The Title IV-E Eligibility worker within the Department of Services to Children, Youth and Their Families will determine if the child is eligible for Title IV-E funds. A child could be in foster care for a period of time before the IV-E eligibility determination is made. The child receives State Only Foster Care payments until Title IV-E eligibility is established. The Title IV-E Eligibility Worker will notify the DSS Social Worker when the Title IV-E determination is completed and the starting date for Title IV-E matching funds. The DSS Social Worker will contact the Title IV-E Eligibility Worker (phone number: 633-2517) at each application and redetermination to determine the foster care funding source. If the funding changes from State Only Foster Care to Title IV-E Foster Care, close the child's public assistance grant.
If a child is living with a minor parent and the minor parent receives Title IV-E Foster Care, the child cannot be included in an RCA grant.
Instead, the Department of Services to Children, Youth and Their Families will include the child in the minor parent's Title IV-E foster child payment as required by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987.
If a child is living with a minor parent and the minor parent receives State Only Foster Care payments, the child may receive public assistance. The minor parent cannot be included in the public assistance program.
The minor parent may be an RCA payee if she cares for the child and is capable of handling funds. Contact the minor parent's Child Protective Services worker for this determination.
If someone other than the minor parent cares for the child or if the minor parent is not capable of handling funds, an adult in the household may be payee. If the adult meets the definition of a "specified relative" (Social Services Manual Section 3004), that adult may receive TANF for the child. If the adult does not meet the definition of a "specified relative," that adult may receive GA for the child.
The minor parent is not included in the RCA grant and the State Only Foster Care payment is not considered income to the child.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 8000-8007