It is not a requirement that the head of household appear at the office for certification to the program. Another responsible member of the household or the authorized representative may appear to make application for benefits.
When designating the head of household, the household may select an adult parent of children (of any age) living in the household, or an adult who has parental control over children (under 18 years of age) living in the household, as the head of household. All adult household members must agree to the selection.
Households can select their heads of households at each certification action or whenever there is a change in household composition. The Application (Form 100) contains the written notification about designating the head of household.
Failure to designate or agree on a head of household will not delay certification or cause benefits to be denied. DSS will designate a head of household if the household does not designate one or the adults do not agree on a designation. If DSS has to designate a head of household, the designee will be the principal wage earner.
For purposes of failure to comply with DSSM 9018, the head of household shall be the principal wage earner unless the household has selected an adult parent of children. The principal wage earner is the household member (including excluded members) who is the greatest source of earned income in the two months prior to the month of the violation. This provision applies only if the employment involves 20 hours or more per week or provides weekly earnings at least equivalent to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 20 hours.
No person of any age living with a parent or person fulfilling the role of a parent who is registered for work or exempt from work registration requirements because such parent or person fulfilling the role of a parent is subject to and participating in the Food Stamp Employment and Training (FS E&T) Program, or is in receipt of unemployment compensation (or has registered for work as part of the UC application process), or is employed or self-employed and working a minimum of 30 hours weekly or receiving a weekly earnings equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours can be considered the head of household. If there is no principal source of earned income in the household, the household member documented in the casefile as head of the household at the time of the violation will be considered the head of household.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 9000-9014