X is the percent of total heat input derived from gaseous fossil fuel and
Y is the percent of total heat input derived from liquid fuel and
Z is the percent of total heat input derived from solid fuel.
1000Y + 1500Z (2-2)
Y = the fraction of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel, and
Z = the fraction of total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel.
500(X + Y) + 1000Z (2-3)
X = the fraction of total heat input derived from gaseous fossil fuel;
Y = the fraction of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel; and
Z = the fraction of the total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel.
Any three-hour period during which the average emissions (arithmetic average of three continuous one-hour periods) of sulfur dioxide as measured by a continuous monitoring system exceed the applicable standard under 2.3 of this regulation.
E = pollutant emission, g/million cal (lb/million BTU);
C = pollutant concentration g/dscm (lb/dscf), determined by Methods 5, 6 and 7;
F = Factor to be determined by Methods approved by the Secretary.
%O2 = oxygen content by volume (expressed as %), dry basis. Percent Oxygen shall be determined by using the integrated or grab sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3 as applicable. The sample shall be obtained as follows:
7 Del. Admin. Code § 1120-2.0