Income is any type of money payment that is of gain or benefit to a family. Income is either counted or excluded in the budgeting process.
A family's countable income less disregards is subtracted from the applicable standard of need to determine the amount of the assistance grant.
All countable income must be documented in the case record. (Information obtained through IEVS on UC and RSDI benefits is verified. No other documentation is needed in the case record. See DSSM 2013.5 regarding special processing instructions for applicants claiming RSDI benefits.)
Income which is casual and inconsequential will not be considered as available income. Casual or inconsequential income is defined as income which is under $30 per recipient per calendar quarter, non- recurrent, and usually unpredictable, such as a holiday, birthday, or graduation gift. The income from a gift can be divided among the members of the budget group if the recipient of the gift claims it was intended for all of the group members.
EXAMPLE: Mrs. Jones receives a $150 Christmas gift. The gift is intended to be used for Mrs. Jones and her four (4) children who receive TANF. All of this income can be disregarded since it does not exceed $30 per recipient when divided among the TANF budget group members.
All of the income of a parent who lives in the home and who is not a recipient of TANF, GA, or SSI, but whose child receives TANF or GA is attributable to the child and budgeted. Disregards are deducted from the parents' income.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 4000-4003