Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1130-7.0 - Permit Issuance, Renewal, Reopenings, And Revisions7.1 Action on Application 7.1.1 A permit, permit modification, or renewal may be issued only if all of the following conditions have been met: The Department has received a complete application for a permit, permit modification, or permit renewal; The Department has complied with the requirements for public participation under 7.10 of this regulation; The Department has complied with the requirements for notifying and responding to affected states under 8.1 of this regulation; The Department finds that the conditions of the permit provide for compliance with all applicable requirements and the requirements of this regulation; and7.1.1.5 EPA has received a copy of the proposed permit and any notices required under 8.2 of this regulation, and has not objected to issuance of the permit under 40 CFR, section 70.8(c) within the time specified therein.7.1.2 Following review of an application submitted in accordance with this regulation, the Department shall either deny the application and state the reasons for doing so, or issue for public notice a draft permit, permit modification, or renewal in accordance with 7.10 of this regulation. The draft shall be accompanied by a statement that sets forth the legal and factual basis for the draft permit conditions (including references to the applicable statutory or regulatory provisions). The Department shall send this statement to EPA, to affected states, to any person who requests it, and to the applicant.7.1.3 Following completion of the public notice period, if no hearing is held, the Department shall either deny the application and state the reasons for doing so, or prepare and submit to EPA a proposed permit, permit modification, or renewal. If a public hearing is held, the Secretary of the Department shall issue an Order in accordance with 7 Del.C. Ch 60, § 6006, either denying the application and stating the reasons for doing so, or prepare and submit to EPA a proposed permit, permit modification, or renewal.7.1.4 Action Following EPA Review Upon receipt of notice from EPA that it will not object to a proposed permit, permit modification, or permit renewal that has been submitted for EPA review pursuant to 7.0 of this regulation, the Department shall issue the permit, permit modification, or permit renewal forthwith. Upon the passage of 45 days after submission of a proposed or revised proposed permit, permit modification, or permit renewal for EPA review and, if EPA has not notified the Department that it objects to the proposed permit action, the Department shall issue the permit, permit modification, or renewal forthwith. If EPA objects to the proposed permit, the Department shall not issue the permit as proposed, but shall consult with EPA, and the applicant and shall submit a revised proposed permit to EPA, unless the Department's decision is to deny the permit.7.1.5 Except as provided in or of this regulation, the Department shall take final action on each application for a permit within 18 months after receiving a complete application. Final action on each application for a permit modification shall be taken within 12 months after receipt of a complete application. Final action on each application for a permit renewal shall be taken within one year after receipt of a complete application. For each such application, the Department shall either deny the application or submit a proposed permit, modification or renewal to EPA. The Department shall take final action on at least one third of all initial permit applications (as defined in of this regulation) annually during the first three years following final approval of the State program by EPA. The Department shall take action on any permit, permit modification, or renewal issued in compliance with regulations promulgated under Title IV or V of the Act for the permitting of affected sources under the acid rain program within the time specified in those regulations.7.1.6 To the extent feasible, applications shall be acted upon in the order received, except that: Priority shall be given to taking final action on applications for construction or modification under Title I, Parts C and D of the Act. For processing purposes, the Department may group together applications addressing any group of similar sources. The Department may give expedited treatment to simple applications that do not require significant review (e.g., permits incorporating few or no substantive regulatory requirements). A source may submit a request for expedited processing of any application submitted under this regulation. Any such request shall include a statement of reasons and shall identify the date by which final action is requested, taking into account the time, if any, required for public and affected state comment and EPA review. In reviewing such a request, the Department shall consider, among other relevant factors, the reasons for expedited treatment stated by the applicant, the complexity of the permit action at issue, and the availability of Department staff and resources. The Department shall inform the applicant within 60 days of receipt of a request for expedited treatment whether that request has been granted, granted in part, or denied. A decision regarding expedited processing shall not be subject to review. The Department may give expedited treatment to an application if the source certifies that early approval of the application is required to enable it to comply with applicable requirements. In submitting a certification requesting expedited treatment, the source shall explain why early approval is required for compliance with applicable requirements and identify the date by which final approval is requested.7.2 Requirement for a Permit. Except as provided in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of this regulation, no covered source may operate after the time that it is required to submit a timely and complete application under an approved permit program, except in compliance with a permit issued under this regulation. 