Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 4464-9.0 - Operation, Maintenance, General Sanitation, Personnel, Supervision And Safety9.1 Operation and Maintenance 9.1.1 All pools, their premises, and appurtenances, shall be operated and maintained at all times with regard to the safety of bathers and employees.9.1.2 All plumbing shall be properly installed and maintained.9.1.3 During an electrical storm, use of any pool (indoor or outdoor) shall be prohibited.9.1.4 Alcoholic beverages shall be prohibited in the pool and on the pool deck.9.1.5 Food and beverages shall be prohibited in the pool and within four (4) feet of the pool edge.9.1.6 Glass or other breakable containers, utensils, etc. shall be prohibited within the pool fence, pool room or bathhouse facilities.9.1.7 Pool walls and floors shall be refinished when safe sanitary conditions cannot be maintained.9.1.8 Any deck/walkway areas that are hazardous to patrons or their bare feet (e.g. tripping, abrasions, splinters, etc.) or do not properly drain, shall be repaired or replaced such that the hazard or drainage problem is eliminated.9.1.9 Any electrical hazard shall be eliminated.9.1.10 All pools which have a slope break, shall install a line of contrasting color one (1) to two (2) feet on the shallow side of the break directly under the safety line that is either: solid and at least two (2) inches wide or intermittent with sections that are at least four (4) inches by four (4) inches and not more than one (1) foot apart on centers.9.1.11 All pools which have steps or benches, shall install a solid marking line of contrasting color which is at least one (1) inch wide on the top surface edge of each pool step or bench.9.1.12 All pools which have any type of overflow gutter or a safety ledge with a submerged protruding edge, shall install a solid marking line of contrasting color which is at least one (1) inch wide on the top surface edge of the gutter.9.2 General Sanitation and Sanitary Facilities9.2.1 All pools and related facilities shall be maintained in a clean sanitary condition.9.2.2 The pool floor, walls, deck, walkways and bathhouse facilities shall be cleaned and disinfected with an approved disinfectant as often as necessary in order to maintain an environment which is free of sediment, dirt, algae, grass/weeds and foreign objects.9.2.3 All garbage shall be stored in containers which are sufficient in number and properly covered so as not to attract vermin.9.2.4 Effective control measures shall be utilized to minimize or eliminate the presence of rodents, flies, roaches or other vermin.9.2.5 All pools shall have at least one (1) permanent or portable water closet for the lifeguard/attendant, which is accessible when the pool is open and is located such that the path of travel from the nearest pool entrance/exit does not exceed five hundred (500) feet. If a portable water closet is provided, it shall be properly vented, designed to exclude flies, equipped with a self-closing door, provided with toilet tissue and maintained in a clean sanitary condition and be located contiguous to the pool deck or pool room.9.3 Animals9.3.1 With the exception of guide / service animals for persons with disabilities, animals shall be prohibited within the pool fence, pool room or bathhouse facilities.9.4 Bathing Suits 9.4.1 It is recommended that all bathers should wear bathing suits. A bathing suit is a garment designed for that purpose which covers the buttocks (male and female) and breasts (female).9.4.2 If anyone who is not toilet trained is going to use a pool, the operator shall take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that fecal material does not enter the water (e.g. requiring the use of a swimsuit diaper).9.4.3 Should fecal material enter any pool, the pool shall be closed immediately and the operator shall follow Division procedures for reopening.9.5 Bather Health 9.5.1 Any person with evidence of an open sore, a bandaged wound or diarrhea shall be prohibited from entering the pool water. Any person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be prohibited from entering the pool.9.6 Lifeguard 9.6.1 Unless exempted by 16 Del.C., each pool that is greater than four (4) feet deep (any portion) shall have a lifeguard on duty when the pool is open.9.6.2 If a lifeguard who is working alone must leave poolside, for whatever reason, he/she shall take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that no one remains in or enters the water in his/her absence.9.6.3 Copies of training/certification documentation for all lifeguards currently employed by the pool's management shall be present at the pool when it is open.9.6.4 No person shall serve as a lifeguard unless he or she meets all of the following training requirements and can produce the appropriate documentation upon request of the Division: Current certification in National YMCA Lifeguarding, or American Red Cross Basic Lifeguarding, [Ellis and Associates International Lifeguard Training Program], Aquatic Resource Service Associates Aquatic Rescue Training or approved equivalent. Current certification in American Red Cross, American Heart Association, or National Safety Council (NSC) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), or approved equivalent, that includes training in: one (1) person adult CPR, child CPR and infant CPR. Current certification in American Red Cross Standard First Aid, or approved equivalent, that includes training in: obstructed