"I, [name] registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Delaware, hereby state that the information shown on this plan has been prepared under my supervision and meets the standards of practice as established by the State of Delaware Board of Professional Land Surveyors. Any changes to the property conditions, improvements, boundary or property corners after the date shown hereon shall necessitate a new review and certification for any official or legal use.
[name], DE PLS ________ Date:
"Waiver Not to Set Corner Markers and Approval to Perform a MSP Survey"
(Name, address, and telephone number of Land Surveyor)
From: __________________________________________
(Name, address, and telephone number of Ultimate User)
Property (Appropriate Identifier; i.e. address, tax parcel number)
In connection with the purchase or survey of the property located at ________________, I have waived having all the corner markers set and have requested the preparation of a Mortgage Survey Plan (MSP).
I have been made aware that a Mortgage Survey Plan (MSP) is not a boundary survey and does not identify property boundary lines. I am also aware that there may be a cost difference between the MSO and boundary survey. Additionally, I have been advised of the impact of signing the waiver regarding the possible need for a future survey as a result of physical improvements of the property and my inability to identify the boundary of the surveyed property. Furthermore, I am aware that the inability to identify the boundary of the property may result in a boundary dispute with an adjoining property owner, property improvements not accurately situated on my property, or both.
__________________(Signature of Ultimate User)
__________________ (Signature of Witness)
I hereby certify that by virtue of the signature of the ultimate user on this waiver that the ultimate user is aware of the potential impact of not having corner markers set, and that I have prepared a Mortgage Survey Plan (MSP) in compliance with Section 12.0 Minimum Technical Standards for Licensees as set forth by the Delaware Board of Professional Land Surveyors
Delaware Professional Land Surveyor
License Number: __________
Date: ____________________
24 Del. Admin. Code § 2700-12.0
11 DE Reg. 1664 (06/01/08)
14 DE Reg. 675 (01/01/11)
15 DE Reg. 1359 (03/01/12)
21 DE Reg. 502 (12/1/2017)
27 DE Reg. 690 (3/1/2024) (Final)