7 CFR 273.2(f)(9)
Use information obtained through the IEVS to verify the eligibility and benefit level of applicant and participating households, in accordance with procedures specified in DSSM 2013.1. Disclosure safeguards must be satisfied, per DSSM 9003.
Take action, including proper notices to households, to terminate, deny, or reduce benefits based on information obtained through the IEVS which is considered verified upon receipt. This information is social security and SSI benefit information obtained from SSA and UIB information obtained from DOL. If DSS has information that the IEVS obtained information about a particular household is questionable, consider this information unverified. Unverified information is:
. Wage information from SSA and DOL;
. Any questionable IEVS information.
Prior to taking action to terminate, deny, or reduce benefits based on unverified information obtained through IEVS, independently verify the information. Independent verification includes verification of the amount of the asset or income involved, whether the household actually has or had access to such asset or income that it would be considered countable for food benefit purposes, and the period during which such access occurred. When DSS has information indicating that independent verification is unnecessary, such verification is not required.
Obtain independent verification of unverified information from IEVS by contacting the household and/or the appropriate income, resource or benefit source. When contacting the household, do so in writing, informing the household of the information DSS has received, and requesting that the household respond within ten (10) days. If the household fails to respond in a timely manner, send a notice of adverse action.
Contact the appropriate source by the means best suited to the situation. When the household or appropriate source provides the independent verification, properly notify the household of the action DSS intends to take and provide the household with an opportunity to request a fair hearing prior to any adverse action.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 9000-9037