7.2.1 If a covered source submits a timely and complete application for permit issuance or renewal, that source's failure to have a permit shall not be a violation of the requirement to have such a permit until the Department takes final action on the application. This protection shall cease to apply if, subsequent to the completeness determination made pursuant to 5.1.2 of this regulation, the applicant fails to submit by the deadline specified in writing by the Department any additional information identified as being reasonably required to process the application.7.2.2 If a covered source files a timely application that the Department determines to be incomplete, the source's failure to have a permit may be deemed a violation of this regulation until such time as the deficiency is cured.7.2.3 The submittal of a complete application shall not affect the requirement that any source have a preconstruction permit under Title I of the Act.7.3 Permit Renewal and Expiration 7.3.1 Applications for permit renewal shall be subject to the same procedural requirements, including those for public participation, affected state comment, and EPA review, that apply to initial permit issuance under 7.1 of this regulation, except that an application for permit renewal may address only those portions of the permit that the Department determines require revision, supplementing, or deletion, incorporating the remaining permit terms by reference from the previous permit. The Department may similarly, in issuing a draft renewal permit or proposed renewal permit, specify only those portions that will be revised, supplemented, or deleted, incorporating the remaining permit terms by reference.7.3.2 A source's right to operate shall terminate upon the expiration of its permit, unless a timely and complete renewal application has been submitted at least six months before the date of expiration or such earlier date as the Department may specify in the permit.7.3.3 If a timely and complete application for a permit renewal is submitted, but the Department fails to take final action to issue or deny the renewal permit before the end of the term of the previous permit, then the permit shall not expire until the renewal permit has been issued or denied, and any permit shield granted for the permit shall continue in effect during that time.7.4 Administrative Permit Amendments 7.4.1 An "administrative permit amendment" is a permit revision that: Corrects typographical errors; Identifies a change in the name, address, or phone number of any person identified in the permit, or provides a similar minor administrative change at the source; Requires more frequent monitoring or reporting by the permittee; Allows for a change in ownership or operational control of a source where the Department determines that no other change in the permit is necessary, provided that a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between the current and new permittee has been submitted to the Department; Incorporates into the permit the requirements from preconstruction review permits issued by the Department under 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 or 7 DE Admin. Code 1125, when such permits were issued meeting the requirements of 11.2.10, 11.5, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.6 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1102.7.4.2 Administrative permit amendments for purposes of the acid rain portion of the permit shall be governed by regulations promulgated under Title IV of the Act.7.4.3 Administrative Permit Amendment Procedures. An administrative permit amendment shall be made by the Department in accord with the following: The Department shall take final action on a request for an administrative permit amendment within 60 days from the date of receipt of such a request, and may incorporate the proposed changes without providing notice to the public or affected states provided that it designates any such permit revisions as having been made pursuant to 7.4 of this regulation. The Department shall submit a copy of the revised permit to the Administrator. The source may implement the changes addressed in the request for an administrative amendment immediately upon submittal of the request.7.4.4 The Department may, upon taking final action granting a request for an administrative permit amendment, allow coverage by the permit shield in 6.6 of this regulation for administrative permit amendments made pursuant to of this regulation.7.5 Permit Modification. A permit modification is any revision to an operating permit that cannot be accomplished under the program's provisions for administrative permit amendments under 7.4 of this regulation. A permit modification for purposes of the acid rain portion of the permit shall be governed by regulations promulgated under Title IV of the Act.7.5.1 Minor Permit Modification Procedures Criteria. Minor permit modification procedures may be used only for those permit modifications that: Do not violate any applicable requirement; Do not involve significant changes to existing monitoring, reporting or recordkeeping requirements in the permit; Do not require or change a case-by-case determination of an emission limitation or other standard, or a source-specific determination for temporary sources of ambient impacts, or a visibility or increment analysis; Do not seek to establish or change a permit term or