7 Del. Admin. Code § 1351-A-3.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1351-A-3.0 - Referenced Standards
3.1 Referenced Standards Organizations
3.1.1 The referenced standards listed in this Section have served in part as the basis for the standards enacted under these Regulations. The editions or versions of the referenced standards as noted in Part A, Section 3.0 of these Regulations are available for review and inspection with prior notification at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances and from the following sources (addresses of the cited organizations are subject to change):
3.1.2 American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, (202) 682-8375. http://www.api.org
3.1.3 ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19429-2959, (610) 832-9585. http://www.astm.org
3.1.4 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), P. O. Box 218340, Houston, Texas 77218, (713) 492-0535. http://www.nace.org
3.1.5 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, (800) 344-3555. http://www.nfpa.org
3.1.6 National Leak Prevention Association (NLPA), 75-4 Main Street, Suite 300, Plymouth, NH 03264, (815) 301-2785. http://www.nlpa-online.org/index.html
3.1.7 Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI), P. O. Box 2380, Tulsa, OK 74101, (918) 494-9696. http://www.pei.org
3.1.8 Steel Tank Institute (STI), 570 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, Illinois 60047, (847) 438-8265. http://www.steeltank.com
3.1.9 Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 272-8800. http://www.ul.com
3.1.10 U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA), Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210, (866)-487-2365. http://www.osha.gov
3.2 Applicability
3.2.1 In these Regulations, all referenced standards mean the applicable edition or version as noted in Part A, Section 3.0 of these Regulations. Where there is an irreconcilable conflict between a standard or recommendation published by an industry or professional organization and referenced by these Regulations, and a requirement in these Regulations, the most stringent shall apply and control. Where there is an irreconcilable conflict between standards or recommendations published by industry or professional organizations and referenced by these Regulations, the most stringent shall apply and control.
3.3 Titles of Documents
3.3.1 American Petroleum Institute (API) Specification Number 12F, Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids, 12th Edition, October 2008. RP 1604, Closure of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks, 3rd Edition, March 1996. RP 1615, Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems, 6th Edition, April 2011. RP 1621, Bulk Liquid Stock Control at Retail Outlets, 5th Edition, May 1993. RP 1631, Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks, 5th Edition, June 2001. RP 1632, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems, 3rd Edition, January 1996. RP 1635, Management of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems at Marketing and Distribution Facilities [final edition, now out of print], 3rd Edition, January 1987. RP 1637, Using the API Color-Symbol System to Identify Equipment, Vehicles, and Transfer Points for Petroleum Fuels and Related Products at Dispensing and Storage Facilities and Distribution Terminals, Fourth Edition, April 2020. RP 1646, Safe Work Practices for Contractors Working at Retail Petroleum/Convenience Facilities, 2nd Edition, March 2017. IP 1542, Identification Markings for Dedicated Aviation Fuel Manufacturing and Distribution Facilities, Airport Storage and Mobile Fueling Equipment, 8th Edition, August 2007. RP 1626, Storing and Handling Ethanol and Gasoline-ethanol Blends at Distribution Terminals and Service Stations, 2nd Edition, August 2010. Standard 2015, Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks, 7th Edition, May 2014. RP 2016, Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks, 1st Edition, August 2001. RP 1626, Storing and Handling Ethanol and Gasoline-Ethanol Blends at Distribution Terminals and Filling Stations, 2nd Edition, August 2010. RP 2200, Repairing Crude Oil, Liquified Petroleum Gas, and Product Pipelines, 5th Edition, September 2015.
3.3.2 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) NACE International Standard Practice SP 0285, External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection, March 2011. NACE International Test Method TM0101, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems, March 2012. NACE International Standard Practice SP 0169, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems, October 2013. NACE International Test Method TM0497, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems, June 2012.
3.3.3 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, May 2014. NFPA 30A, Code forMotor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, May 2014. NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, December 2015. NFPA 329, Recommended Practice for Handling Releases of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases, December 2014. NFPA 385, Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, August 2016.
3.3.4 National Leak Prevention Association (NLPA) NLPA Standard 631, Chapter A, Entry, Cleaning, Interior Inspection, Repair, and Lining of Underground Storage Tanks and Chapter B, Future Internal Inspection Requirements for Lined Tanks, June 1995. NLPA 631, Spill Prevention, Minimum 10 Year Life Extension of Existing Steel Underground Tanks by Lining Without the Addition of Cathodic Protection, June 1995.
