equipped; and1. Verification of the system setup values and battery backup; and1. Verification of the test programming; and1. Verification of the operability of all warning and alarm indicator lights and audible alarms; and1. Inspection and testing of all probes and interstitial sensors in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or as directed by the Department to verify proper probe and sensor operation; and1. Inspection of all cables that are visible during normal operating conditions for any cracking or swelling; and1. Correction of any problems found as a result of the required inspection. Owners and Operators shall maintain records of the annual inspections of the interstitial monitoring equipment for 3 years and any Repairs performed as a result of the inspection for their time of ownership or operation of the UST System.1.9.4 Automatic Tank Gauging Release Detection Requirements for Tanks Storing Consumptive Use Heating Fuel Tank tightness testing using automatic tank gauging (ATG) equipment shall meet the following requirements: The ATG equipment can detect a 0.1 gallon per hour leak rate from any portion of the Tank that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuel; and1. The ATG equipment shall be capable of producing a record of the Release Detection test results; and1. At a minimum of once every 30 Days the ATG equipment shall perform a Release Detection test for each Tank and shall produce a record of such test. Original test records or equivalent third party Release Detection test reports that duplicate the ATG console settings and test programming shall be made available upon request. Owners and Operators shall maintain a record of all Release Detection tests performed by the ATG equipment for 3 years. Owners and Operators shall have all ATGs inspected by a certified technician once every 12 months as part of a preventive Maintenance program to minimize in-service failures. Any equipment malfunctions identified as a result of the inspection shall be rectified immediately. The inspection shall at a minimum include: Inspection of the ATG console for proper printer operation if so equipped; and1. Verification of the system setup values and battery backup; and1. Verification of the test programming; and1. Verification of the operability of all warning and alarm indicator lights and audible alarms; and1. Inspection and testing of the probes and sensors in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or as directed by the Department to verify proper probe and sensor operation; and1. Inspection of all cables that are visible during normal operating conditions for any cracking or swelling; and1. Correction of any problems found as a result of the required inspection. Owners and Operators shall maintain records of the annual inspections of the interstitial monitoring equipment and any Repairs performed as a result of the inspection for 3 years.1.10 Anchoring Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.10.1 Support and anchorage shall be provided for all new installations to avoid Tank flotation and shall be installed in accordance with the PEI RP100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems.1.10.2 One or more of the following methods of anchorage shall be utilized: Reinforced concrete deadmen anchors; or1.10.2.2 Bottom hold-down pad which consists of eight inches of reinforced concrete that extends 18 beyond Tank sides and 12 inches beyond each end; or1.10.2.3 Reinforced concrete slab over Tank.1.10.3 All exposed metallic components of hold down systems shall be Electrically Isolated and Cathodically Protected when the hold down system is required by the Department.1.11 Backfill Material Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.11.1 Backfill material shall consist of sand, crushed rock or pea gravel. The material shall be clean, washed, inert, free flowing, homogeneous, well granulated, non corrosive, and free of debris, rock, ice, snow or organic material. Particle length of crushed rock or pea gravel shall be no less than 1/8 inch and no more than 3/4 inch in size. Backfill material shall comply with the Tank manufacturer's specifications. Mixing of backfill with native soil or foreign objects is prohibited.1.11.2 The backfill depth shall be consistent with the requirements in PEI RP100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems.1.12 Requirements for Installation of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems in an Existing UST Facility. If a new UST System shall be installed in or near an existing or previous UST System, Owners and Operators shall conduct soil sampling and analysis in accordance with the requirements specified in DERBCAP and provide a means of Release Detection that shall detect any future Release from any portion of the UST System in accordance with Part C, subsections 1.9 and 1.18.
