7 Del. Admin. Code § 1120-2.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1120-2.0 - Standards of Performance for Fuel Burning Equipment
2.1 Applicability. Except as provided in 9.0 and 11.0 of this regulation, the provisions of 2.0 of this regulation are applicable to any fuel burning equipment of more than 250 million BTU per hour heat input, which is the applicable source. Any change to existing fuel burning equipment to accommodate the use of combustible fuels other than fossil fuels as defined herein shall not bring that equipment under the applicability of 2.0 of this regulation.
2.2 Standard for Particulate Matter. On and after the date on which the initial performance test is completed no person subject to the provisions of 2.0 of this regulation shall discharge or cause the discharge into the atmosphere of particulate matter, which is:
2.2.1 In excess of 0.10 lb. per million BTU heat input (0.18 grams per million calories heat input).
2.2.2 Greater than 20% opacity, except that a maximum of 40% opacity shall be permissible for not more than two minutes in any hour.
2.3 Standard for Sulfur Dioxide
2.3.1 On and after the date on which the initial performance test is completed with respect to a new stationary source in either Kent or Sussex Counties, the construction, reconstruction, or modification of which was commenced on or after August 17, 1971, no person subject to the provisions of 2.0 of this regulation shall discharge or cause the discharge into the atmosphere of sulfur dioxide in excess of 1.20 pounds per million BTU heat input (2.1 g. per million cal).
2.3.2 Compliance shall be based on the measured quantity of sulfur dioxide emitted divided by the total heat input for all fossil fuels burned, including gaseous fuels.
2.4 Standard for Nitrogen Oxides
2.4.1 On and after this date on which the initial performance test is completed no person subject to the provisions of 2.0 of this regulation shall discharge or cause the discharge into the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides in excess of: 0.20 lb per million BTU heat input (0.36 g. per million cal.), expressed as NO2, when gaseous fossil fuel is burned. 0.30 lb per million BTU heat input (0.54 g. per million cal.), expressed NO2 when liquid fossil fuel is burned. 0.70 lb. per million BTU heat input (1.26 g. per million cal.), expressed NO2, when solid fossil fuel is burned.
2.4.2 When different fossil fuels are burned simultaneously in any combination the applicable standard shall be determined by proration using the following formula:

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X is the percent of total heat input derived from gaseous fossil fuel and

Y is the percent of total heat input derived from liquid fuel and

Z is the percent of total heat input derived from solid fuel.

2.5 Emission and Fuel Monitoring
2.5.1 A continuous monitoring system for measuring the opacity of emissions, except where gaseous fuel is the only fuel burned, shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated by the person responsible for the applicable sources. The continuous monitoring system shall be spanned at 80% or 90% or 100% opacity.
2.5.2 A continuous monitoring system for measuring sulfur dioxide emissions, shall be installed, calibrated, maintained and operated by the person responsible for the applicable source except where gaseous fuel is the only fuel burned or where low sulfur fuels are used to achieve compliance with the standard under 2.3 of this regulation and fuel analyses under of this regulation are conducted. The following procedures shall be used for monitoring sulfur dioxide emissions: For applicable sources which are continuous monitoring systems, Reference Method 6 shall be used for conducting monitoring system performance evaluations under 1.3.3 of this regulation. The pollutant gas used to prepare calibration gas mixtures under 2.1 of this regulation, Performance Specification 2 and for calibration checks under 1.3.4 of this regulation shall be sulfur dioxide SO2. The span value for the continuous monitoring system shall be determined as follows: For applicable sources firing liquid fossil fuel the span value shall be 1000 ppm sulfur dioxide. For applicable sources firing solid fossil fuel the span value shall be 1500 ppm sulfur dioxide. For applicable sources firing fossil fuels in any combination, the span value shall be determined by computation in accordance with the following formula and rounding to the nearest 500 ppm sulfur dioxide:

1000Y + 1500Z (2-2)


Y = the fraction of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel, and

Z = the fraction of total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel. For applicable sources which fire both fossil fuels and non-fossil fuels, the span value shall be subject to the Secretary's approval. For applicable sources using flue gas desulfurization systems to achieve compliance with sulfur dioxide standards under 2.3 of this regulation, the continuous monitoring system for measuring sulfur dioxide emissions shall be located downstream of the desulfurization system and in accordance with requirements in Performance Specification 2 and, other requirements of the Secretary which as a minimum shall be those specified in Section 60.45(b)(3) of 40 CFR 60, dated July 1, 1982.
2.5.3 A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of nitrogen oxides emissions shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated by the responsible person except for any applicable source demonstrated during performance tests under 1.4 of this regulation to emit nitrogen oxides pollutants at a level 30% or more below applicable standards under 2.4 of this regulation. The following procedures shall be used for determining the span and for calibrating nitrogen oxides continuous monitoring systems: The span value shall be determined as follows: For applicable sources firing gaseous fossil fuel the span value shall be 500 ppm nitrogen oxides. For applicable sources firing liquid fossil fuel the span value shall be 500 ppm nitrogen oxides. For applicable sources firing solid fossil fuel the span value shall be 1000 ppm nitrogen oxides. For applicable sources firing fossil fuels in any combination, the span value shall be determined by computation in accordance with the following formula and rounding to the nearest 500 ppm nitrogen oxides:

500(X + Y) + 1000Z (2-3)


X = the fraction of total heat input derived from gaseous fossil fuel;

Y = the fraction of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel; and

Z = the fraction of the total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel. For applicable sources which fire both fossil fuels and non-fossil fuels, the span value shall be subject to the Secretary's approval. The pollutant gas used to prepare calibration gas mixtures under 2.1 of this regulation, Performance Specification 2 and for calibration checks under 1.3.4 of this regulation shall be nitric oxide (NO). Reference Method 7 shall be used for conducting monitoring system performance evaluations under 1.3.3 of this regulation.
2.5.4 A continuous monitoring system for measuring either oxygen or carbon dioxide in the flue gases shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated by the person responsible for the applicable source.
2.5.5 Any person required to install continuous monitoring systems under 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 of this regulation shall for each pollutant monitored use the applicable conversion procedure for the purpose of converting continuous monitoring data into the units of the applicable standards. The applicable conversion procedures shall be those set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of Section 60.45 of 40 CFR 60, dated July 1, 1982.
2.5.6 For the purpose of reports required under 1.2 of this regulation, periods of excess emissions that shall be reported are defined as follows: Sulfur dioxide - Excess emissions for applicable sources are defined as follows:

Any three-hour period during which the average emissions (arithmetic average of three continuous one-hour periods) of sulfur dioxide as measured by a continuous monitoring system exceed the applicable standard under 2.3 of this regulation. Nitrogen Oxides - Excess emission for applicable sources using a continuous monitoring system for measuring nitrogen oxides are defined as any three-hour period during which the average emissions (arithmetic average of three continuous one-hour periods) exceed the applicable standards under 2.4 of this regulation.
2.6 Test Methods and Procedures
2.6.1 All performance tests shall be conducted while the applicable source is operating at or above the maximum steam production rate at which such facility will be operated and while fuels or combination of fuels representative of normal operation are being burned and under such other relevant conditions as the Secretary shall specify based on representative performance of the applicable source.
2.6.2 The reference methods in Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60, except as provided in 1.4.2 of this regulation, shall be used to determine compliance with the standards prescribed herein as follows: Method 1 for selection of sampling site and sample traverses. Method 3 for gas analysis to be used when applying Reference Methods 5, 6 and 7. Method 5 for concentration of particulate matter and the associated moister content. Method 6 for concentration of SO2 and Method 7 for concentration of NOx.
2.6.3 For method 5, the sampling time for each run shall be at least 60 minutes and the minimum sample volume shall be 0.85 dscm (30.0 dscf), except that smaller sampling times or volumes, when necessitated by process variables or other factors may be approved by the Secretary. The probe and filter holder heating systems in the sampling train shall be set to provide a gas temperature no greater than 160oC (320oF).
2.6.4 For Methods 6 and 7, the sampling site shall be the same as that for determining volumetric flow rate. The sampling point in the duct shall be at the centroid of the cross-section or at a point no closer to the walls than one m (3.28 ft.).
2.6.5 For Method 6, the minimum sampling times shall be 20 minutes and the minimum sample volume shall be 0.02 dscm (0.71 dscf). The sample shall be extracted at a rate proportional to the gas velocity at the sampling point. The arithmetic average of two samples shall constitute one run. Samples shall be taken at approximately 30-minute intervals.
2.6.6 For Method 7, each run shall consist of at least four grab samples taken at approximately 15-minute intervals. The arithmetic mean of the samples shall constitute the run value.
2.6.7 For each run the emissions expressed in g/million cal (lb./million BTU) shall be determined by the following procedure:

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E = pollutant emission, g/million cal (lb/million BTU);

C = pollutant concentration g/dscm (lb/dscf), determined by Methods 5, 6 and 7;

F = Factor to be determined by Methods approved by the Secretary.

%O2 = oxygen content by volume (expressed as %), dry basis. Percent Oxygen shall be determined by using the integrated or grab sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3 as applicable. The sample shall be obtained as follows: For determination of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, the oxygen sample shall be obtained simultaneously at the same point in the duct as used to obtain the samples for Methods 6 and 7 determinations, respectively. For Method 7, the oxygen sample shall be obtained using the grab sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3. For determination of particulate emissions, the oxygen sample shall be obtained simultaneously by traversing the duct at the same sampling location used for each run of Method 5 under 2.6.3 of this regulation. Method 1 shall be used for selection of the number of traverse points except that no more than 12 sample points are required.
2.6.8 When combinations of fossil fuels are fired, the heat input, expressed in cal/hr (BTU/hr), shall be determined during each testing period by multiplying the gross calorific value of each fuel fired by the rate of each fuel burned. Gross calorific value shall be determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. methods D2015-66(72) (solid fuels.) D240-64(73) (liquid fuels), or D1826-64(70) (gaseous fuels) as applicable. The rate of fuels burned during each testing period shall be determined by suitable methods and shall be confirmed by a material balance over the steam generation system.


7 Del. Admin. Code § 1120-2.0