airway, artificial breathing, control of bleeding, and treatment for shock.9.7 Attendant9.7.1 If none of the pools at a facility require a lifeguard based on depth, each pool, with the exception of those exempted by 16 Del.C., shall have an attendant on duty when the pool is open.9.7.2 If an attendant who is working alone must leave poolside, for whatever reason, he/she shall take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that no one remains in or enters the water in his/her absence.9.7.3 In facilities with a spa pool(s) only, if the attendant is not in direct view of the pool, he/she shall be located such that the poolside alarm required by Section 9.19. can be easily heard.9.7.4 Copies of training/certification documentation for all attendants currently employed by the pool's management shall be present at the pool when it is open.9.7.5 No person shall serve as an attendant unless he or she meets all of the following training requirements and can produce the appropriate documentation upon request of the Division: Current certification in American Red Cross, American Heart Association or NSC Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), or approved equivalent that includes training in: one person adult CPR, child CPR and infant CPR. Current certification in American Red Cross Standard First Aid, or approved equivalent, that includes training in: obstructed airway, artificial breathing, control of bleeding, and treatment for shock.9.8 Lifeguard Warning Sign 9.8.1 Any exempted pool or any pool with a maximum depth of four (4) feet that does not have a lifeguard or attendant on duty shall conspicuously post the following sign at the pool entrance(s) and at least one (1) other location inside the pool room/fence: "WARNING NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY" in letters at least four (4) inches high along with "CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF SIXTEEN (16) SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN" in letters at least one (1) inch high. (NOTE -A guardian is an adult designated by a parent who is responsible for the children and their behavior)9.9 Lifeguard Stand 9.9.1 All pools with a water surface area greater than two thousand (2000) square feet shall have at least one (1) lifeguard stand.9.9.2 The lifeguard stand shall be at poolside, however, no part of the stand shall extend past the edge of the pool.9.10 Unsupervised Solo Bathing - Unsupervised solo bathing shall be prohibited at all pools with the exception of those exempted by 16 Del.C.9.11 Injury, Resuscitation or Death9.11.1 The Division shall be notified within twenty-four (24) hours of any incident at a pool which: requires referral to a hospital, doctor or other facility for medical attention; requires resuscitation; or results in death.9.11.2 The notification shall be followed up by a written report within thirty (30) days which contains all pertinent details of the incident.9.12 Pool Security 9.12.1 All entrances to indoor pools shall be equipped with locks and each entrance shall be locked when the pool is closed.9.12.2 All outdoor pools shall be enclosed by a fence which provides a barrier that is at least four (4) feet high everywhere [six (6) feet recommended], measured from ground level outside the fence.9.12.3 All pool fences shall be equipped with a locking gate which shall be locked when the pool is closed.9.13 Depth Markings9.13.1 With the exception of wading pools and spa pools, the water depth of all pools, in feet to the nearest one half (1/2) foot, shall be plainly marked at or above the water surface on the vertical pool wall, and on the coping or deck within eighteen (18) inches of the pool edge. For pools with open gutters, the depth marking required on the vertical pool wall may be located on the wall of the room for indoor pools, and on the fence for outdoor pools.9.13.2 These pairs of depth markings shall be located at the points of minimum depth, maximum depth, intermediate depths at no more than two (2) foot depth increments, breaks in slope and on each end of the pool.9.13.3 All depth markings shall be at least four (4) inches high, of a contrasting color and spaced no more than twenty-five (25) feet apart on the pool perimeter.9.13.4 Markings on the pool walls shall be positioned to be read from the water. Markings on the deck shall be positioned to be read while standing on the deck and facing the pool and shall be slip resistant.9.14 Safety Line9.14.1 Whenever non-swimmers are in the water, all pools that have a slope break shall have a safety line located at least one (1) foot and not more than two (2) feet on the shallow side of the slope break, directly above the line on the bottom required by Section The safety line shall have clearly visible colored floats spaced not more than five (5) feet apart. The safety line shall be of sufficient size and strength to provide a handhold which will support any bather who is in need of help and the connections to the pool wall shall be recessed.9.15 Safety Equipment - All pools shall have the following safety equipment which shall be easily accessible: 9.15.1 A telephone, Each facility shall have a functional telephone or other communication device that is hard wired and capable of directly dialing 911 or function as the emergency notification system. The telephone or communication system or device shall be conspicuously provided and accessible to aquatic venue users such that it can be reached