1.13 Tank and Piping Installation, Inspection and Testing Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.13.1 Prior to installation Tank system materials and equipment shall be inspected for flaws, surface cracks, holes, large scrapes, blisters, indentations and other indications of damage. All defects and Repairs to the UST System shall be recorded and the record submitted with a site completion report to the Department.1.13.2 All Tanks shall be air pressure tested according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to installation of the Tank(s) into the excavation. The installer shall soap the exterior, particularly its seams and fittings, and pressure test the Tank(s) using the manufacturer's specifications to locate and correct defects. Tank and interstitial space testing shall be conducted according to the manufacturer's recommendations and accepted engineering practices.1.13.3 After installation all Piping, including all interstitial spaces, shall be pressure tested according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to backfilling the excavation.1.13.4 After installation of the Tank and integral Piping is complete and prior to the initial use of the UST System, the entire system shall be tested in accordance with current industry standards and practices and in the following manner to ensure the system is tight: All testing of UST Systems shall be accomplished by the Precision Test method described in NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases or other test approved by the Department which is of equivalent or superior accuracy; and1.13.4.2 All testing of UST Systems shall be able to account for the effects of thermal expansion or contraction of Consumptive Use Heating Fuels, vapor pockets, Tank deformation, evaporation or condensation, temperature stratification in the UST and the location of the water table; and1.13.4.3 The required Precision Tests shall be conducted by a Person trained and certified in the correct use of the necessary equipment, and shall be performed in accordance with the testing procedures and requirements established by the test system manufacturer and current industry standards and practices.1.13.5 The Department reserves the right to request confirmatory system tightness tests to verify any test results submitted by an Owner, Operator, or contractor.1.13.6 Owners and Operators shall permit periodic inspection of the UST System installation by the Department.1.13.7 During the installation of all new UST Systems, every stage of the construction shall be documented with photographs to demonstrate that the UST System was installed in compliance with the requirements for new UST Systems. Upon completion of the installation, copies of the photographs, as built plan, and required certification(s) as required in Part A, subsections 4.6.11 and 4.6.12 shall be submitted to the Department within 30 Days of the completion of the UST System installation. The Owner and Operator shall keep copies of all documents and photographs on file for the life of the UST System.1.14 General Piping Installation Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.14.1 Piping shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.1.14.2 The Piping layout shall be designed to minimize crossed Pipes and interference with conduit and other UST System components. If crossing of Pipes is unavoidable, clearance shall be provided to prevent contact of the pipes.1.14.3 All Consumptive Use Heating Fuel and vent Piping shall slope back to the Tank with a minimum slope of 1/8 inch per foot.1.14.4 The Pipe joints shall be cut and deburred according to manufacturer's specifications to provide Liquid Tight seals.1.14.5 When rigid Piping is used, flexible connector(s) shall be installed at the Tank end of each Consumptive Use Heating Fuel Pipe and vent Pipe as well as at the base of the vent riser on all new installations. Double elbow swing joints are prohibited.1.14.6 All underground metal fittings, flexible connectors, joints, and pipes shall be isolated from contact with the soil.1.14.7 For rigid or semi-rigid Piping, if 50% or more of an existing Piping Run is required to be removed, the entire Piping Run shall be replaced. For Tanks with multiple Piping Runs, this definition applies independently to each Piping Run. If the Piping to be replaced is no longer manufactured, then the entire Piping Run shall be replaced.1.14.8 For flexible plastic Piping, if 50% or more of an existing Piping Run is required to be removed, the entire Piping Run shall be replaced. For Tanks with multiple Piping Runs, this definition applies independently to each Piping Run. If the replaced portion of an existing Piping Run is less than 50%, the entire Pipe between two discrete end points shall be replaced. The Replacement Piping shall be from the same manufacturer and of the same specifications as the Pipe that is being replaced. If the Piping to be replaced is no longer manufactured, then the entire Piping Run shall be replaced.1.15 UST Piping Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.15.1 Underground Piping shall be protected from corrosion in accordance with accepted corrosion engineering practices and shall be designed, constructed, installed and tested in accordance with the following industry standards, as applicable: NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases. UL Standard 971, Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids. UL Standard 567, Standard for Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas. PEI RP 100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems.1.15.2 Underground Piping systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed