The following words and terms, as used in these regulations, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
"Brownfield" means any vacant, abandoned, or underutilized real property the development or redevelopment of which may be hindered by the reasonably held belief that the real property may be environmentally contaminated.1
"Capacity" means the maximum power capability of a piece of equipment. For example, a generating unit might have a rated capacity of 50 megawatts.
"Commission" means the Delaware Public Service Commission.
"Commission Approval" means that if the Company requests and the Commission approves specific policies, contracts or guidelines that are attached to the IRP for rate making purposes. Certain policies, contracts, or guidelines previously approved by the Commission will not need additional Commission approval in the IRP unless materially changed.
"Commission Recognition" means that within 45 days after the Company has filed its IRP the Commission finds that the plan is administratively complete in fulfilling the requirements of the rules and regulations.
"Commission Ratification" means that after the completion of the regulatory process, including analysis by Staff and input from the public and other parties, the Commission finds that the IRP is not unreasonable and appears to be in the best interest of the ratepayers. Any specific ratemaking treatment for the plan or any portions thereof is neither directly nor indirectly guaranteed by virtue of the ratification.
"Conservation" means any reduction in electric power consumption that results from improved efficiency, avoidance of waste, reduced consumption, or other energy usage reductions that may result from installing new equipment, modifying existing equipment to improve efficiency, adding insulation or changing behavior patterns.
"Customer-Sited Generation" means a generation unit that is interconnected on the end-use customer's side of the retail electricity meter in such a manner that it displaces all or part of the metered consumption of the end-use customer.
"Demand Response ("DR")" means programs that are designed specifically to reduce electricity demand during periods of supply constraint. These programs do not necessarily reduce total annual energy consumption.
"Demand-Side Management ("DSM")" means cost effective energy efficiency programs that are designed to reduce customers' electricity consumption, especially during peak periods.2
"DNREC" means the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
"DP& L" or "Company" means Delmarva Power & Light Company, Inc. or its successor organizations.
"Energy" means electrical energy. In this sense, energy is a measure of the quantity of units of electricity used in a given time period, measured in megawatt- hours.
"Environmental Benefit" means the positive environmental impact minus the negative environmental impact attained by specific actions including, but not limited to, energy generation and distribution, transmission service, conservation, customer-sited generation, DR, or DSM.
"Environmental Impact" means the result of an action, outcome or activity related to the IRP, on natural and physical resources including, but not limited to, wetlands, sea levels, fisheries, air quality, water quality and quantity, public health, climate impacts, land masses, and ground water.
"Externalities" means the social, health, environmental and/or welfare costs or benefits of energy which result from the production, delivery or reduction in use through efficiency improvements, and which are external to the transaction between the supplier (including the supplier of efficiency improvements) and the wholesale or retail customer. Externalities should be quantified and expressed in monetary terms where possible. Those externalities that cannot be quantified or expressed in monetary terms shall nonetheless be qualitatively considered.
"Fuel Diversity" means the utilization of resources to supply energy to SOS customers that are procured in such a way as to diminish the risk of adverse changes in fuel prices for electric generation, either through a mix of electric generating resources that utilize a variety of fuel sources, fuel hedges, Customer-Sited Generation resources, both renewable and nonrenewable, application of appropriate risk management practices, DSM or a combination of these activities and assets.
"Generation Attributes" means non-price characteristics of the electrical energy output of a generation unit including, but not limited to, the units fuel type, geographical location, emissions, vintage and Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (26 Del.C. § 351- 363) eligibility.
"Implementation Plan" means an action plan which outlines the short and long term planned actions and contingency plan of the Company to secure necessary energy, capacity, transmission and other appropriate resources as further described in the Integrated Resource Plan.
"Integrated Resource Planning" means the planning process of an Electric Distribution Company that systematically evaluates all available options, including but not limited to: generation, Supply Contracts, transmission and Demand-Side Management programs during the planning period to ensure that the electric distribution Company acquires sufficient and reliable resources over time that meet their customers' needs at a minimal cost.3
"Integrated Resource Evaluation" means a process within the IRP that considers and compares supply- and demand-side resources to select a final resource mix.
"Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)" means the plan derived from the integrated resource planning process.
"Load Forecast" means the estimated future annual electricity usage that is used to help electric utilities make resource allocation decisions.
"New or Innovative Baseload Technologies" means energy resources using new technologies to generate electricity on a typical round- the- clock basis.
"Nominal Price" means the price paid for a product or service at the time of the transaction that has not been adjusted to reflect the effects of inflation.
"PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. ('PJM')" means the Regional Transmission Organization or successor organization that is responsible for wholesale electricity markets and the interstate transmission of electricity throughout a multi-state operating area that includes Delaware.
"Portfolio" or "Resource Portfolio" means the combination of physical assets (e.g. electric generating, self generating, and transmission assets), financial products (e.g. Supply Contracts for energy and related services), market resources (e.g. spot market energy purchases), DSM and DR programs, and Customer-Sited Generation resources, both renewable and non renewable, that the Electric Distribution Company uses to satisfy current and future energy procurement requirements for SOS customers, which is designed to manage the risk of adverse price changes to SOS customers.
"Plan Objectives" means the targets or goals of an IRP needed to measure the impact and/or success of the plan's actions. Such goals or targets must be definitive, measurable and verifiable. Refer to 1.1 for IRP objectives.
"Price Stability" means the lack of significant variation in either the real price or nominal price paid by SOS customers over the planning period.
"Real Price" means the value after adjusting for inflation. Real price is expressed in constant dollars reflecting buying power relative to a base year.
"Reliability" means the degree of performance of the elements of the bulk electric system that results in electricity being delivered to customers within accepted standards and in the amount desired. Reliability may be measured by the frequency, duration, and magnitude of adverse effects on the electric supply. Electric system Reliability can be addressed by considering two basic and functional aspects of the electric system - Adequacy and Security.
. Adequacy is the ability of the electric system to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy requirements of customers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system elements.
. Security is the ability of the electric system to withstand sudden disturbances such as electric short circuits or unanticipated loss of system elements.4
. As applied to distribution facilities, Reliability is further described as the degree to which safe, proper and adequate electric service is supplied to customers without interruption.
"Resource Portfolio" means "Portfolio."
"Retail Competition" means the right of a customer to purchase electricity from a certified electric supplier.
"Scenario Analysis" means a component of integrated resource planning that analyzes and assigns probabilities to a variety of possible future conditions and the options available to deal with them. Its primary purpose is to facilitate better resource planning decisions by assessing and quantifying the economic and other risks related to a particular decision.
"Standard Offer Service ("SOS")" means the provision of electric supply service by a Standard Offer Service Supplier to customers who do not otherwise receive electric supply service from a certified electric supplier.
"Standard Offer Service Supplier" means the electric distribution company serving within its certificated service territory.
"Supply Contracts" means short or long term power procurement contracts as may be negotiated and agreed upon to meet defined requirements, more specifically for Delaware's Standard Offer Service customers.
"Transmission Service" means the delivery of electricity from supply sources through transmission facilities to distribution system interconnection points.
"Wholesale Electricity Market" means the various PJM markets in which the purchase and sale of electric energy, capacity, and ancillary services from generators to resellers/wholesale suppliers (who sell to retail customers) takes place at the transmission level.
26 Del. Admin. Code § 3010-2.0