immediately. Alternate functional systems, devices, or communication processes are allowed with AHJ approval in situations when a hardwired telephone is not logistically sound, and an alternate means of communication is available. A permanent sign providing emergency dialing directions and the aquatic facility address shall be posted and maintained at the emergency telephone, system or device.9.15.2 A first aid kit An adequate supply of first aid supplies shall be continuously stocked and include, at a minimum, as follows: A First Aid Guide, Absorbent compress, Adhesive bandages, Adhesive tape, Disposable gloves, Two Emergency blankets, Resuscitation mask with one-way valve, and9. Blood borne pathogen spill kit. The public pool shall have designated locations for emergency and first aid equipment.9.15.3 Signage - shall be provided at the aquatic facility or each aquatic venue, as necessary, which clearly identifies the following: Sign Indicating First Aid Location9. First aid location(s), and9. Emergency telephone(s) or approved communication system or device. Emergency Dialing Instructions A permanent sign providing emergency dialing directions and the aquatic facility address shall be posted and maintained at the emergency telephone, system or device. Management Contact Info A permanent sign shall be conspicuously posted and maintained displaying contact information for emergency personnel and aquatic facility management. Hours of Operation A sign shall be posted stating the following: The operating hours of the aquatic facility, and9. Unauthorized use of the aquatic facility outside of these hours is prohibited.9.15.4 In addition to the above, all pools without a lifeguard on duty (those exempted by 16 Del.C.) shall also be equipped with the following safety equipment which shall be and easily accessible: One (1) or more lightweight poles at least twelve (12) and not more than fifteen (15) feet long, and equipped with a shepherd's hook. One ring buoy at least eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) inches in diameter attached to at least fifty (50) feet of rope. In addition to the above, all pools with a lifeguard on duty shall also be equipped with the following safety equipment that shall be made easily accessible: One rigid backboard (long board) with at least three (3) attached ties/straps which is compatible for transport in the Delaware State Police MED-E-VAC helicopter, meets the design requirements of Emergency Medical Services, and is approved by the Division. Six (6) attached ties/straps are recommended. If a pool, because of size, will not accommodate a long board being placed under a bather, a reduced backboard (short board) with at least one (1) tie/strap may be substituted. Current specification requirements for backboards are available upon request from the Division. (NOTE - This is not required for exempted pools that operate without a lifeguard). In place of a ring buoy, at least one (1) rescue tube for each lifeguard on duty.9.16 Diving 9.16.1 With the exception of official competition or when there is qualified instruction, diving shall be prohibited into water that is five (5) feet deep or less.9.16.2 At Swimming and water slide flume pools, all areas where the water is five (5) feet deep or less shall be clearly labeled "No Diving" on the coping (edge of the deck).9.16.3 The "No Diving" markings shall be: of a contrasting color; easily readable;, slip resistant and at least four (4) inches high consisting of the words "No Diving," the words "No Diving" in combination with the picture (international) sign (diver inside a red circle with a red line across), or other approved markings.9.16.4 The number of markings shall be at least equal to the number of depth markings within the "No Diving Area".9.17 Shallow End Starting Blocks9.17.1 Shallow end starting blocks (water depth that is five (5) feet or less) shall be removed when there is no official competition, instruction or practice.9.17.2 Shallow end starting blocks that are not removable shall be labeled "starting blocks shall be used only during official competition or when there is qualified instruction."9.18 Wading Pool Supervision 9.18.1 It is recommended that all children using a wading pool be supervised by a responsible person who is at least sixteen (16) years of age.9.19 Attendant Alarm 9.19.1 Any spa pool, with the exception of those at facilities exempted by 16 Del.C., which is located such that it is not in direct view of the attendant shall have, in the immediate vicinity of the pool, a clearly labeled alarm device that can be activated when a bather is in trouble and is easily heard throughout the area or building.9.19.2 This alarm shall produce a distinctly different sound than that of the high temperature alarm.9.20 Spa Pool Warning Sign 9.20.1 A clearly visible sign shall be mounted at the entrance of each Spa pool facility or adjacent to each spa pool and shall include, but is not limited to, the following: All bathers should take a shower prior to entering. Enter and exit slowly and cautiously. Unsupervised solo bathing is prohibited. Use by anyone underfive (5) years of age is prohibited unless there is documented written permission from their physician. Elderly persons and anyone with heart disease, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, or anyone under a physician's care should not enter without consulting with their physician. Pregnant women should not enter unless the temperature