in a manner which will permit periodic tightness testing of the entire Piping system without the need for excavation and disassembly.1.15.3 Acceptable designs for Underground Piping construction include fiberglass reinforced plastic and flexible plastic Piping.1.15.4 Underground Piping burial depth shall provide at least 6 inches of distance between the Piping and the trench excavation walls. The Piping trench excavation shall provide a minimum of 6 inches of bedding and a minimum of 18 inches of compacted backfill material and pavement above the top of the Piping. Individual Piping Runs within the same Piping trench excavation shall be separated by a distance of at least twice the nominal Pipe diameter.1.16 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic and Flexible Plastic Piping Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.16.1 Fiberglass reinforced plastic and flexible plastic Piping shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.1.16.2 Fiberglass reinforced plastic and flexible plastic Piping shall be designed, constructed, installed, and tested in accordance with the following industry codes, as applicable: UL 971, Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids. UL 567, Standard for Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas. NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. PEI RP 100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems.1.16.3 The construction materials, joints and joint adhesives of all fiberglass reinforced plastic and flexible plastic Pipes shall be compatible with the Regulated Substance Consumptive Use Heating Fuel and additives stored, soil and groundwater.1.16.4 Pipes, fittings and adhesives shall be designed, fabricated, and factory tested in accordance with generally accepted structural, material and performance standards for underground Piping systems.1.17 Suction Piping Design Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.17.1 Suction Piping shall operate at less than atmospheric pressure and shall be designed, constructed, and installed to meet the requirements of Part C, subsection or Safe suction Piping systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following requirements: The below grade Piping shall be constructed so that if suction is Released the contents of the pipe will drain back into the Tank; and1. Only 1 check valve shall be included in each suction Pipe; and1. The check valve shall be located directly below and as close as practical to the suction pump. Suction Piping systems with a foot valve (U.S. Suction) shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following requirements: The below grade Piping shall be constructed so that the Piping slopes back to the Tank; and1. A foot valve is installed at the Tank.1.18 General Piping Release Detection Requirements for UST Piping for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.18.1 Owners and Operators shall equip all underground Piping that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuel with a method, or combination of methods of Release Detection that can detect a Release from any portion underground Piping that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuel.1.18.2 Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) methods are not approved for Piping Release Detection.1.18.3 Owners and Operators shall implement the indicated Release investigation procedure in Part E of these Regulations if the Piping Release Detection equipment or method shows indication of a Release.1.18.4 Failure by Owners and Operators to maintain records of required Release Detection monitoring and inspection may be cause for the Department to require UST System tightness test(s), inspection(s) of the UST Facility or an indicated Release investigation in accordance with Part E of these Regulations at the expense of Owners and Operators.1.19 Pressurized Piping Release Detection Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.19.1 Owners and Operators shall conduct an annual tightness test of the entire pressurized underground Piping system, including the primary and secondary Piping, in accordance with NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases.1.19.2 Owners and Operators of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems that have underground pressurized Piping systems shall use a Piping tightness test method designed to detect a Release from any portion of the underground Piping system that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuels.1.19.3 Piping Interstitial Monitoring Requirements1.19.3.1 Owners and Operators of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with underground pressurized Piping systems constructed of double wall design shall utilize continuous interstitial monitoring systems that meet the following requirements: All interstitial monitoring devices shall be designed, constructed, installed and maintained to continuously detect a Release from any portion of the Piping that routinely contains Consumptive Use Heating Fuel; and1. At a minimum of once every 30 Days, Owners and Operators shall provide proof via the interstitial monitoring equipment record that the interstitial monitoring device is functioning in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications; and1. Owners and Operators shall maintain records of the interstitial Release Detection for 3 years; and1. The interstitial monitoring device shall alert the Owner and Operator to the presence of a Release by shutting off the flow of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel; and1. All sump and interstitial sensors shall comply with the testing and monitoring requirements of Part C, subsection 