condition for which there is no corresponding underlying applicable requirement and that the source has assumed to avoid an applicable requirement to which the source would otherwise be subject, or do not seek to establish or change compliance schedule dates. Such terms and conditions include: A federally-enforceable emissions cap assumed to avoid classification as a modification under any provision of Title I of the Act; and7. An alternative emissions limit approved pursuant to regulations promulgated under section 112(i)(5) of the Act; Are not modifications under any provision of Title I of the Act; and7. Are not required by this regulation to be processed as a significant modification. Notwithstanding and of this regulation, minor permit modification procedures may be used for permit modifications involving the use of economic incentives, marketable permits, emissions trading, and other similar approaches, to the extent that such minor permit modification procedures are explicitly provided for in the Delaware State Implementation Plan, or in applicable requirements promulgated by EPA. Application. To use the minor permit modification procedures, a source shall submit an application requesting such use which shall meet the basic permit application requirements under this regulation and shall include the following: A description of the change, the emissions resulting from the change, and any new applicable requirements that will apply if the change occurs; The source's suggested draft permit; Certification by a responsible official, consistent with 5.6 of this regulation, that the proposed modification meets the criteria for use of minor permit modification procedures and a request that such procedures be used; and7. Completed forms for the Department to use to notify EPA and affected states as required under 8.0 of this regulation. EPA and Affected State Notification. Within five working days of receipt of a minor permit modification application, the Department shall notify EPA and affected states of the requested permit modification. The Department shall promptly send any notice required under 8.1.2 of this regulation to EPA. Timetable for Issuance. The Department will not issue a final permit modification until after EPA's 45-day review period or until EPA has notified the Department that EPA will not object to issuance of the permit modification, whichever occurs first, although the Department can approve the permit modification prior to that time. Within 90 days of the Department's receipt of an application under the minor permit modification procedures or 15 days after the end of EPA's 45-day review period under 8.2 of this regulation, whichever is later, the Department shall: Issue the permit modification as proposed; Deny the permit modification application; Determine that the requested modification does not meet the minor permit modification criteria and should be reviewed under the significant modification procedures; or7. Revise the draft permit modification and transmit to EPA the new proposed permit modification as required by 40 CFR Part 70.8(a). Source's Ability to Make Change. Immediately after filing an application meeting the requirements of these minor permit modification procedures, the source is authorized to make the change or changes proposed in the application. After the source makes the change allowed by the preceding sentence, and until the Department takes any of the actions specified in through of this regulation, the source must comply with both the applicable requirements governing the change and the proposed permit terms and conditions. During this period, the source need not comply with the existing terms and conditions it seeks to modify; however, if the source fails to comply with its proposed permit terms and conditions during this time period, the existing permit terms and conditions may be enforced against it. Permit Shield. The permit shield under 6.6 of this regulation shall not extend to minor permit modifications. Public Notice. The provisions of 7.10 of this regulation shall apply to minor permit modifications.7.5.2 Group Processing of Minor Permit Modifications Pursuant to 7.5.2 of this regulation, the Department may modify the procedure outlined in 7.5.1 of this regulation to process groups of a source's applications for certain modifications eligible for minor permit modification processing. Criteria. Group processing of modifications may be used only for those permit modifications: That meet the criteria for minor permit modification procedures under of this regulation; and7. That collectively are below the following threshold level: 10% of the emissions allowable under the permit for the emissions unit for which the change is requested, 20% of the applicable definition of major source, or five tons per year, whichever is least. Application. An application requesting the use of group processing procedures shall meet the requirements of 5.4 of this regulation and shall include the following: A description of the change, the emissions resulting from the change, and any new applicable requirements that will apply if the change occurs. The source's suggested draft permit. Certification by a responsible official, consistent with 5.6 of this regulation, that the proposed modification meets the criteria for use of group processing procedures and a request that such procedures be used. A list of the source's other pending applications awaiting group processing, and a determination of whether the requested modification, aggregated with these other applications, equals or exceeds the threshold set under of this regulation. Certification, consistent with 5.6 of this regulation, that the source has notified EPA of the proposed modification. Such notification