is less than 102oF. Hot water immersion while under the influence of, anticoagulants, antihistamines, vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, stimulants, hypnotics, narcotics or tranquilizers may be hazardous to your health and is prohibited. Observe a fifteen (15) minute time limit, then shower, cool down and return if you wish. Longer exposures to this water may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting. Do not submerge to the bottom of the pool, hair may become entangled in bottom outlet. Long hair should be tied in a knot or a bun in order to keep it out of the water. No body lotions or oils are permitted.9.21 Spa Pool Timer Switch 9.21.1 All Spa pools shall have a clearly labeled reversible aeration/jetting system timer switch with a fifteen (15) minute time limit located in the pool area but such that it cannot be reset from within the pool.9.22 Spa Pool Temperature/High Temperature Prevention System9.22.1 The water temperature in spa pools shall not exceed 104oF.9.22.2 All spa pools shall have a thermometer that is measuring the current water temperature.9.22.3 If the thermometer is in the pool, it shall be non-glass and tethered.9.22.4 All spa pools shall be equipped with an approved system that will ensure that the water does not exceed 104oF (e.g. a high temperature alarm, an automatic heater shut off device, etc.) The alarm shall produce a distinctly different sound than that of the attendant alarm.9.22.5 If there is a documented history of high temperature violations, the high temperature prevention system shall be replaced/upgraded.9.22.6 The Division may test the high temperature prevention system to ensure proper operation.9.23 Spa Pool Clock9.23.1 A clock which is easily readable from the spa pool shall be provided.9.24 Water Slide Flume-Head of the Flume Personnel9.24.1 At least one person who meets the training requirements of Section 9.7. shall be stationed at the head of the flume to supervise and control the start of each slider, the spacing of sliders and the monitoring of the downward progress of each slider.9.25 Water Slide Flume-Splash Pool Attendant 9.25.1 At least one attendant shall be stationed near the end of the flume/run out to supervise and control the sliders as they arrive.9.25.2 Additional attendants shall be required at the discretion of the Division.9.26 Ventilation 9.26.1 All bathhouse rooms, equipment rooms, chemical storage rooms and indoor pool rooms shall be provided with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation such that satisfactory indoor air quality is maintained.9.27 Cartridge Filtration 9.27.1 All pools with cartridge filtration systems shall have at least one (1) spare cartridge for each cartridge in use, which is clean and ready for installation, along with at least one (1) vat which is capable of submerging all of the cartridges from one filter vessel.9.27.2 Pools with modular media cartridge filtration shall have at least one (1) spare cartridge for each type of cartridge in use, which is clean and ready for installation.9.27.3 When cartridges become clogged to the extent that cleaning does not restore them, or they become damaged, they shall be discarded.9.28 Fecal/Vomit/Blood Contamination Response 9.28.1 Contamination Response Plan All public pools shall have a Contamination Response Plan for responding to formed-stool contamination, diarrheal-stool contamination, vomit contamination, and contamination involving blood.9.28.2 Contamination Training9.28.2.1 The Contamination Response Plan shall include procedures for response and cleanup, provisions for training staff in these procedures, and a list of equipment and supplies for clean-up. A minimum of one person on-site while the public pool is open for use shall be: Trained in the procedures for response to formed-stool contamination, diarrheal contamination, vomit contamination, and blood contamination; and9. Trained in Personal Protective Equipment and other OSHA measures including the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 to minimize exposure to bodily fluids that may be encountered as employees in an aquatic environment. Informed - Staff shall be informed of any updates to the response plan. Equipment and Supply Verification - The availability of equipment and supplies for remediation procedures shall be verified by the qualified operator at least weekly. Plan Review - The response plan shall be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary. Plan Availability - The response plan shall be kept on site and available for viewing by the Division.9.28.3 Aquatic Venue Water Contamination Response9.28.3.1 Closure - In the event of a fecal or vomit contamination in a public pool, the trained staff shall immediately close the public pool to swimmers until remediation procedures are complete. Closure Includes - This closure shall include the affected Public pool and other public pool venues that share the same recirculation system. Physical Removal - Contaminating material shall be removed (e.g., using a net, scoop, or bucket) and disposed of in a sanitary manner. Clean / Disinfect Net or Scoop9. Fecal or vomit contamination of the item used to remove the contamination (e.g., the net or bucket) shall be removed by thorough cleaning followed by disinfection (e.g., after cleaning, leave the net, scoop, or bucket immersed in the pool during the disinfection procedure prescribed for formed-stool, diarrheal-stool, or vomit contamination, as