A fair hearing is an administrative hearing held in accordance with the principles of due process. An opportunity for a fair hearing will be provided, subject to the provisions in policy at DSSM sections 5000-5607.
The applicant must meet certain medical and financial criteria in order to be eligible for benefits from the Chronic Renal Disease Program. (For eligibility criteria see DSSM sections 50600 and 50700) A waiting list will be maintained according to the need of each client/potential client, with those with most critical needs served first.
Referrals are prioritized on the waiting list according to medical/financial need.
The number of clients served by the CRDP program is limited by the amount of available funds. If the CRDP budget has been depleted prior to the end of the fiscal year, clients on the CRDP waiting list will be processed for CRDP benefits at the beginning of next fiscal year.
Within 24 hours of referral receipt, medical eligibility specific to the individual's need will be determined. The order of priority will be medications/supplements and transportation services.
Within 24 hours of referral receipt, financial eligibility and specific need will be determined. Clients, who have a documented medical need and appear to be financially eligible for CRDP, with limited income and no insurance, will be given highest priority.
The order of priority will be clients with limited income and no insurance coverage, minimal insurance coverage, or insurance copays.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 50000-50900