Banks and Trust Companies
(Periods of retention are in years, unless otherwise indicated)
1.0201 Advices from correspondents (due from banks) | 1 |
1.0202 Advices of correction (proof, clearing and transit) | 2 |
1.0203 Advices of debits or credits | 1 |
1.0204 Bank investments - broker confirmations, invoices statements, securities buy and sell orders | 6 |
1.0205 Bank investments - safekeeping receipts | 6 |
1.0206 Bank statements (due from banks) | 5 |
1.0207 Bond ledger | 6 |
1.0208 Budget records (corporate) | 1 |
1.0209 Canceled checks | 6 |
1.0210 Cash item records | 1 |
1.0211 Deposit activity register (after maturity, if applicable) | 1 |
1.0212 Certified checks, activity register, money orders, official checks | 6 |
1.0213 Clearinghouse settlement sheets | 1 |
1.0214 Closed account report | 1 |
1.0215 Collection activity register | 3 |
1.0216 Correspondence (customer dispute) | 3 |
1.0217 Currency shipment books | 3 |
1.0218 Currency transaction reports | 5 |
1.0219 Customer's deposit ledgers | 5 |
1.0220 Daily statement of condition | 1 |
1.0221 Debit and credit tickets | 1 |
1.0222 Departmental or teller's proof sheets | 2 |
1.0223 Deposit tickets | 2 |
1.0224 Drafts, draft activity register | 6 |
1.0225 Dividend check, paid (capital) | 6 |
1.0226 Dividend check activity register (capital) | 6 |
1.0227 Escheat records, after escheatment | 1 |
1.0228 FDIC assessment base records | 5 |
1.0229 General ledger tickets | 6 |
1.0230 Insurance records (after expiration of policy) | 3 |
1.0231 International - cable and mail transfers | 6 |
1.0232 International - letter of credit records | 6 |
1.0233 Large transaction report, over $10,000 (deposits) | 5 |
1.0234 Liability ledger | 6 |
1.0235 Loan and note activity register | 6 |
1.0236 Loan application (all evaluation material) | 3 |
1.0237 Loan payment record | 6 |
1.0238 Name and address change report | 2 |
1.0239 Night depository agreements | 1 |
1.0240 Outgoing cash letter | 1 |
1.0241 Overdraft/NSF report (deposit) | 1 |
1.0242 Personnel records (after termination of employment and pension rights) | 6 |
1.0243 Personnel records - declined applications | 2 |
1.0244 Proof tapes, sheets | 1 |
1.0245 Proxies | 3 |
1.0246 Records of outside business interests of bank's executive officers, directors and principal shareholders and their transactions with bank | 3 |
1.0247 Reconcilements (due to banks) (due from banks) | 3 |
1.0248 Registered mail return receipt cards | 6 |
1.0249 Remittances, serviced mortgages | 1 |
1.0250 Reports of accounts opened or closed (due to banks) | 1 |
1.0251 Repossession and foreclosure log | 6 |
1.0252 Reserve computations daily | 2 |
1.0253 Resolutions, authorizations (corporate - deposit/loan) | 6 |
1.0254 Return item letters | 1 |
1.0255 Safe deposit contracts (after termination of contract) | 6 |
1.0256 Safe deposit records and receipts | 6 |
1.0257 Security - camera surveillance log | 1 |
1.0258 Security devices checklist, inspection records | 2 |
1.0259 Service charge report | 6 |
1.0261 Statements | 2 |
1.0262 Stop payment orders | 2 |
1.0263 Taxpayer information (deposits) | 5 |
1.0264 Tax records (corporate) | 10 |
1.0265 Tellers activity register | 2 |
1.0266 Transaction journal | 6 |
1.0267 Transit letters (due from banks) | 1 |
1.0268 Trial balance | 1 |
1.0269 Travelers checks register | 2 |
1.0270 Utility payment records (customer) | 6 |
1.0271 Vault records, access and maintenance | 2 |
1.0301 Bonds of indemnity | 21* |
1.0302 Canceled stock certificates | Permanent |
1.0303 Legal papers | 21* |
1.0304 Mail receipts | 7* |
1.0305 Paid dividend checks | 7 |
1.0306 Registration records | 7* |
1.0307 Stock certificates | 7* |
1.0308 Stockholder records | 7* |
1.0309 Tax returns | 7* |
1.0310 Transfer records | 7* |
1.0311 Transmittal letters | 7* |
* After trust is terminated or account closed
Del. Admin. Code tit. 5, 100, 101, sch. A