3.3.5 Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI) RP100, Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, 2017 Edition. RP300, Recommended Practices for Installation and Testing of Vapor Recovery Systems at Vehicle Fueling Sites, 2009 Edition. RP 500, Recommended Practices for Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Fuel Dispensing Equipment, 2011 Edition. RP 900, Recommended Practices for the Inspection and Maintenance of UST Systems, 2017 Edition. RP 1000, Marina Fueling Systems, 2014 Edition. RP 1100, Recommended Practices for the Storage and Dispensing of Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 2015 Edition. RP 1200, Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities, 2017 Edition. RP 1300, Aviation Fueling Systems, 2013 Edition. RP 1400, Fueling Systems for Emergency Generators, Stationary Diesel Engines and Oil Burner Systems, 2014 Edition. RP 1700, Recommended Practices for the Closure of Underground Storage Tank and Shop-Fabricated Aboveground Storage Tank Systems, 2018 Edition.
3.3.6 Steel Tank Institute (STI) Specification STI-P3®, Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks, November 2015. F-841, Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks, January 2006. F-894, ACT-100® Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks, November 2015. F-961, ACT-100U® Specification for External Corrosion Protection of Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks, November 2015. R-972, Recommended Practice for the Addition of Supplemental Anodes to sti-P3® USTs, December 2010. F-922, Specification for Permatank®, October 2014. R892, Recommended Practice for Corrosion Protection of Underground Piping Networks Associated with Liquid Storage and Dispensing Systems, January 2006. R012, Recommended Practice for Interstitial Tightness Testing of Existing Underground Double Wall Steel Tanks, April 2007. R051, Cathodic Protection Testing Procedures for STI- P3® USTs, April 2017.
3.3.7 Underwriters Laboratories Standards (UL) UL 58, Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, 9th Edition, January 1996. UL 1316, Standard for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohols and Alcohol Gasoline Mixtures, 2nd Edition, January 1994. UL 1746, Standard for Safety: External Corrosion Protection Systems For Steel Underground Storage Tanks, 3rd Edition, January 2007. UL 971, Standard for Nonmetallic Underground Piping for Flammable Liquids, 1st Edition, October 1995. UL 971A, Outline of Investigation for Metallic Underground Fuel Pipe, October 2006. UL 567, Standard for Emergency Breakaway Fittings, Swivel Connectors and Pipe-Connection Fittings for Petroleum Products and LP-Gas, 10th Edition, May 2014.
3.3.8 U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) OSHA, 29 CFR, 1910.146, Permit Required Confined Spaces, September 2016. OSHA, 29 CFR, 1926 Subpart P, Excavations, July 2015.
3.3.9 American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials (ASTM) ASTM International E2893-16, Standard Guide for Greener Cleanup, May 2016.
3.3.10 Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute (FTPI) FTPI Protocol, Field Test Protocol for Testing and Annular Space of Installed Underground Fiberglass Double and Triple Wall Tanks with Dry Annular Space, August 2014. FTPI RP T-995-021, Remanufacturing of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Underground Storage Tanks, 2nd Edition, January 1995.
3.3.11 Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) ITRC, Green and Sustainable Remediation: State of the Science and Practice. GSR-1, May 2011. ITRC, Green and Sustainable Remediation: A Practical Framework. GSR-2, November 2011.
3.3.12 Ken Wilcox Associates (KWA) KWA RP, Recommended Practice for Inspecting Buried Lined Steel Tanks Using a Video Camera, September 1999.
3.4 Incorporation by Reference
3.4.1 The Delaware Risk-Based Corrective Action Protocol, Volume 2, dated January, 2023, published by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, for Petroleum Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Sites is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as the Delaware Risk-Based Corrective Action Protocol and is an enforceable part of these Regulations.
3.4.2 The Hydrogeologic Investigation Guidance, Volume 2, dated January, 2023, published by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference for the purposes of compliance with Corrective Action requirements established in Part E and is an enforceable part of these Regulations.
3.4.3 The Investigation, Risk Determination and Remediation Guidance for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway Guidance, dated January, 2023, published by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference for the purposes of compliance with Corrective Action requirements established in Part E and is an enforceable part of these Regulations.

7 Del. Admin. Code § 1351-A-3.0

11 DE Reg. 922 (01/01/08)
23 DE Reg. 581 (1/1/2020)
27 DE Reg. 533 (1/1/2024) (Final)