The assistance unit is defined as the total number of persons who are eligible for a separate grant under the particular category.
In RCA, the assistance unit will always include:
Note: In 2 and 3 above, the child or parent must also reside in the home and be otherwise eligible. Examples of persons who are not otherwise eligible include, but are not limited to SSI recipients, Employment and Training sanctioned individuals, and individuals ineligible due to receipt of lump sum income.
EXAMPLE: In RCA, where children who live in the home include the caretaker's own children and a child who is related in some other manner (e.g., niece or nephew), establish two assistance units. One will include the caretaker and his/her children, and the other will include the other related child with the caretaker as payee only. When more than one such child lives in the home, each child will be placed in a separate assistance unit unless the children must be considered together as specified in 1 and 2 above.
A Refugee non- parent needy caretaker relative may be included in the unit if the caretaker so chooses.
For purposes of determining eligibility for cash grants, persons 18 years old and over are considered adults.
An individual is not eligible for RCA as a child the month of his/her 18th birthday if their birthdate is the 1st day of the month. If such children are RCA recipients, they will be removed from the assistance unit the last day of the month prior to the month of their 18th birthday.
An individual is eligible for RCA as the child the month of his/her 18th birthday if their birthday is the 2nd - 31st day of the month. If such children are TANF recipients, they will be removed from the assistance unit effective the last day of the month he/she turns 18.
An individual 18 years of age or older may still receive RCA as an adult.
An 18 year old student who is still a full-time student in high school, GED, or equivalent program and will graduate prior to his/her 19th birthday may receive RCA as a child. The 18 year old would be removed from the assistance unit effective the last day of the month he/she graduates.
Example: Teen A will turn nineteen on October 3, 1994. Teen A will graduate from high school on June 14, 1994. Change Teen A's RCA Employment and Training code to J or K. When Teen A graduates on June 14, 1994, remove Teen A from the grant, effective June 30, 1994.
If the 18 year old originally scheduled to graduate prior to his/her 19th birthday but due to a change will now graduate after turning 19 years old, remove the 18 year old from the assistance unit.
Example: Teen C will turn nineteen on December 3, 1994. Initially, the school reported that Teen C would graduate on June 4, 1994. On March 4, 1994, we learn that Teen C will not graduate until June 4, 1995. Close Teen C in RCA, effective March 31, 1994.
An unmarried parent, under the age of 18, and the dependent child(ren) in his or her care is to reside in the household of a parent, legal guardian, other adult relative, or in an adult supervised supportive living arrangement to receive RCA benefits. The non-parent caretaker of a teen parent must show good cause why the teen is not living with his or her parent. Emancipated minors are considered adults for the purpose of establishing eligibility for assistance. An eligible emancipated minor may receive an assistance grant in his/her own name.
Emancipation must be documented in the case record. Acceptable documentation includes:
If the minor parent and his or her children reside in an adult supervised supportive living arrangement, the Division of Family Services, within the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, must approve the living arrangement by the next redetermination. If the adult supervised supportive living arrangement is not approved by the next redeterminaton, RCA payments should be stopped.
Assistance is to be provided in the form of a protective payment to the minor parent's parent, legal guardian, other adult relative, or adult in the supervised supportive living arrangement.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 8000-8021