(Penalty Section 7Del.C.§ 103 (d) )
4.1 Season Dates. Hunting and trapping season dates will be published each year in an annual publication entitled "Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide."
4.2 General. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt those species of wildlife for which a season is designated at any time other than during that season.
4.3 Protected Wildlife. 4.3.1 Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation of the Department, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any species of protected wildlife.4.3.2 It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, transport or possess any species of protected wildlife, except when: Otherwise provided by law or regulation of the Department; or4.3.2.2 The wildlife was lawfully taken outside of this State in accordance with the laws or regulations of the state or nation where the wildlife was taken.4.4 Beaver. 4.4.1 Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation of the Department, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or trap beaver during any period of the year, however, from December 1 through March 20, landowners (or their agents) may take up to eight beavers from their property without a permit, provided the beavers are causing crop or property damage.4.4.2 Beaver hides and the meat of lawfully taken beaver harvested anywhere within or outside of Delaware may be sold.4.5 Bullfrogs.4.5.1 Season. Bullfrogs may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of bullfrogs: from May 1 through September Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than twenty-four (24) bullfrogs in any one day.4.5.3 License. A hunting or fishing license is required to take bullfrogs.4.6 Crows. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt common crows during any period of the year, except Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between and including the fourth Thursday of June and the last Saturday of March, unless said person holds a valid depredation permit. The hunting of common crows is restricted only by the provisions of federal regulations pertaining to the taking of common crows. Crows may be taken without a permit when committing damage or about to commit damage.
4.7 Gray Squirrel. 4.7.1 Season. Gray squirrel may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of gray squirrel: from September 15 (September 14, if September 15 is a Sunday) through the first Saturday in February. Squirrel hunting shall be unlawful during the November deer firearms season. When squirrel season overlaps with a firearms deer season, squirrel may be hunted when hunter orange is displayed in accordance with § 718 of Title Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than six gray squirrels in any one day.4.8 Opossum. The opossum may only be hunted or trapped during the lawful season to hunt or trap raccoons.
4.9 Pheasant. 4.9.1 Season. Male pheasant may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of pheasant: from the Monday that immediately precedes Thanksgiving through the first Saturday in February, provided that during a deer firearms season hunter orange is displayed in accordance with § 718 of Title Female Pheasant. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or possess any female pheasant at any time, except as permitted on game preserves, by licensed game breeders or as otherwise permitted by law.4.9.3 Male Pheasant Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or possess more than two (2) male pheasants in any one day during the pheasant season, except as permitted by law.4.9.4 Scientific or Propagating Purposes. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess pheasants for scientific and propagating purposes without a valid permit from the Director.4.9.5 Game Preserves. Nothing in this regulation shall be construed so as to limit the number or sex of pheasants that may be harvested by any one person on licensed game preserves.4.10 Quail. 4.10.1 Season. Bobwhite quail may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of bobwhite quail: from the Monday that immediately precedes Thanksgiving through the first Saturday of January, provided that during a deer firearms season hunter orange is displayed in accordance with § 718 of Title Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than six (6) quail in any one day.4.11 Rabbit. 4.11.1 Season. Rabbits may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of rabbits: from the Monday that immediately precedes Thanksgiving through the last day of February or the last Saturday of February if February ends on a Sunday provided that during a deer firearms season hunter orange is displayed in accordance with § 718 of Title Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than four (4) rabbits in any one day.4.12 Raccoon. 4.12.1 Trapping Season. Raccoon may be trapped in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the trapping of raccoon: from December 1 through March 10 (March 20 on embanked meadows) in New Castle County; and from December 15 through March 15 in Kent and Sussex counties. The season is open throughout the year on private land, except on Sundays, in eastern New Castle and Kent counties pursuant to § 786 of Title 7 and Section 4(b) of WR- Hunting Season. Raccoon may be hunted in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of raccoon: from September 1 (September 2, if September 1 is a Sunday) through October 31 for chase only whereby it shall be unlawful to kill raccoon and opossum; from November 1 through the last day of February; and from March 1 through March 31 for chase only whereby it shall be unlawful to kill raccoon and opossum. The season is open throughout the year on private land in eastern New Castle and Kent counties, except on Sundays, pursuant to § 786 of Title Notwithstanding subsection 4.3.2 of this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt raccoon or opossum during any period when it is lawful to hunt deer with a firearm, except that it shall be lawful to hunt raccoon from 7:00 p.m. until midnight during the December and January firearm deer seasons.4.13 Red Fox. 4.13.1 Harvest Season. Red fox may be killed in accordance with the statutes and regulations of the State of Delaware governing the hunting of red fox: from November 1 through the last day of February, excluding Sundays. Notwithstanding the foregoing, red foxes may be killed in accordance with Section 8 of WR-2 and § 788 of Title 7.4.14 Ruffed Grouse. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for ruffed grouse during any period of the year.
4.15 Snapping Turtles. 4.15.1 Season. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for snapping turtles during any period of the year, except between and including June 15 and May Size. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or kill any snapping turtle with a straight-line carapace (top shell) length of less than eleven inches, measured on the curvature. This straight-line measurement is taken from the nuchal scute directly behind the turtle's head to the base of the notch where the two most posterior scutes meet over the tail.4.16 Terrapin. 4.16.1 Season. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for diamondback terrapin during any period of the year, except between and including September 1 and November Limit. It shall be unlawful for any person to take more than four (4) diamondback terrapin in any one day.4.17 Muskrats 4.17.1 7 Day Season Extension. The Department may extend the muskrat trapping season 7 days if the Department determines that the statewide muskrat population can sustain additional harvest and the average mean temperature for February was below 320F and the total February snowfall exceeded 12 inches as determined by the National Weather Service station at Wilmington, Delaware.4.17.2 14 Day Season Extension. The Department may extend the muskrat trapping season 14 days if the Department determines that the statewide muskrat population can sustain additional harvest and the average mean temperature for February was below 280F and the total February snowfall exceeded 24 inches as determined by the National Weather Service station at Wilmington, Delaware.7 Del. Admin. Code § 3904-4.0
3 DE Reg. 289 (8/1/99)
3 DE Reg. 1738 (6/1/00)
6 DE Reg. 536 (10/1/02)
8 DE Reg. 352 (8/1/04)
11 DE Reg. 334 (09/01/07)
13 DE Reg. 941 (01/01/10)
14 DE Reg. 52 (07/01/10)
15 DE Reg. 1505 (04/01/12)