24 Del. Admin. Code § 3500-9.0

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 3500-9.0 - Psychological Assistants
9.1 A psychological assistant is a person who is registered with the Board to perform certain functions within the practice of psychology, only under the direct supervision of a supervising psychologist, and who is authorized by the Board to use the title "psychological assistant".
9.2 Psychological assistants are supervised, directed, and evaluated by a Delaware licensed psychologist who assumes professional and legal responsibility for the services provided.
9.2.1 A psychologist providing supervision of psychological assistants must have been in practice for two years post licensure in this or any other jurisdiction without having been subject to any disciplinary actions. The supervisor must provide 24-hour availability to both the supervisee and the supervisee's clients or ensure that adequate alternative coverage is provided in the supervisor's absence. The supervising psychologist shall have sufficient knowledge of all clients including face-to-face contact when necessary and must be employed or under contract in the setting where the clinical service takes place and the supervision must occur within that setting. The supervisor may not supervise more than seven psychological assistants at any time.
9.2.2 It is the responsibility of the supervising psychologist in conjunction with the psychological assistant to diagnose and form treatment plans for patients seen by the psychological assistant and to file such plan in the patient or client's chart.
9.2.3 The patient or client must be informed that services are being delivered by a psychological assistant and that the licensed psychologist is responsible for the treatment.
9.2.4 The patient or client shall sign a statement of informed consent attesting that he/she understands that the services are being delivered by a psychological assistant and that the licensed psychologist is ultimately responsible for the treatment. This document shall include the supervising psychologist's name and the telephone number where the supervisor can be reached. One copy shall be filed with the patient or client's record and another given to the patient.
9.3 The Delaware licensed psychologist is identified as the legally and ethically responsible party in all advertising, public announcements, and billings. In addition, billings and advertisements will clearly indicate that the service is being provided by a psychological assistant. All treatment and evaluation reports prepared by the psychological assistant must be signed by the psychologist and the psychological assistant.
9.4 The Delaware licensed psychologist who accepts the responsibility of using a psychological assistant shall develop and maintain a current, written job description delineating the range and type of duties, educational practicum and clinical experience to be assigned to the psychological assistant, limits of independent action, emergency procedures for contacting the supervising psychologist, and the amount and type of supervision to be provided. This job description must be signed by the psychologist and the psychological assistant and will be filed in the Division of Professional Regulation.
9.5 The Board will then review credentials, job description and supervisory arrangements, and if the arrangements are acceptable, will inform the psychologist in writing that the psychological assistant can begin work. No psychological assistant shall begin work until the Board has approved the application. Registration for psychological assistants expires biennially and continued performance of the duties of a psychological assistant requires proof of 20 hours of continuing education and payment of the renewal fee.
9.6 Supervision of the psychological assistant by the Delaware licensed psychologist is to be a regular and formal process. It is required that the licensed psychologist and the psychological assistant have weekly one-on-one, face-to-face supervision with review of each case served by the psychological assistant. The supervising psychologist must be familiar with each patient or client seen by the psychological assistant and with the ongoing progress of treatment. One hour of supervision for every ten hours, or fraction thereof, of direct clinical work by the psychological assistant is required as a minimum. For example, if a psychological assistant provides eight hours of direct clinical service, he or she must receive a minimum of one hour of supervision. Likewise, a psychological assistant, who has fifteen hours of direct clinical contact, must receive at least two hours of supervision. This supervision must be documented in writing on patient records. In addition, the supervising psychologist shall submit at the time of renewal and at the termination of the supervision relationship a supervision report on a form provided by the Board which will become a part of the public record. It will contain information describing the date and amount of supervision and any unscheduled supervisory contact, as well as a brief assessment of the psychological assistant's functioning.
9.6.1 The Board will consider requests to substitute group supervision for some portion of the one-to-one, face-to-face supervision requirement. A supervising psychologist must petition the Board and show good cause for this substitution. If the supervising psychologist's request is granted, no more than five (5) psychological assistants may meet with the supervising psychologist at one time and there must be two (2) hours of group supervision in place of every one (1) hour of individual supervision. All psychological assistants must have at least one (1) hour of individual supervision per week. The Board reserves the right to withdraw their permission for the substitution at any time.
9.7 Psychological Assistants are employed by the office or agency of the supervising licensed psychologist so as to have regular and continued supervision. Supervision must occur face-to-face. When the supervisor is not available for face-to-face consultation, that supervisor must provide clear contingency plans for consultation for the psychological assistant. It is assumed that the supervisor will be available to the psychological assistant under most circumstances; therefore, arrangements in which the supervisor is employed full time elsewhere will not be approved, unless it can be demonstrated that there will be adequate supervision and contingency coverage of the psychological assistant. Supervising psychologists must describe in their application for the psychological assistant how much supervision they will provide and how that supervision will be provided.
9.8 A psychological assistant, who provides services that are under the direction of different psychologists must be registered as a psychological assistant by the psychologists who are directly supervising the clinical work.
9.8.1 Registered supervisors may delegate some supervisory responsibilities to another psychologist licensed by the Board to ensure competent supervision of a registered psychological assistant in areas outside the area of expertise of the supervisor or to provide temporary supervision when the supervisor is unavailable. When delegating supervisory responsibilities, the registered supervisor shall ensure that any additional supervision is by an individual who holds a license in good standing from this Board, is competent, and has the requisite skills and training to provide supervision. The delegating supervisor continues to assume responsibility for the psychological services and activities performed by the registered psychological assistant during the period in which supervisory responsibilities have been delegated.
9.9 When there is a complaint of incompetent, improper, or unethical behavior on the part of the psychological assistant, in addition to the disciplinary action against the psychological assistant, disciplinary action may be taken against the supervising psychologist for failing to provide adequate supervision of the psychological assistant.
9.10 The patient or client is always the responsibility of the supervising psychologist. Termination or transfer plans must be worked out with the approval of the supervising psychologist. A psychological assistant will be considered to be working for the supervising psychologist until the Board of Examiners is notified in writing of the change in arrangements. The letter terminating a psychological assistant arrangement must also specify when the supervising psychologist is terminating the arrangement because of concerns about the ethical or professional behavior of the psychological assistant.

24 Del. Admin. Code § 3500-9.0

2 DE Reg. 776 (11/01/98)
18 DE Reg. 323 (10/1/2014)
19 DE Reg. 319 (10/1/2015)
24 DE Reg. 1075 (6/1/2021) (Final)