Program reporting and management information includes ensuring there is an unduplicated work registrant count and meeting federal reporting requirements.
On the last day of each month, the E & T MIS reviews all work registrant transaction summaries to determine referrals from eligibility staff. The E & T MIS produces a count of newly referred work registrants (work registrants not counted in previous months of the federal fiscal year). Additionally, the E & T MIS places a federal fiscal year indicator on each of these work registrants to prevent that individual from being counted again during the current federal fiscal year.
Delaware produces its reports from the aggregate hard copy reports produced by DCIS, E & T MIS, manual reports from Food Stamp Employment and Training staff, and manual reports from community based providers.
Contractors, Food Stamp Employment and Training staff, and our automated systems produce regular reports. Food Stamp Employment and Training staff report the number of work registrants entering a component and the number and reasons for individual exemptions. Community based providers report on the names of work registrants entering a component, and the names of work registrants failing to comply with program requirements (for example, not coming to a scheduled interview, not attending class). Local agencies and contractors report weekly.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 10000-10008