24 Del. Admin. Code § 2500-4.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 2500-4.0 - Pharmacy Closing Procedure

The Executive Secretary of the Delaware State Board of Pharmacy shall be notified by letter via certified mail, or hand delivered written notification of the intent to close a licensed Delaware pharmacy. The Executive Secretary shall be notified at least 14 days in advance of the closing date. In the event of death of the owner/pharmacist-in-charge, the Executive Secretary will be notified immediately.

The closing procedure will be completed by a Delaware licensed pharmacist-in-charge or in the event of death, a Delaware licensed pharmacist designated to perform the closing procedure. Should the permit to operate a pharmacy be revoked or suspended by the Delaware State Board of Pharmacy, the procedure following such action will be directed by the Board. The Delaware Board of Pharmacy and its authorized agents will enforce this regulation under the authority of 24 Delaware Code, Section 2535.

4.1 Permanent Closing of a Pharmacy
4.1.1 Board Notification: Certified letter at least 14 days prior to the planned closing to the Executive Secretary of the Delaware Board of Pharmacy. In the event of death of owner/pharmacist-in-charge, notification immediately to the Executive Secretary of Delaware Board of Pharmacy. In case of fire or water damage, notify the Executive Secretary of the Delaware Board of Pharmacy immediately.
4.1.2 Required Information to be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Delaware Board of Pharmacy: Name, address and phone number. Pharmacy permit and Delaware Controlled Substance registration number and D.E.A. registration numbers. Name of pharmacist-in-charge responsible for closing. Date of closing. Name, address, phone number of licensed pharmacy to which prescription drugs, (including controlled substances) prescription files and patient profiles will be transferred. A closing inventory signed and dated of all controlled substances to be sent to the Office of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs for their records. Name, address, and phone number of custodian of controlled substance records (i.e. invoices, etc.) for the two-year period after closing as required by 21 CFR.
4.1.3 Public Notification: A publication in a local newspaper for one week informing the public the pharmacy is closing on a specific date and the name of the pharmacy to which the prescriptions will be transferred. Name and phone number of person to contact in emergency after closing of pharmacy. A sign posted in the window of pharmacy 14 days prior to closing and to remain 14 days after closing informing the public where prescriptions are being transferred. Remove all signs within 30 days of closing that refer to, "pharmacy," "apothecary," "drugs" or "medicine."
4.1.4 Permits and registration to be surrendered upon closing: Pharmacy permit (Executive Secretary, Board of Pharmacy) Delaware Controlled Substance certificate (Delaware Office of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs). Federal Controlled Substance certificate (D.E.A.). All unused 222 Schedule II order forms (D.E.A.).
4.1.5 Sale of prescription drugs:

Should the pharmacy be sold, including prescription drugs, or if the prescription drugs are sold separately, the Board of Pharmacy must be notified to verify that the buyer is currently licensed to possess these drugs.

4.1.6 All above procedures must be accomplished within 7 days after closing or upon discretion of the Executive Secretary. Drugs must be properly secured in accordance with all laws and regulations until they are removed.
4.2 Temporary Closing of a Pharmacy
4.2.1 The Board office must be notified according to 24 Del.C. § 2528.
4.2.2 Board notification must include the following: The exact date the pharmacy will be closing. The name, address and telephone number to be used in an emergency.
4.2.3 A public notice must be posted in a highly visible place within the prescription department at least 5 days prior to the temporary closing of a pharmacy (24 Del.C. § 2528(B)) and also on a window visible to the public from outside the store. The notice must state: Dates the pharmacy will be closed. A contact number in case of emergency.
4.2.4 If the closing extends past the date given to the Board office, the pharmacy would automatically be put into the status of a permanently closed pharmacy and procedure established by Board regulation must be followed.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 2500-4.0

9 DE Reg. 1984 (06/01/06)