1.26; and1. All Containment Sumps shall comply with the testing and monitoring requirements of Part C, subsection Continuous interstitial monitoring systems that comply with Part C, subsection 1.19.3 may be utilized to meet the annual piping tightness test requirements of Part C, subsections 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 after notification to the Department. This allowance shall not apply to UST Systems approved by the Department in accordance with Part C, subsection When there is a failure of any annual piping tightness test, conducted voluntarily or to meet the requirements of these Regulations, the test failure shall be reported to the Department within 24 hours by the Owner and Operator and the UST System test contractor. A copy of the test result(s) shall be sent to the Department within 7 Days of the test failure. The UST System tightness test failure shall be investigated in accordance with Part E, Section Suction Piping Release Detection Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.20.1 Release Detection is not required for suction Piping that is designed and constructed to meet the requirements of Part C, subsection Suction Piping designed and constructed to meet the requirements of Part C, subsection shall have Release Detection in accordance with Part C, subsection Owners and Operators of suction Piping that is designed and constructed in accordance with Part C, subsection shall conduct a Line tightness test a minimum of once every 3 years in accordance with NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases.1.21 Spill Prevention Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.21.1 No Person shall construct, install, use, or maintain any UST Facility without providing a reliable means of ensuring that Releases due to spilling do not occur.1.21.2 To prevent spilling associated with Consumptive Use Heating Fuel transfer to the UST System, Owners and Operators shall comply with the requirements of the following industry standards: NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; or1.21.2.2 NFPA 385, Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible Liquids; or1.21.2.3 API RP 1621, Bulk Liquid Stock Control at Retail Outlets.1.21.3 Owners and Operators shall equip all Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems with impervious spill containment devices that form a Liquid Tight seal around the fill Pipe connections.1.21.4 All spill containment devices installed around the fill Pipe shall have a minimum containment capacity of 15 gallons.1.21.5 Owners and Operators shall immediately upon discovery remove water, Consumptive Use Heating Fuel, or debris that accumulates in the spill containment device. Liquid and debris shall be properly disposed in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements. Owners and Operators shall maintain spill containment devices as to be capable of containing a spill of the containment design capacity at all times.1.21.6 All precautions shall be taken to prevent Tank overfilling, spilling, and dripping.1.21.7 Spill containment devices of single wall design, including devices with replaceable inner buckets, shall be tested once every 12 months for tightness in accordance with Part C, subsection Spill containment devices of double wall design with continuous monitoring of the interstitial space shall be tested once every 12 months for tightness in accordance with Part C, subsection 1.21.9 or manufacturer's specifications, and the interstitial sensors shall be tested in accordance with Part C, subsection Hydrostatic testing procedures shall meet the following requirements: For post-construction hydrostatic testing, the spill bucket shall be completely filled with liquid and held for 24 hours. For any measurable liquid level drop, it is a failed test and the spill bucket is considered non-Liquid Tight. For periodic hydrostatic testing, the spill bucket shall be completely filled with liquid and held for 1 hour. For any measurable liquid level drop, it is a failed test and the spill bucket is considered non-Liquid Tight.1.21.10 Hydrostatic testing liquid shall be properly disposed in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements.1.21.11 Owners and Operators shall report, investigate, and clean up any spills and overfills in accordance with Part E of these Regulations.1.22 Overfill Prevention Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.22.1 No Person shall construct, install, use, or maintain any UST Facility without providing a reliable means of ensuring that Releases due to overfilling do not occur.1.22.2 The Person In Charge of the transfer of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to the UST shall adhere to proper safety precautions and procedures for transfer such as those found in NFPA 385, Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and API RP 1621, Bulk Liquid Stock Control at Retail Outletsand shall comply with the following: The Person In Charge of the transfer operation shall first check the UST to ensure that the volume available in the UST is greater than the volume of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to be transferred to the UST before the transfer is made; and1.22.2.2 During the transfer, the Person In Charge shall continuously monitor the transfer operation to prevent an Overfill Release; and1.22.2.3 All deliveries and measurements shall be made through a drop tube that extends to no more than 6 inches from the Tank bottom and in accordance with manufacturer's specifications; and1.22.2.4 At the conclusion of the transfer, the Person in Charge shall collect any Consumptive Use Heating Fuel that remains in the transfer hose in and shall ensure