need only contain a brief description of the requested modification. Completed forms for the Department to use to notify the Administrator and affected states as required under 8.0 of this regulation. EPA and Affected State Notification. On a quarterly basis or within five business days of receipt of an application demonstrating that the aggregate of a source's pending applications equals or exceeds the threshold level set under of this regulation, whichever is earlier, the Department promptly shall notify the Administrator and affected states of the requested permit modifications. The Department shall send any notice required under 8.1.2 of this regulation to the Administrator. Timetable for Issuance. The provisions of of this regulation shall apply to modifications eligible for group processing, except that the Department shall take one of the actions specified in through of this regulation within 180 days of receipt of the application or 15 days after the end of the Administrator's 45-day review period under 8.2 of this regulation, whichever is later. Source's Ability to Make Change. The provisions of of this regulation shall apply to modifications eligible for group processing. Permit Shield. The permit shield under 6.6 of this regulation shall not extend to modifications eligible for group processing. Public Notice. The provisions of 7.10 of this regulation shall apply to modifications eligible for group processing.7.5.3 Significant Modification Procedures Criteria. Significant modification procedures shall be used for applications requesting permit modifications that do not qualify as minor permit modifications or administrative amendments, or that: Involve a significant change in existing monitoring permit terms or conditions, or constitute a relaxation of reporting or recordkeeping permit terms or conditions; Require or change a case-by-case determination of an emission limitation or other standard, or a source-specific determination for temporary sources of ambient impacts, or a visibility or increment analysis; Seek to establish or change a permit term or condition for which there is no corresponding underlying applicable requirement and that the source has assumed to avoid an applicable requirement to which the source would otherwise be subject. Such terms and conditions include, but are not limited to: A federally enforceable emissions cap assumed to avoid classification as a modification under any provision of Title I; An alternative emissions limit approved pursuant to regulations promulgated under section 112(i)(5) of the Act; and7. Are modifications under any provision of Title I of the Act, except those that qualify for processing as administrative permit amendments under 7.4 of this regulation. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude the permittee from making changes consistent with this regulation that would render existing permit compliance terms and conditions irrelevant. Procedures for processing. Significant permit modifications shall meet all requirements of this regulation that are applicable to permit issuance and renewal, including those for applications, public participation, review by affected states, and review by EPA. The application for the modification shall describe the change, the emissions resulting from the change, and any new applicable requirements that will apply if the change occurs. The Department shall complete review on the majority of significant permit modifications within nine months after receipt of a complete application.7.6 Reopening for Cause 7.6.1 A permit shall be reopened for cause if: The Department or EPA determines that the permit contains a material mistake or that the emissions standards or other terms of the permit were based on inaccurate information; Additional applicable requirements under the Act become applicable to the source if: The source is a major source; The permit has a remaining term of more than three years; or7. The effective date of the requirement is earlier than the date on which the permit is due to expire. However, if the original permit or any of its terms and conditions has been extended pursuant to 7.3.3 of this regulation, the Department may require the source to revise the permit renewal application to incorporate additional applicable requirements. The source is an affected source under the acid rain program and additional requirements (including excess emissions requirements) become applicable to that source. Upon approval by EPA excess emissions offset plans shall be deemed to be incorporated into the permit; or7.6.1.4 The Department or EPA determines that the permit must be revised to assure compliance by the source with applicable requirements.7.6.2 If the Department finds reason to believe that a permit should be reopened for cause, it shall provide at least 30 days prior written notice to that effect to the source, except the notice period can be shorter if the Department finds that an emergency exists. Such notice shall include a statement of the terms and conditions that the Department proposes to change, delete, or add to the permit. If the Department does not have sufficient information to determine the terms and conditions that must be changed, deleted, or added to the permit, the notice shall request the source to provide that information within a period of time specified in the notice, which shall be not less than 30 days except in the case of an emergency. The Department shall give the source an opportunity to provide evidence that the permit should not be reopened.7.6.3 In reissuing the permit, the Department shall follow the procedures established under 7.1 and 7.10 of this regulation. The source shall in all cases be afforded an opportunity to comment on the revised permit