Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1148-4.0 - NO[x] Emissions Limitations4.1 Beginning May 1, 2009, no existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit subject to this regulation shall exceed the NOx emissions limitations shown in Table 4-1 of this regulation during the ozone season, inclusive of any year: Table 4-1
Fuel Type | NOx Emissions Limit (ppmv) |
Gaseous Fuel | 42 |
Liquid Fuel | 88 |
4.2 The owner or operator of an existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit shall, no later than May 1, 2009, either demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department, through source testing approved by the Department, that the existing stationary combustion turbine generating unit meets the NOx emissions limitations of Table 4-1 of this regulation or install NOx emission controls designed to meet the NOx emissions limitation of Table 4-1 of this regulation in accordance with the requirements of 4.3 of this regulation.4.3 The owner or operator of an existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit installing NOx emissions reduction controls in accordance with the requirements of 4.2 of this regulation shall install the NOx emissions reduction controls and implement operating procedures with the goal of achieving the NOx emissions limits of Table 4-1 of this regulation, and shall be designed and operated to control NOx emissions across the anticipated operating load range of the combustion turbine electric generating unit, including, if technically feasible, periods of startup, shutdown, and reduced load operation. 4.3.1 The owner or operator of an existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit installing NOx emissions reduction controls in accordance with 4.3 of this regulation, shall submit to the Department for approval an emissions control plan detailing all actions, including a schedule of increments of progress, which will be taken to comply with the requirements of 4.1 of this regulation and the emissions control limitations of Table 4-1 of this regulation. The plan shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: Facility and unit identification4.3.1.2 Combustion turbine electric generating unit manufacturer and manufacturer's model number. Combustion turbine electric generating unit manufacturer's base and peak (when applicable) load nameplate ratings and rating conditions (atmospheric temperature and pressure, fuel type, etc.). Primary and secondary (where applicable) fuel type or types. Hours of operation and electrical output for the previous five years. Documentation of the combustion turbine electric generating unit's NOx emissions rate, without NOx emissions controls installed in compliance with this regulation. The documents may include: Results of any previous NOx emissions testing conducted in the five calendar years prior to July 11, 2007; or4. A plan to conduct NOx emissions testing, as part of the initial compliance testing conducted in accordance with 4.3.3 of this regulation, with the NOx emissions controls (installed in compliance with this regulation) turned off. Technical description of proposed emissions control technology and equipment designed to minimize NOx emissions across the entire operating range of the existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit (including, if technically feasible, periods of start-up, shutdown, and reduced load operation), predicted NOx emissions levels following controls installation, and supporting documentation. Compliance schedule including compliance emissions testing conducted representative of anticipated normal load range, including base load and peak load (if applicable), and anticipated monitoring plan submittal. Any other information requested by the Department.4.3.2 The owner or operator of an existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit submitting an emissions control plan in accordance with 4.3.1 of this regulation shall submit the plan to the Department for approval no later than April 11, 2008.4.3.3 Following completion of the approved NOx emissions control installation described in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of this regulation, emissions testing approved by the Department shall be conducted to determine compliance with the NOx emissions requirements of 4.1 and the Table 4-1 of this regulation. Testing results shall be submitted to the Department no later than 60 days following the completion of the testing.4.3.4 If actual achievable NOx emissions levels following completion of the approved emissions reduction plan are greater than those of Table 4-1 of this regulation, the owner or operator of the stationary combustion turbine electric generating unit may petition the Department for alternative NOx emissions limitations no greater than the actual achievable NOx emissions levels determined in the post-emissions control installation testing.4.4 The NOx emissions limitations of 4.1 and Table 4-1 of this regulation, or alternate NOx emissions limitations approved by the Department in accordance with 4.3.4 of this regulation, are applicable to existing stationary combustion turbine electric generating units subject to this regulation whenever combusting fuel during the ozone season, inclusive of any year: 4.4.1 except during periods of start-up or shutdown, if the control of NOx emissions during these periods is shown not to be technically feasible in the emissions control plan submitted in accordance with 4.3.1 of this regulation; or4.4.2 including periods of start-up and shutdown, if the control of NOx emissions during these periods is shown to be technically feasible in the emissions control plan submitted in accordance with 4.3.1 of this regulation.4.5 Compliance with the NOx emissions limitations of 4.1 and Table 4-1 of this regulation, or alternate NOx emissions limitations approved by the Department in accordance with 4.3.4 of this regulation, are based on one hour averaging periods.07/11/2007
7 Del. Admin. Code § 1148-4.0