it is properly managed and does not reach the environment; and1.22.2.5 The Person in Charge shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent spilling and dripping.1.22.3 Owners and Operators shall install and maintain overfill prevention equipment that shall: Automatically achieve partial shut off of flow into the UST when the UST is 95% full and complete shut off of flow at 98% full; or1.22.3.2 Alert the transfer operator when the UST is no more than 90% full by triggering a high-level audible and visual alarm. Vent line flow restrictors (ball float valves) shall not be installed for overfill prevention. Existing vent line flow restrictors (ball float valves) shall be removed not later than January 11, 2023 unless the following condition exists: Vent line flow restrictors (ball float valves) may remain in place provided the overfill prevention equipment automatically achieves partial shut off of flow into the UST when the UST is 85% full and complete shut off of flow at 88% full. Vent line flow restrictors (ball float valves) shall not be used in conjunction with the high level alarm overfill prevention method specified in Part C, subsection UST Systems that receive pressurized deliveries require a high level audible and visual alarm that is triggered at no more than 90% full for overfill prevention or automatic flow shut-off valve designed for pressurized deliveries.1.22.5 Owners and Operators shall report, investigate, and clean up any spills and overfills in accordance with Part E of these Regulations.1.22.6 Owners and Operators shall ensure that overfill prevention equipment is inspected a minimum of once every 3 years. The first inspection shall occur prior to October 13, 2021. At a minimum, the inspection shall ensure that overfill prevention equipment is functioning in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and shall activate at the correct level specified in Part C, subsection Fill Line Protection Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.23.1 Owners and Operators shall clearly mark all fill Lines for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems to indicate the size of the Tank and the type of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel stored. These markings shall be as follows: A label or permanent tag at the fill connection which states the size of the UST System and the specific type of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel stored; and1.23.1.2 A color symbol system implemented according to the following requirements: All fill covers shall be marked consistent with API RP 1637, Using the API Color-Symbol System to Mark Equipment and Vehicles for Product Identification at Service Stations and Distribution Terminals1.23.2 Pipes and other openings not used for transfer of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel at the UST Facility shall not be painted any color which would be associated with the color symbol designated for marking the Consumptive Use Heating Fuel stored at the Facility. It is particularly important that openings with access to soil and ground water not be confused with Consumptive Use Heating Fuel fill Lines.1.24 Corrosion Protection Operation and Maintenance Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.24.1 General Requirements Owners and Operators of steel UST Systems with corrosion protection systems shall operate and maintain the system in accordance with the following industry standards: NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection; and1. NACE TM0101, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems; and1. NACE International SP 0169, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems; and1. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; and1. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages. Owners and Operators of steel UST Systems with corrosion protection systems shall maintain and operate the corrosion protection system to continuously provide corrosion protection to the metal components of the UST System that routinely contain Consumptive Use Heating Fuel and are in contact with the ground to ensure that Releases due to corrosion are prevented for the life of the UST System. Cathodic Protection systems shall be designed and installed to allow determination of the current operating status.1.24.2 Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection System Operation and Maintenance Requirements1.24.2.1 Owners and Operators shall test all UST Systems equipped with Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection systems for proper operation using standard corrosion engineering practices and in accordance with the following requirements: Testing procedures shall be done in accordance with NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection, NACE TM0101, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems and the manufacturer's specifications, and shall include the following: A minimum of 3 voltage readings equally spaced along the center line, including both ends and center, for UST Systems less than 20,000 gallons and a minimum of 5 voltage readings equally spaced along the center line, including both ends, center and two intermediate locations for UST Systems greater than or equal to 20,000 gallons; and1. A minimum of 1 voltage reading for every 10 feet of Piping. All Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection systems that protect underground Facility components shall be tested by an individual certified by a nationally recognized industry standard setting organization, and in accordance with Department standards, within 6 months of installation and at least once every 12 months