terms.7.6.4 Any reopening under of this regulation shall be completed within 18 months after promulgation of the applicable requirements.7.7 Reopening for Cause by EPA 7.7.1 If the Department receives a notice from EPA that the Administrator has found that cause exists to terminate, modify, or revoke and reissue a permit, the Department shall, within 14 days after receipt of such notification, provide notice to the source. The notice to the source shall include a copy of the notice from EPA and invite the source to comment in writing on the proposed action or request a hearing.7.7.2 Within 90 days following receipt of the notification from EPA, the Department shall issue and forward to EPA a proposed determination of termination, modification or revocation and reissuance, as appropriate. The Department may request additional time, up to 90 days, for this submission pursuant to EPA's Part 70 regulations if such time is required to obtain a new or revised permit application or other information from the source.7.7.3 The EPA will review the proposed determination from the Department within 90 days of receipt.7.7.4 The Department shall have 90 days from receipt of an EPA objection to resolve any objection that EPA makes and to terminate, modify or revoke and reissue the permit in accordance with the Administrator's objection.7.7.5 If the Department fails to submit a proposed determination pursuant to 7.7.2 of this regulation, or fails to resolve any objection pursuant to 7.7.4 of this regulation, the Administrator will terminate, modify or revoke and reissue the permit after taking the following actions: Providing at least 30 days' notice to the permittee, in writing, of the reasons for any such action. This notice may be given during the procedures in 7.7.1 through 7.7.4 of this regulation; and7.7.5.2 Providing the permittee an opportunity for comment on the Administrator's proposed action, and an opportunity for a hearing.7.8 Revocations and Terminations 7.8.1 The Department may revoke a permit upon the request of the permittee or for cause. Cause for revocation includes, but is not limited to: A pattern of unresolved noncompliance at the permitted facility with the terms and conditions of the permit and the permittee has refused to undertake appropriate action (such as a schedule of compliance) to resolve the noncompliance; The permittee has failed to disclose material facts relevant to issuance of the permit or has submitted false or misleading information to the Department; The Department finds that the permitted facility or activity substantially endangers public health, safety, or the environment, and that the danger cannot be removed by a modification of the terms of the permit; The permittee has failed to pay permit fees as established from time to time by the Delaware General Assembly; or7.8.1.5 The permittee has failed to pay a civil or criminal penalty imposed for violations of the permit.7.8.2 Upon finding that cause exists for revocation of a permit, the Department shall notify the permittee of that finding in writing, stating the reasons for the proposed revocation. Within 30 days following receipt of that notice, the permittee may submit written comments concerning the proposed revocation and may request a hearing. If the Department thereafter makes a final determination to revoke the permit, it shall provide a written notice to the permittee specifying the reasons for the decision and the effective date of the revocation.7.8.3 A revocation issued under 7.0 of this regulation may be issued conditionally with a future effective date and may specify that the revocation will not take effect if the permittee satisfies the specified conditions before the effective date.7.8.4 A permittee may at any time apply for termination of all or a portion of its permit relating solely to operations, activities, and emissions that have been permanently discontinued at the permitted facility. An application for termination shall identify with specificity the permit or permit terms that relate to the discontinued operations, activities, and emissions. The Department shall act on an application for termination on this ground within 90 days of receipt and shall grant the application for termination upon finding that the permit terms for which termination is sought relate solely to operations, activities, and emissions that have been permanently discontinued. In terminating all or portions of a permit pursuant to 7.8 of this regulation, the Department may make appropriate orders for the submission of a final report or other information from the source to verify the complete discontinuation of the relevant operations, activities, and emissions.7.8.5 A source may apply for termination of its permit on the ground that its operations, activities, and emissions are fully covered by a source category permit for which it has applied and received pursuant to 6.4 of this regulation. The Department shall act on an application for termination on this ground within 90 days of receipt and shall grant the application upon a finding that the source's operations, activities, and emissions are fully covered by a source category permit.7.8.6 A source that has received a final revocation or termination of its permit may apply for a new permit under the procedures established in 5.0 of this regulation.7.9 Case-by-Case Determinations. If applicable requirements require the Department to make a case-by-case determination of an emission standard, technology requirement, work practice standard, or other requirement for a source and to include terms and conditions implementing that determination in the source's permit, the source shall include in its permit application under 5.0 of this regulation a proposed