24 Del. Admin. Code § 2000-3.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 2000-3.0 - Continuing Education
3.1 Continuing education units (CEUs) are required for license renewal and shall be completed by July 31st of each even numbered year. Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants are required to complete 24 hours per biennial period.
3.1.1 Proof of continuing education is satisfied with an attestation by the licensee that the licensee has satisfied the requirements;
3.1.2 Attestation shall be completed electronically;
3.2 Random audits will be performed by the Board to ensure compliance with the CE requirement.
3.2.1 The Board will notify licensees after July 31 of each biennial renewal period that they have been selected for audit.
3.2.2 Licensees selected for random audit shall be required to submit verification within ten (10) business days of the date of notification of selection for audit.
3.2.3 Verification shall include such information necessary for the Board to assess whether the course or other activity meets the CE requirements in Section 3.0, which may include, but is not limited to, the information noted for each type of CE.
3.2.4 The Board shall review all documentation submitted by licensees pursuant to the continuing education audit. If the Board determines that the licensee has met the continuing education requirements, the license shall remain in effect. If the Board determines that the licensee has not met the continuing education requirements, the licensee shall be notified and a hearing may be held pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act. The hearing will be conducted to determine if there are any extenuating circumstances justifying noncompliance with the continuing education requirements. Unjustified noncompliance with the continuing education requirements set forth in these rules and regulations shall constitute a violation of 24 Del.C. § 2015(a)(5) and the licensee may be subject to one or more of the disciplinary sanctions set forth in 24 Del.C. § 2017.
3.3 CEUs shall be prorated for new licensees in accordance with the following schedule:
3.3.1 *21 months up to and including 24 months remaining in the licensing cycle requires 24 hours;
3.3.2 *16 months up to an including 20 months remaining in the licensing cycle requires 15 hours;
3.3.3 *11 months up to and including 15 months remaining in the licensing cycle requires 10 hours;
3.3.4 *10 months or less remaining in the licensing cycle - exempt.
3.4 Continuing Education Content
3.4.1 Continuing education must be in a field of health and social services related to occupational therapy, must be related to a licensee's current or anticipated roles and responsibilities in occupational therapy, and must serve to protect the public by enhancing the licensee's continuing competence.
3.4.2 A licensee or continuing education provider may request prior approval by the Board by submitting an outline of the activity before it is scheduled. Continuing education sponsored or approved by NBCOT, the Delaware Occupational Therapy Association ("DOTA"), AOTA or offered by AOTA-approved providers is automatically approved.
3.4.3 CE earned in excess of the required credits for the two (2) year period may not be carried over to the next biennial period.
3.5 A Continuing Education Unit is a measure for a continuing education activity. One continuing education unit equals 60 minutes in a learning activity, excluding meals and breaks.
3.6 Acceptable forms of continuing education include the following:
3.6.1 Attending Workshops, Courses, Independent Learning One (1) credit hour per semester shall be equal to ten (10) CEUs. Documentation for academic coursework shall include an official transcript with registrar's seal from accredited college/university. The transcript should be sent in a sealed envelope and should indicate successful completion of the course, dates, and a description of the course from the school catalogue or course syllabus.
3.6.2 Courses Workshops, seminars, lectures, conferences, and non-patient-specific in-service training qualify under this provision as long as they are presented in a structured educational experience beyond entry-level academic degree level. The same training may be claimed one-time only for CEU. Excluded are any job-related duties in the workplace such a fire safety, OSHA, new staff orientation, and corporate compliance training. One CPR course per biennial is acceptable. Documentation for continuing education courses shall include a certificate of completion or similar documentation including name of attendee, event title, date, instructor, sponsoring organization, location, and number of hours earned.
3.6.3 Independent learning with assessment element (Online courses, workshops, seminars, lectures, conference, or self-study series). 1 hour = 1 CEU. Documentation shall include a certificate of attendance from the provider verifying dates, event title, attendee name, agenda and successful completion of assessment component at the end of the program. (e.g., scored test, project, paper).
3.6.4 Independent learning without assessment element (audited coursework, etc.). 2 hours = 1 CEU (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include a summary report of learning with notation of hours spent.
3.6.5 Reading peer-reviewed, role-related professional journal article and/or textbook chapter, and writing a report describing the implications for improving skills in one's specific role. (Cannot claim CEU purposed if textbook is required reading for academic coursework/audited course). 2 articles or 2 chapters = 1 CEU. Documentation shall include an annotated bibliography and a report with analysis of how articles impacted improving skills in one's role.
3.6.6 Participating in professional study group designed to advance knowledge through active participation. 2 hours = 1 unit. (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include group attendance record verifying time spent, study group goals, and analysis of goal attainment and learning.
3.6.7 Receive mentoring from a professional in good standing to improve the skills of the protégé. 2 hours = 1 unit. (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include goals and objectives established in collaboration with the mentor and self-analysis of performance.
3.6.8 Presenting Serve as the primary or co-presenter at a state, national, or international workshop, seminar, or conference. One time presentation per topic. 1 hour = 2 CEUs. Documentation for a presentation shall be a copy of the presentation and a copy of the program listing that includes the presenter name, times and title of the presentation.
3.6.9 Primary or co-presenter for local organization/association/group on practice area-related topic: (energy conservation, back care and prevention of injury). Credit for preparation and presentation shall be given for the first presentation only of the same topic. One time presentation per topic. 1 hour = 2 CEUs. (Maximum 12 CEUs) Documentation for a presentation shall include a copy of the presentation and a program listing that includes the presenter's name, date, time, and location of presentation and contact person for the organization.
