Provide eligible households that complete the initial application process an opportunity to participate as soon as possible, but no later that 30 calendar days following the date the application was filed. The following exception applies for residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and food stamp benefits prior to release from the institution per DSSM 9015. For residents of public institutions who apply for food stamps prior to their release from the institution, provide an opportunity to participate as soon as possible, but not later than 30 calendar days from the date of release of the applicant from the institution.
The 30 day period begins on the day following the date of the application (do not include the date of application in the thirty (30) days).
Action (computer input) must take place on or before the 26th day for mailed EBT cards. Do not delay due to weekends or holidays. If work cannot be completed by the 26th day, the worker issues a pending notice (Form 340) on the 26th day. If the 26th day falls on a weekend or holiday, action must take place on the last preceding day. Action must take place on the 27th, 28th, or 29th day for those clients picking up their EBT cards at a card issuance site. This ensures the client can have access to their benefits by the 30th day.
Instances of computer error, such as computer down time, will still be considered errors by FNS, but worker will document the reason in the case record.
9 DE Reg. 799 (11/01/05)
An opportunity to participate consists of providing households with Food Stamp benefits they can access by the 30th day.
Households that are found to be ineligible must be sent a notice of denial as soon as possible but not later than 30 days following the date the application was filed. If the household has failed to appear for a scheduled interview and has made no subsequent contact with DSS to express interest in pursuing the application, send the household a notice of denial on the 30th day following the date of application. The household must file a new application if it wishes to participate in the program. If the 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday, action must take place on the next working day.
In cases where DSS was able to conduct an interview and request all of the necessary verification on the same day the application was filed, and no subsequent requests for verification have been made, DSS may also deny the application on the 30th day if the Division provided assistance to the household in obtaining verification per DSSM 9035.1, but the household failed to provide the requested verification.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 9000-9039