thereafter. The Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system shall be tested by an individual certified by a nationally recognized industry standard setting organization, and in accordance with Department standards, within 6 weeks after underground work is performed at or near a site with a Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system and once every 12 months thereafter. Owners and Operators shall Repair or replace the Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system in accordance with NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection and the requirements of Part C, subsection 1.6 if the Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system is not operating in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the requirements of these Regulations. This includes the failure of any required reading to register a negative voltage of at least 0.85 volts for each UST. An individual certified by a nationally recognized industry standard setting organization shall determine the cause of the failure and make the necessary Repairs within 60 days of the discovery of the failure of the corrosion protection system. Owners and Operators shall notify the Department within 48 hours of the discovery of the failure of a Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system. The Department shall approve, in writing, all Cathodic Protection Repair or Retrofit plans prior to work commencing. If the Cathodic Protection system is not operating in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the requirements of these Regulations, the Department shall review the Release Detection and Cathodic Protection records of the UST System prior to repair or Retrofit of the Cathodic Protection system. The Department may require that Owners and Operators determine the current integrity of the UST system. The following information shall be submitted to the Department prior to Repair or Retrofit of the Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system: Results of one of the following: The 2 most recent Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system tests including the failed test, or1. The results of an internal assessment, or1. The results of a third party approved integrity assessment; and1. Records of the Tank Release Detection method from the date of the most recent passed Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection test. If the Tank has an internal lining, no internal assessment results will be accepted for the purpose of determining the current integrity of the UST System. Impressed Current Cathodic Protection systems shall not be utilized as a Repair, Upgrade or Retrofit for a failed Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system after January 11, 2008. The use of alternate methods of monitoring shall be those described in NACE SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection and shall only be used with prior written approval from the Department. Owners and Operators shall maintain a record of the operation of Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection systems to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Section. These records shall be retained in a permanent record and shall at a minimum provide the following information: The results of all tests and inspections of the Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system.1.25 Containment Sump Testing Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.25.1 All Tank top, transition and any other Containment Sumps of single wall design utilized as part of a Release Detection system with sensors, shall be Liquid Tight and be tested for Liquid Tightness once every 36 months in accordance with Part C, subsection 1.25.4 and when deemed necessary by the Department to determine if a threat to human health, safety or the environment exists.1.25.2 All Tank top, transition and any other Containment Sumps of single wall design not utilized as part of a Release Detection system shall be Liquid Tight and be tested for Liquid Tightness once every 36 months in accordance with Part C, subsection 1.25.4 and when deemed necessary by the Department to determine if a threat to human health, safety or the environment exists.1.25.3 All Tank top, transition and any other Containment Sumps of double wall design with continuous monitoring of the interstitial space shall be Liquid Tight and be tested for Liquid Tightness once every 36 months in accordance with Part C, subsection 1.25.4 and the interstitial sensors shall be tested in accordance with Part C, subsection All Tank top, transition and any other Containment Sump tightness testing shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or as directed by the Department. Hydrostatic testing procedures shall meet the following requirements: For post-construction hydrostatic testing, the Containment Sump shall be completely filled and held for 24 hours. For any measurable liquid level drop, the Containment Sump is considered non-Liquid Tight. For periodic hydrostatic testing, the Containment Sump shall be filled to a minimum of 4 inches above the highest penetration fitting or sump sidewall seam, whichever is higher. The liquid level shall be no less than 24 inches from the bottom of the sump and held for a minimum of 1 hour. For any measurable liquid level drop, it is a failed test and the Containment Sump is considered non-Liquid Tight. Hydrostatic testing liquid shall be properly disposed in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements.1.25.5 All access manholes associated with Containment Sumps shall be sized such that the manhole skirt is sufficiently larger than the Containment Sump lid to allow adequate