3.6.10 Primary or co-presenter making a poster presentation for state, national, or international workshop, seminar, or conference. Credit for presentation shall be given for the first presentation only. 1 poster = 2 CEUs (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include a copy of presentation or program listing. Presenter name and limes and title of presentation must be indicated on documentation.
3.6.11 Serving as adjunct faculty, teaching practice area-related academic course per semester (must not be one's primary role). Credit for presentation shall be given for first presentation of course title. 1 credit hour = 6 CEUs. Documentation shall include a letter of verification from school that includes dates, lecture/course title, length of session and course/lecture goals and objective or a copy of the course syllabus.
3.6.12 Provide professional in service training, instruction, or guest lecture as a primary or co-presenter for occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistant, or related professionals. One-time presentation per topic. 1 hour = 1 CEU. Documentation shall include a copy of attendance record and an outline of the presentation and a letter from the supervisor on letterhead verifying the presenter's name and the date/time/length of the presentation.
3.6.13 Professional Meetings and Activities Approved credit includes attendance at: DOTA business meetings, AOTA business meetings, AOTA Representative Assembly meetings. NBCOT meetings, OT Licensure Board meetings. A licensee may only obtain credit for a maximum of 6 CEUs regardless of number of meetings attended beyond six. Credit will also be given for participation as an elected or appointed member/officer on a board, committee or council in the field of health and social service related to occupational therapy. (Maximum 6 CEUs). Documentation includes name of committee or board, name of agency or organization, purpose of services, and description of licensee's role. Participation must be validated by an officer or representative of the organization or committee.
3.6.14 Self-Assessment and Developing a Professional Development Continuing-Competency Plan Only self-assessment and continuing competency plans sponsored by NBCOT or AOTA will be accepted. Self-assessment (Maximum 1 CEU). Documentation shall include a certificate of completion.
3.6.15 Professional Development Continuing Competency Plan (Maximum 1 CEU). Documentation shall include a copy of the goal plan.
3.6.16 Competency Assessment Units (Maximum 10 CEUs). Documentation shall include certificate of completion.
3.6.17 Volunteering for an organization, population, or individual that adds to the overall development of one's practice roles. 5 hours = 1 unit. (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include a verification of hours via a letter from the organization and a report describing the hours and outcomes of volunteer service.
3.6.18 Mentoring an OT colleague or other professional to improve skills of the protégé. 2 hours = 1 CEU. (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include goals, objective, and analysis of mentee performance.
3.6.19 Peer review of practice-related research article or textbook. 5 CEU per review. (Maximum 12 CEUs.) Documentation shall include a letter from publishing organization.
3.6.20 Publications: Primary or co-author of practice-area related article in non-peer reviewed professional publication. (OT Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance) 1 article=5 CEUs (Maximum 24 CEUs). Documentation shall include copy of published article. Primary or co-author of practice area related article in peer-reviewed professional publication (journal, book chapter, or research paper.) 1 article = 10 units. (Maximum 24 CEUs). Documentation shall include copy of published article. Primary or co-author of practice area related article in lay publication (newspaper or newsletter) 1 article = 2 CEUs. Documentation shall include copy of published article. Primary or co-author of chapter in practice-area related professional textbook. 1 chapter = 10 CEUs. Documentation shall include copy of published chapter and a letter from editor. Primary or co-primary investigator in extensive scholarly research activities or outcome studies, or externally funded service/training projects associated with grants or post-graduate studies. 1 study = 10 CEUs (Maximum 12 CEUs). Documentation shall include copy of completed research/study that indicates licensee as primary/co-primary investigator.
3.6.21 Specialty Certification: Approval for credit hours for specialty certification, requiring successful completion of courses and exams attained during the current licensure period. Examples include Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) and Occupational Therapist, Board Certified in Pediatrics (BCP). Documentation includes a certificate of completion or other documentation from the recognized certifying body that identifies satisfactory completion of the requirements for obtaining board certification of specialty certification.
3.6.22 Fieldwork Supervision: Level 1 fieldwork direct supervision (must not be one's primary role). 1 unit per student (Maximum 12 CEUs total for student supervision). Documentation shall include verification provided by the school to the fieldwork educator with the name of student, school, and dates of fieldwork. Level II fieldwork direct supervision (must not be one's primary role). 1 unit per week of supervision per student supervised. (Maximum 12 CEUs total for student supervision) Documentation shall include verification provided by the school to the fieldwork educator with the name of the student, school, and dates of fieldwork. Co-supervision is acceptable; record dates and times when acting as primary student supervisor and apply appropriate CEU number based on time spent supervising. Supervision of more than one student at a time is acceptable.
3.7 The Board may waive or postpone all or part of the continuing education activity requirements of these regulations if an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant submits written request for a waiver prior to renewal and provides evidence to the satisfaction of the Board of an illness, injury, financial hardship, family hardship, or other similar extenuating circumstance which precluded the individual's completion of the requirements.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 2000-3.0

6 DE Reg. 1331 (04/01/03)
9 DE Reg. 1768 (05/01/06)
11 DE Reg. 926 (01/01/08)
13 DE Reg. 1095 (02/01/10)
18 DE Reg. 995 (6/1/2015)
20 DE Reg. 821 (4/1/2017)
22 DE Reg. 523 (12/1/2018)
24 DE Reg. 380 (10/1/2020)
27 DE Reg. 440 (12/1/2023) (Final)