Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 1315-3.0 - Arbitration Procedure to Review a Carrier's Final Coverage Decision3.1 Petition for Arbitration 3.1.1 A covered person or his authorized representative may request review of a carrier's final coverage decision through arbitration by delivering a Petition for Arbitration, using the standardized form available from the Department by mail and on its web site, and all supporting documentation to the Department so that the request for review is received by the Department within sixty days of receipt by the covered person of written notice of the carrier's final coverage decision.3.1.2 A covered person or his authorized representative must deliver to the Department an original and one copy of the Petition for Arbitration and all supporting documentation.3.1.3 At the time of delivering the Petition for Arbitration and supporting documentation to the Department, a covered person or his authorized representative must also: Send a copy of the Petition for Arbitration and supporting documentation to the carrier by certified mail, return receipt requested; Deliver to the Department a Proof of Service confirming that a copy of the Petition was mailed to the carrier by certified mail, return receipt requested; and3.1.3.3 Deliver to the Department a $75 filing fee.3.1.4 The Department may refuse to accept any Petition that is not timely filed or does not otherwise meet the criteria for arbitration. If the subject of the Petition is appropriate for review through IHCAP (refer to Independent Health Care Appeal Program, Regulation 1301), the Department shall advise the covered person or his authorized representative of the procedure to obtain IHCAP review. If the subject of the Petition is appropriate for IHCAP review, the Petition for Arbitration will be treated as an IHCAP appeal for purposes of determining whether the IHCAP appeal is timely filed in accordance with subsection 5.1 of Regulation 1301.3.2 Response to Petition for Arbitration 3.2.1 Within 20 days of receipt of the Petition, the carrier must deliver to the Department an original and one copy of a Response with supporting documents or other evidence attached.3.2.2 At the time of delivering the Response to the Department, the carrier must also: Send a copy of the Response and supporting documentation to the covered person or his authorized representative by certified mail, return receipt requested; Deliver to the Department a proof of service confirming that a copy of the Response was mailed to the covered person or his authorized representative by certified mail, return receipt requested; and3.2.2.3 Deliver to the Department a $75 filing fee.3.2.3 The Department may return any non-conforming Response to the carrier.3.2.4 If the carrier fails to deliver a Response to the Department in a timely fashion, the Department, after verifying proper service, and with written notice to the parties, may assign the matter to the next scheduled Arbitrator for summary disposition. The Arbitrator may: Determine the matter in the nature of a default judgment after establishing that the Petition is properly supported and was properly served on the carrier; and3.2.4.2 Allow the matter to be reopened to prevent a manifest injustice. A request for re-opening must be made by the covered person or his authorized representative no later than seven days after notice of the default judgment.3.3 Summary Dismissal of Petition by the Arbitrator 3.3.1 If the Arbitrator determines that the subject of the Petition is not appropriate for arbitration or IHCAP or is meritless on its face, the Arbitrator may summarily dismiss the Petition and provide notice of such dismissal to the parties.3.4 Appointment of Arbitrator 3.4.1 Upon receipt of a Response that conforms with the requirements of this regulation, the Department shall assign an Arbitrator from a panel of Arbitrators and shall schedule the matter for a hearing so that the Arbitrator can render a written decision within 45 days of the delivery to the Department of the Petition for Arbitration.3.4.2 The Arbitrator shall be of suitable background and experience to decide the matter in dispute and shall not be affiliated with any of the parties or with the provider whose service is at issue in the dispute.3.5 Arbitration Hearing 3.5.1 The Arbitrator shall give notice of the arbitration hearing date to the parties at least 10 days prior to the hearing. The parties are not required to appear and may rely on the papers delivered to the Department.3.5.2 The arbitration hearing is to be limited, to the maximum extent possible, to each party being given the opportunity to explain their view of the previously submitted evidence and to answer questions presented to the parties by the Arbitrator.3.5.3 If the Arbitrator allows any brief testimony, the Arbitrator shall allow brief cross-examination or other response by the opposing party.3.5.4 The Delaware Uniform Rules of Evidence will be used for general guidance but will not be strictly applied.3.5.5 Because the testimony may involve evidence relating to personal health information that is confidential and protected by state or federal laws from public disclosure, the arbitration hearing shall be closed unless otherwise agreed by the parties.3.5.6 The Arbitrator may contact, with the parties' consent, individuals or entities identified in the papers by telephone in or outside of the parties' presence for information to resolve the matter.3.5.7 The Arbitrator is to consider the matter based on the submissions of the parties and information otherwise obtained by the Arbitrator in accordance with this regulation. The Arbitrator shall not consider any matter not contained in the original or supplemental submissions of the parties, other than information otherwise obtained by the Arbitrator pursuant to this Regulation, that has not been provided to the opposing party with at least five days' notice, except claims of a continuing nature that are set out in the filed papers.3.6 Arbitrator's Written Decision. 3.6.1 The Arbitrator shall render his decision and mail a copy of the decision to the parties within 45 days of the filing of the Petition.3.6.2 The Arbitrator's decision shall include allowable charges and payments for each service subject to arbitration for a period that will end on the 360th day after the date of the Arbitrator's decision.3.6.3 The Arbitrator's decision is binding upon the carrier except as provided in 18 Del.C. § 332(g).3.7 Arbitration Costs. 3.7.1 In arbitrations commenced pursuant to 18 Del.C. § 332 and Section 3.0 of this Regulation, the carrier shall pay the costs of arbitration, any compensation paid to the arbitrator not to exceed $250, and any additional related fees which exceed the filing fee of $75 required to commence arbitration. In the event the covered person prevails, the $75 filing fee paid by the covered person will be refunded by the carrier.18 Del. Admin. Code § 1315-3.0
21 DE Reg. 581 (1/1/2018)
26 DE Reg. 701 (2/1/2023) (Final)