The following words and terms, when used in this regulation, have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Agency" means agency as defined in 29Del.C.§ 10102.
"Codify" means the process of collecting, arranging, and publishing administrative regulations systematically in the Delaware Administrative Code, and includes the process of verifying that each amendment was marked as required in Section 6.0 of this regulation.
"Division" means the Division of Research of Legislative Council as established pursuant to 29Del.C.Ch. 11.
"File" means an agency's electronic submission of regulatory documents to the Registrar of Regulations for publication.
"Official regulation" means a regulation in its final form as adopted by an order as defined in 29Del.C.§ 10118 and filed with the Registrar of Regulations.
"Publish" means to compile and make regulations available to the public by full text or summary and includes availability in an electronic format.
"Register" means the Delaware Register of Regulations, a publication authorized and recognized by law published for public information purposes, providing public notice of changes in agency regulations, whether new, modified or repealed, together with supplemental information as deemed appropriate by the Registrar, as outlined in 29Del.C.§ 1134.
"Registrar" means the Registrar of Regulations, an employee of the Division charged with the responsibility of compiling, maintaining, and publishing the Register of Regulations.
"Regulation" means regulation as defined in 29Del.C.§ 10102.
"Regulation Drafting Manual" means the Delaware Administrative Code Drafting and Style Manual, a manual of composition and style guidelines and requirements for drafting documents to be published in the Delaware Register of Regulations and the Delaware Administrative Code.
29 Del. Admin. Code § 101-2.0