Statutory Authority
42 CFR 435.116
42 CFR 435.170
A pregnant woman who is found to be eligible for Medicaid and receives services during her pregnancy will continue to be eligible for Medicaid from verification of her pregnancy until at least 12 months after the pregnancy ends. Eligibility will be a continuous 12 month period after the pregnancy ends unless one the of the following applies:
* The woman requests Medicaid termination
* The woman moves out of state
* It is found that eligibility was determined incorrectly because of error or fraud, abuse, or perjury attributed to the woman
* Death
Infants born to Medicaid eligible mothers are deemed eligible for Medicaid for one year as long as the mother remains eligible and the child remains in the house with the mother.
See 15200.6 Postpartum Period
16 Del. Admin. Code § 13000-13405