24 Del. Admin. Code § 2925-3.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 2925-3.0 - Education Committee
3.1 Committee Structure - The Committee shall be comprised of nine (9) members, three (3) from each county. Up to three (3) members may be public members and the remaining members shall be professional members.
3.1.1 A public member shall not be, nor have been within the last five (5) years prior to the effective date of appointment, a real estate licensee. A public member shall have a high school diploma, or the equivalent, and shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in a professional capacity, other than as a real estate licensee.
3.1.2 A professional member shall hold an active Delaware real estate license in good standing and shall have a minimum of three (3) years of full time real estate sales or brokerage experience. A professional member shall also demonstrate past or present interest and experience in real estate educational activities and familiarity with the Real Estate Commission's licensing law (Chapter 29 of Title 24 of the Delaware Code) and rules and regulations.
3.2 Committee Officers - (Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson) shall be elected from the Committee and shall serve one year terms. Election of said officers will be held in January.
3.3 Term of Office
3.3.1 Each appointment shall be for three (3) full years. Each appointed committee member may succeed himself or herself for one (1) additional term. No person who has been appointed to the Committee shall again be appointed to the Committee until an interim period of at least one (1) year has passed since such person last served.
3.3.2 A majority of the members holding appointed office at any given time members shall constitute a quorum; and no recommendation shall be effective without the affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum. Any member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive regular business meetings without a valid excuse, or who fails to attend at least half of all regular business meetings during any calendar year, shall automatically upon such occurrence be deemed to have resigned from office and a replacement shall be appointed by the Commission.
3.3.3 Committee members shall be appointed by the Commission. Applications for committee membership will be received by the Commission, via a letter of intent and a current resume 60 days prior to an anticipated vacancy. Committee members may be removed by the Commission for good cause. If an interim vacancy should occur, the Commission shall appoint a person to fill the position for a full three (3) year term commencing with the date of appointment.
3.4 Committee Responsibilities
3.4.1 It shall be the duty of the Education Committee to oversee the content and conduct of all pre-licensing courses for salesperson and broker as well as continuing education programs offered to fulfill the educational requirements for obtaining and maintaining licensure in the State of Delaware.
3.4.2 The Education Committee shall have the responsibility for reviewing all applications for pre-licensing and continuing education credit as well as review of instructor applicants, to insure that all applications satisfy the requirements.
3.4.3 After this review, the Education Committee shall recommend that an application be approved, disapproved or approved with modifications by the Commission. If approval is recommended with regard to continuing education, the Committee shall indicate the number of full credit hours for the course. In making its decisions, the Education Committee shall follow the provisions contained in these guidelines. Any recommendation for non-approval shall be accompanied by a specific reason. Only the Delaware Real Estate Commission shall have the power to approve or disapprove the application for a course offering or instructor approval.
3.4.4 If the Commission denies a course or instructor application, the applicant may submit a written request for reconsideration to the Commission. Such request for reconsideration shall be submitted to the Commission no later than 30 days after the date of the denial letter. The Commission's decision on a request for reconsideration is final and not subject to further review.
3.4.5 The Education Committee shall undertake such other duties and responsibilities directly related to education as the Commission shall direct from time to time.
3.4.6 Committee meeting times and places shall be as necessary, but in all cases within two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act.
3.4.7 Notwithstanding any rule, regulation, or guideline to the contrary, members of the Education Committee who attend at least eighty percent (80%) of the meetings of the Education Committee during a biennial licensure period may receive one hour of continuing education for each meeting attended and said hour may be applied to any continuing education required for renewal.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 2925-3.0

17 DE Reg. 443 (10/1/2013)
23 DE Reg. 777 (3/1/2020) (Final)