Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 4D.20 - Signal Indications for Protected/Permissive Mode Left-Turn MovementsStandard:
01 If a shared signal face is provided for a protected/permissive mode left turn, it shall meet the following requirements (see Figure 4D-11): A. It shall be capable of displaying the following signal indications: steady CIRCULAR RED, steady CIRCULAR YELLOW, CIRCULAR GREEN, steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW, and left-turn GREEN ARROW. Only one of the three circular indications shall be displayed at any given time. Only one of the two arrow indications shall be displayed at any given time. If the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication and the CIRCULAR GREEN signal indication(s) for the adjacent through movement are always terminated together, the steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall not be required.B. During the protected left-turn movement, the shared signal face shall simultaneously display a left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication and a circular signal indication that is the same color as the signal indication for the adjacent through lane on the same approach as the protected left turn.C. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed following the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication, unless the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication and the CIRCULAR GREEN signal indication(s) for the adjacent through movement are being terminated together. When the left-turn GREEN ARROW and CIRCULAR GREEN signal indications are being terminated together, the required display following the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication shall be either the display of a CIRCULAR YELLOW signal indication alone or the simultaneous display of the CIRCULAR YELLOW and left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indications. Click here to view Image
D. During the permissive left-turn movement, the shared signal face shall display only a CIRCULAR GREEN signal indication.E. A protected/permissive shared signal face, regardless of where it is positioned and regardless of how many adjacent through signal faces are provided, shall always simultaneously display the same color of circular indication that the adjacent through signal face or faces display.F. A supplementary sign shall not be required. If used, it shall be a LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN (symbolic circular green) (R10-12) sign (see Figure 2B-27).02 If a separate left-turn signal face is being operated in a protected/permissive left-turn mode, a CIRCULAR GREEN signal indication shall not be used in that face.03 If a separate left-turn signal face is being operated in a protected/permissive left-turn mode and a flashing left-turn yellow arrow signal indication is provided, it shall meet the following requirements (see Figure 4D-12):A. It shall be capable of displaying the following signal indications: steady left-turn RED ARROW, steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW, flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW, and left-turn GREEN ARROW. Only one of the four indications shall be displayed at any given time.B. During the protected left-turn movement, a left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication shall be displayed.C. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed following the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication.D. During the permissive left-turn movement, a flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed.E. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed following the flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication if the permissive left-turn movement is being terminated and the separate left-turn signal face will subsequently display a steady left-turn RED ARROW indication. Click here to view Image
F. It shall be permitted to display a flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication for a permissive left-turn movement while the signal faces for the adjacent through movement display steady CIRCULAR RED signal indications and the opposing left-turn signal faces display left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indications for a protected left-turn movement.G. When a permissive left-turn movement is changing to a protected left-turn movement, a left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication shall be displayed immediately upon the termination of the flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall not be displayed between the display of the flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication and the display of the steady left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication.
H. The display shall be a four-section signal face except that a three-section signal face containing a dual-arrow signal section shall be permitted where signal head height limitations (or lateral positioning limitations for a horizontally-mounted signal face) will not permit the use of a four-section signal face. The dual-arrow signal section, where used, shall display a GREEN ARROW for the protected left-turn movement and a flashing YELLOW ARROW for the permissive left-turn movement.I. During steady mode (stop-and-go) operation, the signal section that displays the steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication during change intervals shall not be used to display the flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication for permissive left turns.J. During flashing mode operation (see Section 4D.30), the display of a flashing left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be only from the signal section that displays a steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication during steady mode (stop-and-go) operation. Option:
04 A separate left-turn signal face with a flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication during the permissive left-turn movement may be used for unusual geometric conditions, such as wide medians with offset left-turn lanes, but only when an engineering study determines that each and every vehicle must successively come to a full stop before making a permissive left turn. Standard:
05 If a separate left-turn signal face is being operated in a protected/permissive left-turn mode and a flashing left-turn RED arrow signal indication is provided, it shall meet the following requirements (see Figure 4D-8):A. It shall be capable of displaying the following signal indications: steady or flashing left-turn RED ARROW, steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW, and left-turn GREEN ARROW. Only one of the three indications shall be displayed at any given time.B. During the protected left-turn movement, a left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication shall be displayed.C. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed following the left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication.D. During the permissive left-turn movement, a flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication shall be displayed.E. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall be displayed following the flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication if the permissive left-turn movement is being terminated and the separate left-turn signal face will subsequently display a steady left-turn RED ARROW indication.F. When a permissive left-turn movement is changing to a protected left-turn movement, a left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication shall be displayed immediately upon the termination of the flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication. A steady left-turn YELLOW ARROW signal indication shall not be displayed between the display of the flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication and the display of the steady left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indication.G. It shall be permitted to display a flashing left-turn RED ARROW signal indication for a permissive left-turn movement while the signal faces for the adjacent through movement display steady CIRCULAR RED signal indications and the opposing left-turn signal faces display left-turn GREEN ARROW signal indications for a protected left-turn movement.H. A supplementary sign shall not be required. If used, it shall be a LEFT TURN YIELD ON FLASHING RED ARROW AFTER STOP (R10-27) sign (see Figure 2B-27). Option:
06 The requirements of Item A in Paragraph 5 may be met by a vertically-arranged signal face with a horizontal cluster of two left-turn RED ARROW signal indications, the left-most of which displays a steady indication and the right-most of which displays a flashing indication (see Figure 4D-8). Support:
07 (DE Revision) DelDOT's "Traffic Design Manual" contains further information regarding signal indications for protected/permissive mode left-turn movements.2 Del. Admin. Code § 4D.20