7 CFR 273.17, 45 CFR 233.20(a)(12)
This policy applies to cash assistance and food benefit applicants and recipients that received less benefits than they were eligible to receive. The need for restoration may be identified by the client or DHSS. Eligibility for restoration may also be determined by a court or administrative hearing decision or a change in law.
An under-issuance occurs when the amount of benefit that the household received was less than the benefit the household was entitled to receive. In these instances DSS will issue a benefit equal to the difference between what was received and what should have been received. This is called a restoration.
Exception: Restorations are not issued when funding is not available. |
Benefit restorations must be approved by a designated authority. The following are authorized to approve restorations as indicated.
If the client has an unpaid overpayment or claim, the agency will first use the restoration to reduce the overpayment or claim. Any remaining funds are sent to the client. See DSSM 7002.1 and DSSM 9011.1.
Issue benefit restorations even if a household's membership has changed. In this instance issue the restoration to the household containing a majority of the individuals who were household members at the time the loss occurred. If the agency cannot locate or determine the household which contains a majority of household members, the agency will issue the restoration to the household containing the head of the household at the time the loss occurred.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 2000-2011