appropriate). No Vacuum Cleaners Aquatic vacuum cleaners shall not be used for removal of contamination from the water or adjacent surfaces unless vacuum waste is discharged to a sanitary sewer and the vacuum equipment can be adequately disinfected. Treated - Public Pool water that has been contaminated by feces or vomit shall be treated as follows: Check to ensure that the water's pH is 7.5 or lower and adjust if necessary; Verify and maintain water temperature at 77°F (25°C) or higher; Operate the filtration/recirculation system while the POOL reaches and maintains the proper free CHLORINE concentration during the remediation process; Test the chlorine residual at multiple sampling points to ensure the proper free chlorine concentration is achieved throughout the pool for the entire disinfection time; and9. Use only non-stabilized chlorine products to raise the free chlorine levels during the remediation.9.28.4 Aquatic Venue Water Contamination Disinfection Formed-Stool Contamination Formed-stool contaminated water shall have the free chlorine residual checked and the free chlorine residual raised to 2.0 mg/L (if less than 2.0 mg/L) and maintained for at least 25 minutes (or an equivalent time and concentration to reach the CT value) before reopening the public pool. Pools Containing Chlorine Stabilizers - In public pool water that contains cyanuric acid or a stabilized chlorine product, water shall be treated by doubling the inactivation time required. Measurement of Inactivation Time - Measurement of the inactivation time required shall start when the public pool reaches the intended free Chlorine level. Diarrheal-Stool Contamination9. Diarrheal-stool contaminated water shall: Check the free chlorine residual and then raise the free chlorine residual to 20.0 mg/L and maintain for at least 12.75 hours (or an equivalent time and concentration to reach the CT value before reopening the public pool, or9. Circulate the water through a secondary disinfection system to theoretically reduce the number of Cryptosporidium oocysts in the public pool below one oocyst/100 mL. Pools Containing Chlorine Stabilizers In AQUATIC VENUE water that contains cyanuric acid or a stabilized chlorine product, water shall be treated by: Lowering the pH to 6.5, raising the free chlorine residual to 40 mg/L using a non-stabilized chlorine product, and maintaining at 40 mg/L for at least 30 hours or an equivalent time and concentration needed to reach the CT value. (Measurement of the inactivation time required shall start when the aquatic venue reaches the intended free chlorine level.) or; Circulating the water through a secondary disinfection system to theoretically reduce the number of Cryptosporidium oocyst in the public pool below one oocyst/100 mL or; Draining the AQUATIC VENUE completely.9.28.5 Vomit-Contamination Vomit-contaminated water shall have the free chlorine residual checked and the free chlorine residual raised to 2.0 mg/L (if less than 2.0 mg/L) and maintained for at least 25 minutes (or an equivalent time and concentration to reach the CT VALUE) before reopening the public pool. Pools Containing Chlorine Stabilizers9. In public pool water that contains cyanuric acid or a stabilized chlorine product, water shall be treated by doubling the inactivation time9.28.5.3 Measurement of the Inactivation Time Measurement of the inactivation time required shall start when the public pool reaches the intended free chlorine level.9.28.6 Blood-Contamination Blood contamination of a properly maintained public pool's water does not pose a public health risk to swimmers. Operators Choose Treatment Method9. Operators may choose whether or not to close the public pool and treat as a formed stool contamination to satisfy patron concerns.9.28.7 Procedures for Brominated Pools Formed-stool, diarrheal-stool, or vomit-contaminated water in a brominated public pool shall have chlorine added to the public pool in an amount that will increase the free chlorine residual to the level specified for the specific type of contamination for the specified time. Bromine Residual The bromine residual shall be adjusted if necessary before reopening the public pool.9.28.8 Surface Contamination Cleaning and Disinfection Limit Access - If a bodily fluid, such as feces, vomit, or blood, has contaminated a surface in an public pool, facility staff shall limit access to the affected area until remediation procedures have been completed. Clean Surfaces - Before disinfection, all visible contaminant shall be cleaned and removed with disposable cleaning products effective with regard to type of contaminant present, type of surface to be cleaned, and the location within the facility. Contaminant Removal and Disposal - contaminant removed by cleaning shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner or as required by law. Disinfect Surface - Contaminated surfaces shall be disinfected with one of the following disinfection solution: 1:10 dilution of fresh household bleach with water; or9. An equivalent EPA Registered disinfectant that has been approved for body fluids disinfection. Soak - The disinfectant shall be left to soak on the affected area for a minimum of 20 minutes or as otherwise indicated on the disinfectant label directions. Remove - Disinfectant shall be removed by cleaning and shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner or as required by the Division.16 Del. Admin. Code § 4464-9.0
19 DE Reg. 309( 10/1/2015) (Final)