To facilitate their participation in the Program, households in which all members are applying for or receiving SSI may apply for food stamp benefits in Social Security Administration (SSA) offices if:
Households applying simultaneously for SSI and food stamps are subject to food stamp eligibility criteria. Base benefit levels solely on food stamp eligibility criteria until the household is considered categorically eligible. However, households in which all members are either TANF/GA/RCA or SSI recipients or authorized to receive TANF/GA/RCA or SSI benefits as defined in DSSM 9042 are food stamp eligible based on their TANF/GA/RCA/SSI status as provided for in that section. Households denied NPA food stamps that have an SSI application pending will be informed on the DCIS notice of denial of the possibility of categorical eligibility if they become SSI recipients.
Applications will be considered filed for normal processing purposes when the signed application is received by SSA. Expedited processing time standards will begin on the date DSS receives a food stamp application.
Food Stamp applications and supporting documentation sent to an incorrect DSS office will be sent by DSS within one working day of receipt of the application, to the correct office.
Applications and accompanying information must be forwarded to the agreed upon address in accordance with the time standards contained in (2) above.
In no event would the applicant be required to appear at the food stamp office to finalize the eligibility determination. Further contact made in accordance with this section will not constitute a second food stamp verification interview.
Process these applications in accordance with the procedures noted in DSSM 9027 and DSSM 9028 . Applications from such households will be considered filed on the date the signed application is taken at the correct DSS office, and the normal and expedited processing time standards will begin on that date.
All SSI households entitled to expedited service will be certified in accordance with DSSM 9041 except that the expedited processing time standard will begin on the date the application is received at the correct DSS office.
Do not require the household to be interviewed again in the food stamp office. Do not contact the household further in order to obtain information for certification for food stamp benefits except in accordance with (5) above.
This material will inform the household of the following:
Address and telephone number of the household's correct food stamp office, the remaining actions to be taken in the application process, and a statement that a household should be notified of the food stamp determination within thirty (30) days and can contact DSS if it receives no notification within thirty days, or has other questions or problems. It will also include the client's rights and responsibilities (including fair hearings, authorized representatives, out-of-office interviews, reporting changes and timely reapplication), information on how to obtain food stamp benefits, and how to use food stamp benefits.
Information verified through SDX or BENDEX will not be reverified unless it is questionable. Households will be given the opportunity to provide verification from another source if all necessary information is not available on the SDX or the BENDEX, or if the SDX/BENDEX information is contradictory to other household information.
The notice will also explain that its certification period is expiring because of changes in circumstances which may affect food stamp eligibility or benefit levels and that the households may be entitled to an out-of-office interview, in accordance with DSSM 9030.
Allow SSI households to submit food stamp applications to DSS offices rather than through SSA if the household chooses.
In such cases, all verification, including that pertaining to SSI program benefits, will be provided by the household, by SDX or BENDEX, or obtained by the State agency rather than being provided by SSA.
Restore to the household benefits which were lost whenever the loss was caused by an error by DSS or by SSA through joint processing.
Such an error will include, but not be limited to, the loss of an applicant's food stamp application after it had been filed with SSA. Lost benefits will be restored in accordance with DSSM 9011.
Complete application process and approve or deny timely applications for recertification in accordance with DSSM 9091.
Jointly processed households which have received a food stamp notice of expiration and go to an SSA office for an SSI redetermination will be entitled to make a timely application for recertification at the SSA office. SSA will forward the completed application, transmittal form, and any available verification to the designated food stamp office.
A face-to-face interview will be waived if requested by a household consisting entirely of SSI participants unable to appoint an authorized representative. Provide SSI households with a notice of expiration in accordance with DSSM 9006, except that such notification will inform households consisting entirely of SSI recipients that they are entitled to a waiver of a face-to-face interview if the household is unable to appoint an authorized representative.
Such households will not be required to appear at a second office interview, although DSS may conduct an out-of-office interview, if necessary.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 9000-9043