determination, together with the data and other information upon which the determination is to be based and proposed terms and conditions to implement the determination. Upon receipt of a request from the source, the Department shall meet with the source before the permit application is submitted to discuss the determination and the information required to make it. In the event that the Department determines that the source's proposed determination and implementing terms and conditions should be revised in the draft permit, the proposed permit, or the final permit, the Department shall in all cases inform the source of the changes to be made and allow the source to comment on those changes before issuing the draft permit, proposed permit, or final permit.7.10 Public participation. All permit proceedings, including initial permit issuance, permit modifications, and renewals, shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures for public participation specified below. 7.10.1 After receipt of an application for a permit, permit modification, or permit renewal, and no later than 61 days before the deadline under 7.1.5 of this regulation for issuance of a proposed permit, modification, or renewal for EPA review, the Department shall issue a draft permit and solicit comment from the applicant, affected states, and the public as follows: The Department shall provide notice to the public in accordance with 7 Del.C. Ch 60, § 6004, by: Making available in at least one location in the area in which the facility is located a public file containing copy of all materials that the applicant has submitted (other than those granted confidential treatment under 5.1.4 of this regulation), a copy of the preliminary determination and draft permit or permit renewal, and a copy or summary of other materials, if any, considered in making the preliminary determination; or7. Publishing a public notice in accordance with 7 Del.C. Ch 60, § 6004, which requires a minimum 15-day public comment period. Copies of the notice required under of this regulation shall be sent to the representatives of affected states designated by those states to receive such notices. Copies shall also be sent by mail to any person who has requested such notification from the Department by providing the name and mailing address.7.10.2 The public notice shall establish a period of not less than 30 days in accordance with 40 CFR Part 70.7(h) following publication of the notice for the submission of written comments and hearing requests, and shall identify the affected facility, the name and address of the applicant or permittee, the name, address and telephone number of a Department representative with responsibility for the permitting action, the activity or activities involved in the permit action, the emissions change involved in any permit modification, the time and place of the hearing or a statement of procedures to request a hearing (unless a hearing has already been scheduled), the location of the public file, and the name, address, and telephone number of a person (or an email or Web site address) from whom interested persons may obtain additional information.7.10.3 The Department shall hold a hearing on the draft permit or permit renewal if the Secretary receives a meritorious request for a hearing within a reasonable time, as stated in the advertisement. A public hearing may be held on any application if the Secretary deems it to be in the best interest of the State to do so. A public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits a familiarity with the application and a reasoned statement of the permit's probable impact.7.10.4 Any public hearing held under 7.0 of this regulation shall be held no earlier than the 31st day following publication of a public notice that a public hearing will be held, and of the time and place that hearing will be held.7.10.5 The Department may limit participation at the public hearing to issues raised in written comments submitted during the public comment period. The officer conducting the hearing may, as appropriate, impose additional limitations, including time restrictions.7.10.6 The applicant shall be afforded an opportunity to submit, within 15 days following the close of the public comment period or the public hearing, whichever is later, a response to any comments made.7.10.7 The Department shall consider all comments submitted by the applicant, the public, and affected states in reaching its final determination and issuing the proposed permit, modification, or renewal for EPA review. The Department shall maintain a list of all commenters and a summary of the issues raised and shall make that information available in the public file and supply it to EPA upon request.7.10.8 At the time it issues a proposed permit, modification, or renewal for EPA review, the Department shall issue a written response to all comments submitted by affected states and all significant comments submitted by the applicant and the public.7.10.9 The initial establishment of a source category shall follow the procedures detailed in 7.10.1 through 7.10.8 of this regulation. Once a source category has been established, however, the public notice requirement for each subsequent source category permit application from a qualifying source shall be in accordance with 7 Del.C. Ch 60, § 6004.7.11 Judicial Review. Judicial review shall be in accordance with 7 Del.C. Ch 60, § 6008 and § 6009. The deadlines established in 7.0 of this regulation shall not apply in the event of judicial review. Failure of the Department to take timely action under 7.1.5, 7.4.3,, and of this regulation shall constitute final agency action, and be subject to judicial review. 11/15/1993
7 Del. Admin. Code § 1130-7.0
26 DE Reg. 123 (8/1/2022) (Final)