access to the sump and to allow for surface water drainage.1.25.6 All Containment Sumps shall be installed and maintained as to be capable of being visually inspected at all times for evidence of a Release and shall not be filled with any material such as pea gravel or native soil, or the Containment Sump shall be continuously monitored for Releases.1.25.7 Owners and Operators shall immediately upon discovery remove water, Consumptive Use Heating Fuel or debris that accumulates in any Containment Sump. Liquid and debris shall be properly disposed in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements.1.26 Testing and Monitoring Procedures for Sump Sensors and Interstitial Sensors for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems1.26.1 All sensors utilized for Released Detection shall be equipped with an automatic audible or visual alert system and shall shut down the UST System in the event of an alarm.1.26.2 Owners and Operators shall perform a functionality test of all sump and interstitial sensors at a minimum of once every 12 months in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or as directed by the Department to verify proper sensor operation.1.26.3 All sensors installed in a sump or interstitial space for the purpose of detecting a Release from the UST System shall be installed directly on the bottom at the lowest point of the sump or interstitial space and in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications such that the sensor is capable of detecting any accumulation of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel.1.26.4 All sensors utilized for Release Detection shall be monitored for releases at a minimum of once every 30 Days.1.27 Routine Inspection Requirements for Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.27.1 Owners and Operators shall conduct an inspection at an interval no less frequently than once every 30 Days, unless specified in Part C, subsection to monitor the condition of the UST System including all access ports, spill containment devices, transition sumps, and Containment Sumps. The routine inspection shall include at a minimum the following: The removal of all Containment Sump and transition sump covers and visual inspection of the sump for any evidence of a Release of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel or intrusion of water; and1.27.1.2 The inspection of all access ports and drop tubes to verify that the covers, caps, and adaptors are tightly sealed and equipment is free of debris or blockage; and1.27.1.3 The removal of all spill containment device covers and inspection to ensure all spill containment devices, including spill containment devices located within multi-port Containment Sumps, are free of debris or blockage, liquid including water, or Consumptive Use Heating Fuel. The inspection of all electronic, mechanical and hand held Release Detection equipment including automatic tank gauges, tank gauge sticks or groundwater bailers, for alarms, unusual operating conditions, operability and serviceability. Submersible turbine pump Containment Sumps that are part of a Consumptive Use Heating Fuel UST System meeting the following requirements may be inspected no less frequently than once every 12 months providing the following conditions are met: UST System shall be equipped with continuous interstitial monitoring operated and maintained in accordance with Part C, subsection All product and vent Piping shall slope back to the Tank with a minimum slope of 1/8 inch per foot in accordance with Part C, subsection All sump sensors utilized for Release Detection shall be operated, monitored and tested in accordance with Part C, subsection If at any time the UST system fails to meet the conditions specified in Part C, subsection, the Owner or Operator shall notify the Department that the submersible turbine pump Containment Sump inspection shall be at a frequency no less than once every 30 Days as specified in Part C, subsection A record of all routine inspections shall be kept on file by Owners and Operators for a minimum of 3 years and shall be made available to the Department upon request. The records shall at a minimum include the results of all inspections including any Repairs made.1.27.3 If at any time during a routine inspection evidence of a Release of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel is discovered Owners and Operators shall follow the investigation requirements of Part E of these Regulations.1.28 Internal Lining Requirements for Consumptive use Heating Fuel UST Systems 1.28.1 An internal lining shall not be utilized to meet corrosion protection requirements after January 11, 2008.1.28.2 An internal lining may be added to an UST System storing Consumptive Use Heating Fuel to ensure the UST System is Compatible with the substance stored and to prevent the release of Consumptive Use Heating Fuel.1.28.3 The internal lining installation, operation and Maintenance shall meet the following requirements: The lining shall be installed in accordance with the following industry standards: API RP 1631, Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks. NLPA Standard 631, Chapter A, Entry, Cleaning, Interior Inspection, Repair, and Lining of Underground Storage Tanks. NLPA Standard 631, Chapter B, Future Internal Inspection Requirements for Lined Tanks. The lined Tank shall be tested for tightness in accordance with Part C, subsection 2.9.6 and found to be tight before the Tank is put back into service.7 Del. Admin. Code § 1351-C-1.0
11 DE Reg. 922 (01/01/08)
13 DE Reg. 1562 (06/01/10)
23 DE Reg. 581 (1/1/2020)
24 DE Reg. 806 (2/1/2021)
27 DE Reg. 533 (1/1/2024)
27 DE Reg. 561 (2/1/2024) (Errata)