Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 3100-14.0 - Inspections14.1 Embalming areas shall include, at a minimum, the following: 14.1.1 A secure working lock on all doors and windows. Doors and windows should be covered in some fashion so as to not permit the visibility from outside of any areas inside the preparation room and shall close tightly;14.1.2 An entrance door to the embalming room identified by a sign indicating that entry may be hazardous and only authorized personnel are permitted;14.1.3 Floors, walls, ceilings, counters, and cabinets covered in an impervious material such as tile or finished in a coating that may be easily cleaned and disinfected;14.1.4 Hot and cold running water along with drainage that meets all state and federal regulations;14.1.5 Embalming and dressing tables in good, clean working order;14.1.6 An area for storage of all embalming chemicals that is within the locked confines of the preparation area or, alternatively, a separate securely locked and identified closet;14.1.7 Clearly labeled cabinets and drawers specifying their contents;14.1.8 Ventilation according to OSHA standards in working order;14.1.9 A copy of the most recent formaldehyde short and long term exposure rates;14.1.10 A copy of the most recent hazardous waste disposal receipts shall be available for inspection;14.1.11 A copy of the most recent Safety Data Sheets;14.1.12 Hazardous waste containers and sharps containers with their locations noted;14.1.13 A preparation room with a working embalming machine, embalming table, aspiration device, surgical instruments and embalming fluids customary for use during an embalming procedure;14.1.14 Emergency eye wash and shower equipment must be present and in working order;14.1.15 A minimum of 120 square feet;14.1.16 If a refrigeration unit is on the premises, the refrigeration unit shall be in a clean and sanitary working condition secured with locks in order to prevent the entrance by anyone other than authorized personnel;14.1.17 A first aid kit available near the embalming room.14.2 Unembalmed human remains may not be kept in a refrigerated state for more than 15 calendar days unless medical/legal investigation requires further holding in such state or unless religious reasons demand further holding in such state.14.3 Pursuant to 24 Del.C. § 3105(a)(15), crematories and crematoriums shall be inspected for their compliance with Section 13.0.24 Del. Admin. Code § 3100-14.0
4 DE Reg. 159 (07/01/00)
5 DE Reg. 606 (09/01/01)
8 DE Reg. 1285 (03/01/05)
9 DE Reg. 262 (08/01/05)
10 DE Reg. 1154 (01/01/07)
12 DE Reg. 1335 (04/01/09)
16 DE Reg. 106 (07/01/12)
16 DE Reg. 655 (12/01/12)
21 DE Reg. 338 (10/1/2017)
21 DE Reg. 904 (5/1/2018)
24 DE Reg. 65 (7/1/2020)
27 DE Reg. 887 (5/1/2024) (Final)